The existence of Bigfoot has long been debated, and though there is no “official” evidence of its existence, there are some that devote their lives to finding one. There are even shows devoted to finding one, like “Finding Bigfoot.” Here are perhaps 6 of the more believable ones (if there are any) that you can find on the web.
Real big foot sighting caught

While researching this, I can’t tell you how many times I read something like “big foot experts confirmed this” or “Sasquatch investigators were able to determine.” Who are these people? How do you become an expert on something that has a debatable existence? lol whatever, I got a few good laughs from all of this.

Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch is a large, hairy, muscular, bipedal ape-like mythological creature that some claimed to have seen one in real life. We all know by this point that the internet is full of hoax videos but we are only showing the realest sightings to ever exist. So you definitely do not want to miss any of the ones shown on this countdown. With this being said, prepare for 5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! Lets…..Begin!

1.The video you are about to see was captured on the cell phone of a teen after he and his dad heard strange noises. In the video a tall, dark figure can be seen walking from right to left in a passive manner. This video is highly debatable and many claim this to be one of the most realistic videos to ever be caught of Bigfoot. But you be the judge. Here it is…

2.The infamous footage you are about to see was shot by Robert Patterson and Robert Gremlin on October 29th, 1967 in California, and has since been subjected to many attempts to authenticate or debunk it. Several university based studies and professional evaluations have concluded the subject cannot possibly be a man in an ape suit. Although there are opinions of all sorts. But you be the judge. Here is the footage.

3.The video you are about to see shows a man walking around a nearby forest located in Colorado US, when all of a sudden he spots a strange like creature roaming near the area. The man recording the footage claims that what he saw was Bigfoot. But what do you think? Here it is….

4.On December 2nd 2012 a hiker was in the Utah hills near Provo Canyon when he came across a massive looking bipedal creature on a hillside. The man immediately took out his camera and began filming. The video about to be seen is believe to be one of the most realest footage of Bigfoot to ever be caught. But what do you think? Here it is….

5.The video your about to see was recorded in 1994 by former US Forest patrolman Paul Freeman. He claims to have encountered and filmed a group of Sasquatch near the Blue Mountains of Washington. The quality of the film is poor, but Paul Freeman KNOWS that what he caught on camera was 100% real. Here it is.



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