Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means planting trees in large numbers throughout the country.
Trees help us by providing us with food, oxygen and life would have ceased to exist. The loss of trees means the loss of life. It leads to fewer rains and fall of harvest. If in a given area tree do not exist in adequate proportion to man, animals, soil, air, and water the ecological balance gets disturbed and life becomes difficult or impossible.
As a result, people die of starvation, Besides, heat, pollution, flood, famine, disease are the results of deforestation. So to save mankind forests should be preserved. Birds and beasts will have no place to live in.
Thus wildlife will be extinct and the balance of nature will be disturbed to prevent it deforestation should be discouraged. Awareness about the importance of tress
has to be developed to keep the earth greener, cleaner and safer for the future. By way of advertising in print and electronic media, people can be motivated for tree plantation.