Home News This is Why China Deployed Nuclear Missiles Near The Russian Border (Hint:...

This is Why China Deployed Nuclear Missiles Near The Russian Border (Hint: To Target The U.S.)

Stratfor: How Far China’s Nuclear Capabilities Stretch

China has had a nuclear missile capable of reaching the United States since the early 1980s, the Dongfeng-5, but it has issues that have recently limited its effectiveness as a deterrent. Its liquid fuel propellant means that it must undergo a lengthy fueling process before it can be launched, and its lack of mobility renders its silos vulnerable to strikes by increasingly accurate munitions. Those threats to its survivability reduce its value as a minimum credible deterrence. China needed to upgrade to a more survivable missile inventory given its historically smaller nuclear arsenal and no-first-use doctrine.


Previous Post: China Deploys Ballistic Missiles Near The Russian Border (January 24, 2017)

WNU Editor: The only question that remains to be answered is …. how many missiles has China deployed?



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