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Washington, DC’s Sacred Geometry and Symbols

In addition to representing a notion or intention, symbols may also be used to allude to anything from a chemical substance to a religion, but most crucially, they can represent secret societies.
Symbols have existed since the dawn of mankind.

There would be no written language without symbols.
Both letters and numbers are symbols, and each one has a distinct meaning.
Quite obvious, no?
The truth is that most individuals are unaware of and unaware of the underlying significance of many of the symbols that surround them.

Do you recall ever taking a class on symbols in high school?
Of course not; why not then?
Because if the general public understood the actual significance of every symbol found in the Capitol, they would have a better understanding of the origins of specific clubs and secret societies that rule over much of the world, including the United States.

The reality about a secret society’s power over the United States begins to emerge as we begin to connect the dots, and it is just as plain as any number or letter.
You will be astounded by what you discover if you make the intentional effort to understand the actual significance of the symbols used throughout Washington, D.C.’s Geometry.

The Freemasons are the one secret organisation that appears to wield the most sway in Washington, D.C.
Now, some could argue that there is nothing to hide and that the Freemasons are not at all a secret.
On the other hand, you’ll really realise how influential these masons were when you examine the history of masonic symbols, their meanings, and the locations of these symbols around the city.
So let’s examine how the roadways are organised and where the city’s key landmarks are located.
Take a pencil, ruler, compass, and a map of Washington, D.C., just for fun.

All different kinds of pentagrams, hexagrams, triangles, crosses, and even a pentagram can be drawn on a map (upside-down five pointed star).
It doesn’t take a genius to recognise them; they are pretty plain to see.
What does this mean, then?
First of all, it’s crucial to recognise that many of the Freemason symbols were greatly affected by the ancient Egyptians. For example, the pyramids were erected in exact alignment with the belt of Orion, demonstrating how much the Egyptians were influenced by the stars.
How the Egyptians were so skilled at astronomy is still a mystery.

Here, the great pyramid is displayed, including the rooms for the king and queen as well as the openings to the outside that allow for the illumination of specific stars at specific times of the year.
The exact angles found across the whole pyramid and how they connect to the earth’s ecliptic plane, ecliptic pole, axis or celestial pole, and equator are what make this so remarkable.

Let’s talk about the most crucial angle of them all, which is 23.5 degrees, or 23.42 to be exact.
Our planet’s axis is slanted away from the Ecliptic Plane at this degree.
The fact that the ancient Egyptians were aware of this angle of the earth’s axis at a period when astronomical instruments were antiquated is what lends it such significance; how they were able to determine it is still a mystery.

Here is an image that shows the angles leading to the king’s and queen’s apartments as well as the chambers themselves from the apex and the two bottom corners.

To help you understand these angles a bit better, here is a diagram.
Only between five key places do the angles exist.
Gray emphasises that this is not an arbitrary occurrence.

These are the five things:

The two corners and the two apexes.

4 and 5, the two rooms

Here, we observe several instances of the angle 23.5.

As you can see, the line connecting the north and south base corners and the queen’s chamber makes an angle of 11.75, which multiplied by two equals 23.5.
Then you’ll see that the distance between point two and the king’s room is exactly 23.5.
How do we know they were truly linking the angles of the pyramid to the earth’s axis is now the question.
By layering normal earth diagrams on top of one another, we may verify this by looking at them.
The Great Pyramid is really pointing to its own place on the ground via its Apex, despite the fact that its capstone is missing.

How did Osborn arrive to this judgement?

If you look at the diagram up above, the king’s chamber is 6.5 degrees away from the apex.
These angles are consistent with the geophysical model of the earth’s tilted axis and the location of the Great Pyramids on the planet.

Due to this, it is 30 degrees from the equator and when the planet rotates, it gets as near to the Ecliptic Plane as 6.5 degrees.

You now have 23.5 degrees after deducting 6.5 from 30.

The Great Pyramid’s two places on the earth as it rotates each day are depicted in this figure.
As you can see, it is within 6.5 degrees and 53.5 degrees of the ecliptic plane.

Okay, so the Great Pyramid is precisely 2,125 metres away from the equator, or exactly 30 degrees.
Its precise placement is at 29.98 degrees, which, to put things in perspective, means that the calculations come up about one millimetre shy of 10 feet.

Where things really start to heat up is in this diagram.
As you can see, everything lines up perfectly when you combine the angles with the schematic of the Great Pyramid in cross section to reveal that the Great Pyramid is really pointing to its own position on Earth.

The real question today is whether this was done on purpose or by chance.

Let’s go on to Washington, D.C.

This is how DC is set up.
Any fascinating sights?
similar to how all of the road angles appear to match up with the angles utilised to build the Great Pyramid.
I don’t believe so; the Freemasons had this meticulously prepared, but the main issue is: why?

The precise angle of the Great Pyramid’s sides is 51.84 degrees, as seen in the picture below showing the secret geometry contained within its angular dimensions.

You may overlay that diagram on a map of Washington, D.C., and observe how the streets and buildings precisely fit the Great Pyramid’s geometric angles.

Now, this is what is referred to as the “tree of life,” which shows the 22 connections between the Sephiroth levels or spheres.

This “tree of life” is similar to the “holy tree” that has been observed on early Mesopotamian cylinder seals and is thought to have originated in Sumeria.
The identical seals that refer to the Annunaki or (the people who came from the sky).
This image is a representation of the “tree of life” as it has been portrayed by the Qabbalah over the ages.

Look more closely at the images above to understand the significance of each particular location of each point.

Then, of course, we place the ancient “tree of life” on top of a map of Washington, DC, and, once again, the angles of the Great Pyramid match perfectly.
We also notice that several of the spots line up with significant city landmarks.

The lowest level is Jefferson Monument-Malkuth, sometimes referred to as “the kingdom.”

The foundation, or Washington Monument, is another name for it.

Tiphereth, often known as “Beauty,” lives in the White House (of the human soul).

The highest level is represented by the Kether, or “the father,” or “Supreme Crown,” of the tree and the Pyramid. This correlates to the Hindu “Crown Chaka.”

There is nothing on the map that is significant at the Apex, which stands in for the source centre of creation or point zero.

The “House of the Temple,” which serves as the headquarters of the supreme council of the 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, is located just three blocks east or down from the Apex of the pyramid, where the “all-seeing eye” on the dollar note, as we all know, is situated.

If you look closely, you’ll see that the all-seeing eye corresponds to the headquarters of the supreme council of the 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Dan Brown, author of “The De Vinci Code,” recently revealed in his new book “The Lost Symbol” that this is also the location of the 33rd-degree “initiation ritual.”
The greatest level attainable within the brotherhood of freemasonry is the 33rd degree.
Perhaps it is simply a coincidence, perhaps not.
Let’s examine the following images so that you can piece it together for yourself.

Therefore, as can be seen, the angle of 23.5 degrees has enormous significance, and the Freemasons were responsible for planning Washington, DC’s layout.

Personally, I think that the manner that Washington, D.C., was designed was done so to establish particular energy centres around the city.
similar to the human body’s chakras.

I think the Egyptians learned about this ancient geometry from aliens that are not of this planet.
Whom these influential individuals would be plotting for would only make sense.
Consider the fact that the Freemasons, who continue to this day to perform satanic rituals involving the sipping of blood-wine from a human scull, built the capital of the United States utilising hallowed old Egyptian mathematics that originated from entities beyond of this planet.
The proof is right in front of you; all you have to do is see it.



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