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Today We Are Watching Videos And Movies, Due To This Person, Google Made Doodles

Today we are watching videos and movies,due to this person, Google made doodles

Today things like video, cinema are very common for us. But their beginnings were not so easy. After several different discoveries, things like video / cinema could start due to some successful experimentation.
Today we are telling you about the person, because of whose discovery we are able to watch any video today. Read about this in the following slides.

  • The name of that person is Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau.
  • Josef Platte was a Belgian physicist.
  • Born in Brussels on 14 October 1801, Joseph Platte studied law. But later on he became known as a famous and distinguished scientist of the 19th century due to his invention.
  • Joseph Platu, through his research, told the world how a reflection or image is formed on the retina of our eyes. How long does she stay on the retina. How the eyes understand its color and depth.
  • On the basis of all these findings, he built a stroboscopic device in 1832 which consisted of two discs.
  • They rotated in opposite directions to each other. One disk consisted of small windows at evenly spaced, while the other had photos. When both discs were rotated at the appropriate speed, they began to look like a motion picture.
  • He then invented the Phenakistiscope.
  • It was a device that formed the basis of the birth of cinema, video.
  • Google has today created a disc design doodle based on Joseph Platu’s same invention. Today is his 218th birthday.

According to Google, Joseph Platte’s eyesight was later lost. They could not see. But despite this, he continued his work in science. His son and son-in-law helped him in this.



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