In Sangod town of Kota district, an old woman wanders around with a snake on her shoulder, believing it to be the reincarnation of her son. Surprisingly the snake stayed still on the woman’s shoulder.
Even today, in the age of science, miracles happen that make us wonder about the mysteries of nature. After seeing a snake, many people hesitate to go near it.. But a case of an old woman walking around carrying a snake on her shoulder, believing it to be her reincarnation, came to light in Sangod town of Kota district. the son Surprisingly, the snake did not hurt the woman even once, even though it was roaming around the whole village. He stayed quietly on her shoulder.
Locals say that they saw a snake entering a house and came to kill it. Meanwhile Badai Bai comes there and refuses to kill the snake. With this, the snake folds its hands and waits longer if it is God; Otherwise you have to go out of the house. When the snake did not move from its place, the woman approached it, sat down with folded hands and said that it was the reincarnation of her son. After that the snake came and sat on the woman’s lap. Then, after some time, he went behind the rocks.
The woman’s son died 18 years ago
The woman’s son Rajulal said that his elder brother Hansraj drowned while taking a bath in Parwan river 18 years ago. In such a situation, after this miracle, it is believed that somewhere in the family Hansraj was reborn in the form of a snake. Later, the villagers also gathered to see this scene. The woman unrolled the cloth on the platform and released the snake. In addition, the woman and her family members put white marks on the snake to prevent people from killing it.
The snake catcher explained the reason why the snake did not bite
After a video of a woman carrying a snake on her shoulder surfaced on social media, snake catcher Vishnu Shrangi was contacted for information. After seeing the video and photo, the snake catcher said that the snake was a cobra.
Looking at the video, it looks like a snake left by a snakebite. A venom gland protrudes from its mouth, or the snake’s mouth has been injured by something. This did not cause any harm to the woman. Even if the woman called him her son.