It’s finally out! The first official picture of MS Dhoni‘s little daughter Ziva was shared on Facebook by the proud father himself. The picture has the captain of the Indian cricket team proudly holding his little Daughter and his wife Sakshi Dhoni is seen standing next to him. Ziva, MS Dhoni‘s daughter meanwhile is seen blissfully sleeping in her father’s arms. The picture was shared by Dhoni on his official Facebook pageon 18th April. Who seems to be on a IPL journey with her dad and mom Sakshi. While Dhoni sports the official team T-shirt, Sakshi looks fresh as ever.
MS Dhoni With Daughter Ziva and Wife Sakshi Singh Dhoni
MS Dhoni posted another picture with daughter Ziva, today 20th April
MS Dhoni With Daughter Ziva and Wife Sakshi Singh Dhoni