Timeline of agriculture and food technology
- 6500 BC – Evidence of cattle domestication in Turkey. Some sources say this happened earlier in other parts of the world
- 4000 BC – Egyptians discover how to make bread using yeast
- 4000 BC – Evidence for rice domestication in the Korat area of Thailand
- 3500 BC – First agriculture in the Americas, around Central Amazonia or Ecuador
- 2000 BC – Evidence of domestication of chicken around India, some sources say this happened earlier in other parts of the world
- 1800 BC – Fermentation of dough, grain, and fruit juices is discovered
- 600 – The moldboard plow is invented in eastern Europe
- 850 – Use of coffee is known in Arabia
- 1300 – Arnau de Villanova develops alcohol distillation
- 1837 – John Deere invents steel plow
- 1863 – International “Corn Show” in Paris with corn varieties from different countries
- 1866 – Gregor Mendel publishes his paper describing Mendelian inheritance
- 1871 – Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization