What is a Urinary Tract Infection? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that begins in the urinary system. The urinary system includes the bladder, kidneys,
ureters (the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder) and the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body).
An infection can be limited to the bladder. However, if the infection is not treated promptly or completely, it can spread to the kidneys
(called pyelonephritis), causing serious consequences.
The urinary tract infection is the second most common infection after respiratory infection. It is estimated that each year, 8 to 10 million people in the United States get a urinary tract infection, most of them women.
Natural Remedies for a Urinary Tract Infection
Although natural remedies are being studied for urinary tract infections, it is important to seek medical attention and not self-medicate. If improperly treated, a urinary tract infection may spread to the kidneys. This can occur even though a person’s symptoms appear to improve.
1) Cranberry
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon or Vacinnium oxycoccus) has been used for more than a century as a home remedy to prevent and treat urinary tract infection.
Although it was previously thought that cranberries worked by making the urine more acidic, more recent evidence suggests that constituents in cranberries called proanthocyanins prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. This is thought to allow urine to wash away bacteria.
A study published in the Canadian Journal of Urology in 2002 compared pure cranberry juice, cranberry extract tablets, and a placebo in 150 women at high risk for infections. Both the juice and the tablets significantly reduced the UTI. Of the two, the tablets were the most effective. The National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Health recently launched a $2.6 million initiative for research into cranberries.
Cranberry juice should be unsweetened. Unsweetened juice can often be found in health food stores.
More on Cranberry for Urinary Tract Infections.
2) Ursi Ursi
Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) is a herb that is used as a folk remedy for certain types of urinary tract infection. The active component, arbutin, appears to be broken down and then excreted in the kidneys, where it appears to have antiseptic properties.
Tannins are compounds found in high concentrations in Uva ursi.
Tannins are not believed to be absorbed from the intestines. However,
liver damage has occurred in people who have taken large doses of tannins. There have been no reports of uva ursi toxicity due to the
People with kidney or liver disease, pregnant or nursing women, or children should not take Uva Ursi.
Uva ursi can cause brown or green coloured urine, nausea,
ringing in the ears, or indigestion. Uva ursi has been associated with retinal damage, seizures, cyanosis, cancer, or even death when taken in large amounts for long periods of time.
3) Additional Natural Treatments
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis)
Buchu (Barosma betulina)
Corn silk (Zea mays)
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection
- The frequent urge to urinate
- Passing small quantities of urine
- When I urinate, I get a burning, painful sensation.
- Urine may look cloudy, milky, or red.
If any of the following symptoms are present, it may be a sign that the urinary tract infection has spread to the kidneys:
- Constant pain or pressure in the abdomen, side, or low back
- Fever
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Chills
Immediate treatment with antibiotics is necessary to prevent kidney damage and other serious consequences.