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Understanding the Physics of the Soul

Amit Goswani, PhD, wrote a book with the title Physics of the Soul.

Goswani attempts to demonstrate that life continues after death using theoretical physics and contemporary science. I have always considered the subject of the soul to be rather fascinating as a paranormal investigator. We would be one step closer to comprehending hauntings and other paranormal activities if we could somehow demonstrate the presence of this ‘inner essence’.

According to contemporary science, energy really never stops existing. It merely changes shape. If this is the case, it follows that the soul, or whatever it is that we think it is, must naturally assume a different shape at the moment of death. The ‘essence’ of the soul must endure after death in some other form, despite the fact that the human body stops creating new cells and starts to decompose.

Although Goswani presents a number of convincing arguments in support of his views, I personally encountered a number of issues that prevented me from fully seeing how this might happen. First, what precisely is a soul? We haven’t been able to establish its existence yet. Despite numerous attempts, none have succeeded in the end. Second, does the collective consciousness accompany the soul if it does, at the moment of death, proceed on in some other form? All we presently know about the brain is that it manages all of our ideas, stores all of our memories, and determines our personality. We can be positive that the brain cannot be employed to participate in these activities after we pass away because we know it dies along with the body. Many people, including myself, find it challenging to comprehend how this ‘essence’ known as a soul could contain the memory of past events as well as the capacity for collective thought.

Many inquiries have been made to me throughout the years that may be connected in some way to evidence that collective awareness does continue after death. I frequently get questioned why apparitions almost always seem to be dressed in a particular item of clothing. You might assume that clothing wouldn’t matter much in the afterlife. However, the most frequent description of an apparition given by witnesses is that it was dressed in a long dress, etc. Could this imply that the soul contains a lot of our most deeply held memories and preferences? enabling us to convey a certain image to others when speaking from the afterlife? This would contribute to the understanding of why apparitions appear in the way they do.

Overall, we don’t truly understand the soul well enough to wonder how it functions. After all, we still can’t even establish its existence.

Whatever the case, Amit Goswani’s book is, to put it mildly, mind intriguing. He does a great job outlining his precise beliefs on how the soul functions. I once had a smart man say to me, “Maybe I’m putting too much ‘human thinking’ into all of this.” It’s possible that certain phenomena are not supposed to have scientific explanations.



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