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Timeline of Quantum Mechanics

Timeline of quantum mechanics, molecular physics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics

  • 440 BC Democritus speculates about fundamental indivisible
    particles—calls them “atoms”
  • 1766 Henry Cavendish discovers and studies hydrogen
  • 1778 Carl Scheele and Antoine Lavoisier discover that air is composed
    mostly of nitrogen and oxygen
  • 1781 Joseph Priestley creates water by igniting hydrogen and oxygen
  • 1800 William Nicholson and Anthony Carlisle use electrolysis to
    separate water into hydrogen and oxygen
  • 1803 John Dalton introduces atomic ideas into chemistry and states that
    matter is composed of atoms of different weights
  • 1811 Amedeo Avogadro claims that equal volumes of gases should contain
    equal numbers of molecules
  • 1832 Michael Faraday states his laws of electrolysis
  • 1871 Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev systematically examines the periodic
    table and predicts the existence of gallium, scandium, and germanium
  • 1873 Johannes van der Waals introduces the idea of weak attractive
    forces between molecules
  • 1885 Johann Balmer finds a mathematical expression for observed
    hydrogen line wavelengths
  • 1887 Heinrich Hertz discovers the photoelectric effect
  • 1894 Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay discover argon by
    spectroscopically analyzing the gas left over after nitrogen and oxygen
    are removed from air
  • 1895 William Ramsay discovers terrestrial helium by spectroscopically
    analyzing gas produced by decaying uranium
  • 1896 Antoine Becquerel discovers the radioactivity of uranium
  • 1896 Pieter Zeeman studies the splitting of sodium D lines when sodium
    is held in a flame between strong magnetic poles
  • 1897 Joseph Thomson discovers the electron
  • 1898 William Ramsay and Morris Travers discover neon, krypton, and
  • 1898 Marie Curie and Pierre Curie isolate and study radium and polonium
  • 1899 Ernest Rutherford discovers that uranium radiation is composed of
    positively charged alpha particles and negatively charged beta
  • 1900 Paul Villard discovers gamma-rays while studying uranium decay
  • 1900 Johannes Rydberg refines the expression for observed hydrogen line
  • 1900 Max Planck states his quantum hypothesis and blackbody radiation
  • 1902 Philipp Lenard observes that maximum photoelectron energies are
    independent of illuminating intensity but depend on frequency
  • 1902 Theodor Svedberg suggests that fluctuations in molecular
    bombardment cause the Brownian motion
  • 1905 Albert Einstein explains the photoelectric effect
  • 1906 Charles Barkla discovers that each element has a characteristic
    X-ray and that the degree of penetration of these X-rays is related to
    the atomic weight of the element
  • 1909 Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden discover large angle deflections of
    alpha particles by thin metal foils
  • 1909 Ernest Rutherford and Thomas Royds demonstrate that alpha
    particles are doubly ionized helium atoms
  • 1911 Ernest Rutherford explains the Geiger-Marsden experiment by
    invoking a nuclear atom model and derives the Rutherford cross section
  • 1912 Max von Laue suggests using lattice solids to diffract X-rays
  • 1912 Walter Friedrich and Paul Knipping diffract X-rays in zinc blende
  • 1913 William Bragg and Lawrence Bragg work out the Bragg condition for
    strong X-ray reflection
  • 1913 Henry Moseley shows that nuclear charge is the real basis for
    numbering the elements
  • 1913 Niels Bohr presents his quantum model of the atom
  • 1913 Robert Millikan measures the fundamental unit of electric charge
  • 1913 Johannes Stark demonstrates that strong electric fields will split
    the Balmer spectral line series of hydrogen
  • 1914 James Franck and Gustav Hertz observe atomic excitation
  • 1914 Ernest Rutherford suggests that the positively charged atomic
    nucleus contains protons
  • 1915 Arnold Sommerfeld develops a modified Bohr atomic model with
    elliptic orbits to explain relativistic fine structure
  • 1916 Gilbert Lewis and Irving Langmuir formulate an electron shell
    model of chemical bonding
  • 1917 Albert Einstein introduces the idea of stimulated radiation
  • 1921 Alfred Lande introduces the Lande g-factor
  • 1922 Arthur Compton studies X-ray photon scattering by electrons
  • 1922 Otto Stern and Walter Gerlach show “space quantization”
  • 1923 Louis de Broglie suggests that electrons may have wavelike
  • 1924 Wolfgang Pauli states the quantum exclusion principle
  • 1924 John Lennard-Jones proposes a semiempirical interatomic force law
  • 1924 Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein introduce Bose-Einstein
  • 1925 George Uhlenbeck and Samuel Goudsmit postulate electron spin
  • 1925 Pierre Auger discovers the Auger autoionization process
  • 1925 Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan formulate quantum
    matrix mechanics
  • 1926 Erwin Schršdinger states his nonrelativistic quantum wave equation
    and formulates quantum wave mechanics
  • 1926 Erwin Schršdinger proves that the wave and matrix formulations of
    quantum theory are mathematically equivalent
  • 1926 Oskar Klein and Walter Gordon state their relativistic quantum
    wave equation
  • 1926 Enrico Fermi discovers the spin-statistics connection
  • 1926 Paul Dirac introduces Fermi-Dirac statistics
  • 1927 Clinton Davission, Lester Germer, and George Thomson confirm the
    wavelike nature of electrons
  • 1927 Werner Heisenberg states the quantum uncertainty principle
  • 1927 Max Born interprets the probabilistic nature of wavefunctions
  • 1928 Chandrasekhara Raman studies optical photon scattering by
  • 1928 Paul Dirac states his relativistic electron quantum wave equation
  • 1928 Charles G. Darwin and Walter Gordon solve the Dirac equation for a
    Coulomb potential
  • 1929 Oskar Klein discovers the Klein paradox
  • 1929 Oskar Klein and Y. Nishina derive the Klein-Nishina cross section
    for high energy photon scattering by electrons
  • 1929 N.F. Mott derives the Mott cross section for the Coulomb
    scattering of relativistic electrons
  • 1930 Paul Dirac introduces electron hole theory
  • 1930 Erwin Schršdinger predicts the zitterbewegung motion
  • 1930 Fritz London explains van der Waals forces as due to the
    interacting fluctuating dipole moments between molecules
  • 1931 John Lennard-Jones proposes the Lennard-Jones interatomic
  • 1931 Irene Joliot-Curie and FrŽdŽric Joliot observe but misinterpret
    neutron scattering in paraffin
  • 1931 Wolfgang Pauli puts forth the neutrino hypothesis to explain the
    apparent violation of energy conservation in beta decay
  • 1931 Linus Pauling discovers resonance bonding and uses it to explain
    the high stability of symmetric planar molecules
  • 1931 Paul Dirac shows that charge conservation can be explained if
    magnetic monopoles exist
  • 1931 Harold Urey discovers deuterium using evaporation concentration
    techniques and spectroscopy
  • 1932 John Cockcroft and Thomas Walton split lithium and boron nuclei
    using proton bombardment
  • 1932 James Chadwick discovers the neutron
  • 1932 Werner Heisenberg presents the proton-neutron model of the nucleus
    and uses it to explain isotopes
  • 1932 Carl Anderson discovers the positron
  • 1933 Max Delbruck suggests that quantum effects will cause photons to
    be scattered by an external electric field
  • 1934 Irene Joliot-Curie and FrŽdŽric Joliot bombard aluminum atoms with
    alpha particles to create artificially radioactive phosphorus-30
  • 1934 Leo Szilard realizes that nuclear chain reactions may be possible
  • 1934 Enrico Fermi formulates his theory of beta decay
  • 1934 Lev Davidovich Landau tells Edward Teller that nonlinear molecules
    may have vibrational modes which remove the degeneracy of an orbitally
    degenerate state
  • 1934 Enrico Fermi suggests bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons to
    make a 93 proton element
  • 1934 Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov reports that light is emitted by
    relativistic particles traveling in a nonscintillating liquid
  • 1935 Hideki Yukawa presents a theory of strong interactions and
    predicts mesons
  • 1935 Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen put forth the
    EPR paradox
  • 1935 Niels Bohr presents his analysis of the EPR paradox
  • 1936 Eugene Wigner develops the theory of neutron absorption by atomic
  • 1936 Hans Jahn and Edward Teller present their systematic study of the
    symmetry types for which the Jahn-Teller effect is expected
  • 1937 H. Hellmann finds the Hellmann-Feynman theorem
  • 1937 Seth Neddermeyer, Carl Anderson, J.C. Street, and E.C. Stevenson
    discover muons using cloud chamber measurements of cosmic rays
  • 1939 Richard Feynman finds the Hellmann-Feynman theorem
  • 1939 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman bombard uranium salts with thermal
    neutrons and discover barium among the reaction products
  • 1939 Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch determine that nuclear fission is
    taking place in the Hahn-Strassman experiments
  • 1942 Enrico Fermi makes the first controlled nuclear chain reaction
  • 1942 Ernst Stuckelberg introduces the propagator to positron theory and
    interprets positrons as negative energy electrons moving backwards
    through spacetime
  • 1943 Sin-Itiro Tomonaga publishes his paper on the basic physical
    principles of quantum electrodynamics
  • 1947 Willis Lamb and Robert Retheford measure the Lamb-Retheford shift
  • 1947 Cecil Powell, C.M.G. Lattes, and G.P.S. Occhialini discover the
    pi-meson by studying cosmic ray tracks
  • 1947 Richard Feynman presents his propagator approach to quantum
  • 1948 Hendrik Casimir predicts a rudimentary attractive Casimir force on
    a parallel plate capacitor
  • 1951 Martin Deutsch discovers positronium
  • 1952 David Bohm propose his interpretation of quantum mechanics
  • 1953 R. Wilson observes Delbruck scattering of 1.33 MeV gamma-rays by
    the electric fields of lead nuclei
  • 1954 Chen Yang and Robert Mills investigate a theory of hadronic
    isospin by demanding local gauge invariance under isotopic spin space
    rotations—first non-Abelian gauge theory
  • 1955 Owen Chamberlain, Emilio Segre, Clyde Wiegand, and Thomas
    Ypsilantis discover the antiproton
  • 1956 Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan detect antineutrinos
  • 1956 Chen Yang and Tsung Lee propose parity violation by the weak
    nuclear force
  • 1956 Chien Shiung Wu discovers parity violation by the weak force in
    decaying cobalt
  • 1957 Gerhart Luders proves the CPT theorem
  • 1957 Richard Feynman, Murray Gell-Mann, Robert Marshak, and Ennackel
    Sudarshan propose a variational approximation (VA) Lagrangian for weak
  • 1958 Marcus Sparnaay experimentally confirms the Casimir effect
  • 1959 Yakir Aharonov and David Bohm predict the Aharonov-Bohm effect
  • 1960 R.G. Chambers experimentally confirms the Aharonov-Bohm effect
  • 1961 Murray Gell-Mann and Yuval Ne’eman discover the Eightfold Way
    patterns—SU(3) group
  • 1961 Jeffery Goldstone considers the breaking of global phase symmetry
  • 1962 Leon Lederman shows that the electron neutrino is distinct from
    the muon neutrino
  • 1963 Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig propose the quark/aces model
  • 1964 Peter Higgs considers the breaking of local phase symmetry
  • 1964 John Stewart Bell shows that all local hidden variable theories
    must satisfy Bell’s inequality
  • 1964 Val Fitch and James Cronin observe CP violation by the weak force
    in the decay of K mesons
  • 1967 Steven Weinberg puts forth his electroweak model of leptons
  • 1969 J.C. Clauser, M. Horne, A. Shimony, and R. Holt propose a
    polarization correlation test of Bell’s inequality
  • 1970 Sheldon Glashow, John Iliopoulos, and Luciano Maiani propose the
    charm quark
  • 1971 Gerard ‘t Hooft shows that the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg electroweak
    model can be renormalized
  • 1972 S. Freedman and J.C. Clauser perform the first polarization
    correlation test of Bell’s inequality
  • 1973 David Politzer proposes the asymptotic freedom of quarks
  • 1974 Burton Richter and Samuel Ting discover the psi meson implying the
    existence of the charm quark
  • 1975 Martin Perl discovers the tauon
  • 1977 S.W. Herb finds the upsilon resonance implying the existence of
    the beauty quark
  • 1982 A. Aspect, J. Dalibard, and G. Roger perform a polarization
    correlation test of Bell’s inequality that rules out conspiratorial
    polarizer communication
  • 1983 Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer, and the CERN UA-1 collaboration
    find the W and Z intermediate vector bosons
  • 1989 The Z intermediate vector boson resonance width indicates three
    quark-lepton generations
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