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Timeline of Ancient Greece

Before Christ

  • 1000-700: Synoikismos of Athens, people of Attica were willing to transfer their allegiance to one city, Athens, because of Theseus
  • 683: office of Archon established King was emasculated.
  • 632: Cylon, Athenian noble, seizes Acropolis and tries to make himself king, fails.
  • 621: Draco, Athenian lawgiver, issues code of laws where everything is punishable by death — Draconian.
  • 594: Solon, Athenian statesman, becomes Archon, captures Salamis from Megarians, establishes Timocracy, rule by the richest, constitutional reforms, more vote and trade, abolishes slavery, Know Thyself
  • 590: Sappho, Greek poetess and priestess, flourishes on island of Lesbos
  • 565: Pisistratus, Athenian general, organizes Diakrioi, party of poor people
  • 561: Pisistratus takes power first time, driven out by Lycurgus who leads nobles
  • 559: Pisistratus restored by help of Megacles
  • 556: Pisistratus expelled, makes fortune from Thracian mines
  • 546: Croesus, rich king of Lydia, killed at Sardis by Persians
  • 546: Pisistratus restored by Thessaly and Lygdamos of Naxos
  • 527: Pisistratus dies, succeeded by sons Hippias and Hipparchus
  • 525: Persian Darius I, son-in-law of Cyrus the Great takes Egypt
  • 507: Cleisthenes, Greek reformer, takes power, increases democracy
  • 490: Themistocles and Miltiades, Athenians, defeat Darius at Marathon,
    Phidippides runs with news
  • 484: Aeschylus, Athenian playwright, wins Athenian Prize
  • 480: Leonidas, Spartan, makes sacrifice of 300 Spartans at Thermopylae so
    main force can escape, Xerxes son of Darius is leading the Persians
  • 480: Battle of Salamis – Themistocles, Athenian general, lures Persians into
    Bay of Salamis, Xerxes loses and goes home, leaves behind Mardonius
  • 479: Pausanius, Greek general routs Mardonius at Plataea
  • 479: Battle of Mycale frees Greek colonies in Asia. After the Battle of Salamis, Athens set up the Delian League, treasury on island of Delos, a confederacy of cities around the Aegean. It was intended as a military defense association against Persia but was turned into an empire, collecting tribute and deciding policy of its associates. Sparta formed rival Peloponnesian League
  • 476-462: Cimon elected general each year, he was victorious over Persia and then enforced military power on Delian League
  • 474: Pindar, Greek poet moves to Thebes from court at Syracuse
  • 471: Themistocles ostracized
  • 468: Sophocles, Greek playwright, defeats Aeschylus for Athenian Prize
  • 461: Cimon ostracized
  • 457: Pericles, Athenian statesman begins Golden Age, he was taught by
    Anaxagoras, who believed in dualistic Universe and atoms
  • 456: Aeschylus dies
  • 449: Herodotus, Greek Historian, writes History of Greco-Persian War from
  • 448: Ictinus and Callicrates, Greek architects rebuild Acropolis from Persain destruction
  • 441: Euripides, Greek playwright, wins Athenian prize
  • 440: Heraclitus, Greek philospher, believes everything is mutable
  • 435: Phidias, Greek sculptor, completes Zeus at Elis 1 of 7 wonders
  • 433: Corinth and Sparta Megara and Aegini also ally against Corfu and Athens Rhegium and Leontini also
  • 432: End of Golden Age, Peloponnesian Wars begin Athens under Pericles
    blockades Potidaea, Corfu declares war on Corinth
  • 431: Sparta led by Archidamus II sets out to destroy Athens
  • 431: Empedocles, Greek doctor, believes body has 4 humors
  • 430: Failed peace mission by Athens, bubonic plague year, Sparta takes no
  • 430: Leucippus, Greek philospher, believes every natural event has natural
  • 429: Phormio, Atheinian admiral, wins at Chalcis
  • 429: Pericles dies of bubonic plague
  • 429: Hippocrates, Greek doctor, believes diseases have physical cause
  • 428: Mitylene rebels, chief city of Lesbos
  • 427: Archidamus II dies, Alcidas, Greek admiral sent to help Lesbos, raids
    Ionia and flees after seeing Athenian might
  • 427: Mitylene surrenders to Athens, Plataeans surrender to Athens
  • 427: Aristophanes, Greek playwright, wins Athenian Prize
  • 426: Corfu secures island for Athens
  • 426: Demosthenes, Athenian general, and Cleon, Athenian demagogue,
    revitalizes Athenian forces, makes bold plans opposed by Nicias, his first military campaign barely succeeds
  • 425: Athenian fleet bottles up Spartan navy at Navarino Bay, Nicias resigns
  • 424: Syracuse sends Athenians home
  • 424: Pagondas of Thebes crushes Athenian army at Delium, Brasidas a Spartan general makes a successful campaign, Cleon exiles Thucydides for 20 years for arriving late
  • 423: Truce of Laches supposed to stop Brasidas but doesn’t, Nicias leads
    Athenian forces in retaking Mende
  • 422: Cleon meets Brasidas outside of Amphipolis, both are killed
  • 421: Peace of Nicias brings temporary end to war, but Alcibiades, a nephew
    of Pericles, makes anti-Sparta alliance
  • 420: Quadruple alliance of Athens, Argus, Mantinea, and Elis confronts Spartan-Boeotian alliance
  • 419: King Agis, ruler of Sparta, attacks Argus, makes treaty
  • 418: Mantinea, greatest land battle of war, gives Sparta victory over Argus,
    which broke treaty, Alcibiades thrown out, alliance broken
  • 416: Alcibiades makes plans, is restored to power
  • 415: Hermai are mutilated in Athens, Alcibiades accused, asks for inquiry, told to set sail for battle, is condemned to death in absentia, he defects to Sparta
  • 414: Lemachus, Athenian commander killed at Syracuse
  • 413: Nicias and Demosthenes killed at Syracuse
  • 412: Alcibiades is thrown out of Sparta, conspires to come back to Athens
  • 411: Democracy ends in Athens by Antiphon, Peisander, and Phrynichus,
    overthrown by Theramenes, Constitution of the 5000, Athenian navy recalls Alcibiades, confirmed by Athenians
  • 410: After several successes, Athenian demagogue Cleophon rejects Sparta
    peace overtures
  • 409: Byzantium recaptured by Alcibiades for Athens
  • 408: Alcibiades reenters Athens in triumph, Lysander, a Spartan commander,
    builds fleet at Ephesus
  • 407: Lysander begins destruction of Athenian fleet, Alcibiades stripped of power
  • 406: Callicratides, Spartan naval leader, loses Battle of Arginusae over blockade of Mitylene harbor, Sparta sues for peace, rejected by Cleophon
  • 405: Lysander captures Athenian fleet, Spartan king Pausanius lays siege to
    Athens, Cleophon executed, Corinth and Thebes demand destruction of Athens
  • 404: Athens capitulates Apr 25 Theramenes secures terms, prevents total
    destruction of Athens, Theramenes and Alcibiades are killed
  • 401: Thucydides, Greek historian, leaves account of Golden Age and
    Pelopennesian War at his death
  • 399: Socrates, Greek philospher, condemned to death for corrupting youth
  • 347: Plato, Greek philospher, founds Academy
  • 342: Aristotle, Greek philosopher, begins teaching Alexander, son of Philip
    of Macedon
  • 338: Philip of Macedon defeats Athens and Thebes in last struggle for Greek
    Independence at Battle of Cheronea Aug 2
  • 336: Alexander succeeds father, who was assassinated at the wedding feast of his daughter
  • 333: Alexander defeats Persians at Battle of Issus, Oct, but Darius III
  • 332: Alexander conquers Egypt
  • 331: at Battle of Arbela Oct 1, Alexander end Achaemenid Dynasty and takes
    Persian Empire
  • 330: Democritus, Greek philosopher, develops Atomic theory, believes cause
    and necessity, nothing comes out of nothing
  • 329: Alexander conquers Samarkand
  • 327: Alexander invades Northern India, but army is tired so doesn’t pursue
  • 323: Alexander dies, his generals vie for power in Wars of the Diadochi
    Antigonus- Macedonia, Antipater- Macedonia, Seleucus- Babylonia and
    Syria, Ptolemy- Egypt, Eumenes- Macedonia, Lysimachus, later Antipaters
    son Cassander also vies for power
  • 316: Meander, Greek playwright, wins Athenian prize
  • 300: Euclid, Greek mathematician, publishes Elements, treating both geometry and number theory (see also Euclidean algorithm)
  • 295: Athens falls to Demetrius, Lachares killed
  • 265: Archimedes, Greek mathematician, develops screw, specific gravity,
    center of gravity; anticipates discoveries of integral calculus
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