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The BFG (2016)







nThe BFG (2016)




nDirector: Steven Spielberg




nCast: Mark Rylance, Ruby Barnhill, Penelope Wilton, RebeccanHall, Bill Hader




nThe BFG is Steven Spielberg’s first official box office flop,nwhich is a rare thing because ever since he kicked off Summer Blockbusters backnin 1975 with the creation of Jaws (1975), he’s been on the good side of boxnoffice success for most of his career. Even his bad ones make money, just looknat the disastrous Indiana Jones sequel, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of thenCrystal Skull (2008) or Spielberg’s failed attempt at a war comedy, 1941 (1979)nboth made their money back even though they stunk. So The BFG (2016) is anlandmark movie for Spielberg, but only because its his biggest failure. Yet,ndid it deserve to fail? Is it a stinker? We’ve seen Spielberg half-ass a movienhaven’t we? Just the other day I was watching The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)nand realized how truly lame it actually is. Sure it’s got gee whiz specialneffects, double the dinosaurs (oh wow, two T-REX’s!) and lot’s of action, butnat its core, the tepid script doesn’t even compare to Jurassic Park (1993) innterms of overall quality, there was no meat with those potatoes, dare I say nonheart! But we forgive Spielberg because then he turns around and makes anotherngreat film and well, we forget all about his last bad one. But is The BFG onenof his bad ones? Was Spielberg half-assing it with The BFG? Why did it tank sonspectacularly at the box office?






nThe BFG is all about this little girl called Sophie whonresides at an orphanage in London. She likes to stay up late at night reading,norganizing the mail and doing all sorts of things while everybody is soundnasleep. She’s a night owl. On one of these late nights, she sees a giantnwalking through the fog filled streets of her sleepy London town. Realizing he’snbeen seen, the giant snatches Sophie and takes her with him to the “Land of thenGiants”. While at first Sophie is scared, she soon befriends the big friendlyngiant. Together they go on dream catching adventures. Sadly, there are otherngiants who are bullies and want to eat Sophies and all the little boys andngirls in London. Sophie and The BFG must devise a way to stop their cannibal ways.nCan Sophie and her Giant find a way to stop them?








nThe BFG is based on Roald Dahl’s book of the same name. Dahlnwas also the author behind such children’s classics as Charlie and thenChocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Witchesnand Matilda, all of which have also been adapted to films. So just to makenthinks clear here, this film is based on the book of a beloved author, directednby one of the greatest directors of all time and produced by Disney the mostnsuccessful movie studio at the moment. So why did it flop? I was curious aboutnthis myself, the trailers made the film look magical, and truth be told it is. It’sna fairy tale that involves giants, the origin of dreams and true friendship. Itnfelt like a mix between Peter Pan and  Jack and the Beanstalk. So, with all thesengood things going for it, why the failure? I guess the only true reason I cannthink of is that it’s not all that exciting. Sure not every movie has to benaction packed. In my book, there’s also space for films that are quieter innnature, films that slow things down, that feel like someone is whispering anstory under the covers of your bed in the middle of the night. The problem isnthat today’s audiences are so jaded, so used to superheroes smashing buildingsnin half, that when a film comes along about a gentle, friendly giant, an oldnman who weaves our dreams together, then it’s considered too slow. Then thenfilms target audience tunes out. And it’s true, this is a slow paced film, but it’snmy opinion that this is exactly what Spielberg was aiming for, a sleepy sort ofnfairy tale. So be ready for that kind of film.




nWhat took me by surprise where the themes of the film. I hadnno idea that this movie was going to be all about belief, faith and God. Ohnwait could the letters B.F.G. stand for the words belief, faith and God? CouldnI be stretching it? I don’t think so, the films themes are fairly obvious. Thisnmovie is quite similar to the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe books, they addressnissues of faith, they push the idea of believing in a magical, eternal beingnthat’s watching over all of us, taking care of us, wishing goodness upon ournlives. That this magical being is there even though we can’t see him, that allnwe have to do is “feel him” in our hearts. That all we have to do is take thatnmagical leap of faith, blindly believing the notion and that if we do, then henwill be there when we need him the most, when we are in pain, lonely or sad.nThankfully, Sophie is inquisitive. After all her name is Sophie, an allusion tonphilosophy which in itself means the search for knowledge which explains whynSophie likes to ask lots of questions to the giant, like how old he is. Thengiant tells her he’s an eternal, that he’s always existed, the biggest allusionnto God in the entire film, which is why there’s no doubt in my  mind the giant in The BFG represents ‘God’.






nI’ve always found the idea of God a fascinating one. Everynsociety, every culture has their idea of God and to me that’s fascinating onnits own. How no matter what country we are from or what society we grow up in, wenall end up thinking that there’s something bigger than us, something morenpowerful. The idea that there’s an eternal, magical being watching over all ofnus is a comforting one and I understand why a lot of people choose to believenin it. I personally can’t blindly believe in something I’ve never seen. I cannbe open to the idea of it, or the possibility, but I can’t say ‘God’ exists becausenthere’s no way of proving it. Which is why it rubs me the wrong way when thisntype of idea is reinforced, especially in children’s films, as if they’rentrying to incept these notions early in childhood.  At one point Sophie jumps of a balcony becausenshe “feels” the giant and “knows” he will be there to rescue her. Of course thengiant appears and saves her, but in real life, it would be another story. Nonmagical giant is going to come out of nowhere and save you, in real life younhave to save yourself. In real life you jump of a balcony, you’ll end up as anbig grease spot on the pavement. The point the movie is trying to make is younhave to take that leap of faith and believe in God. You have to believe he’llnbe there to save you.  “I do believe in fairies,nI do, I do” comes to mind for some reason, yet fairies are a fantasy, same asnthis movie. The reason I dissect these themes is not because I’m nitpicking, it’snbecause movies are about us. Same as books or songs, they always have somethingnto say about human nature.






nBut anyway, theological themes aside, I still managed tonenjoy the film because it can be interpreted in other ways as well. Maybe thatnmagical being watching over Sophie represents an adult, your father, yournmother, or whoever chooses to take care you and guide you through life. I chosento see the film this way. Sophie is an orphan, and The BFG chooses to bringnsome goodness into her life, he felt her loneliness and her need and chose tonbe a friend to her, the father that she never had, a step father of sorts andnthough step fathers and mothers are often times vilified in films and books, anlot of times they can be more of a father and a mother then the biological one.nSo that’s another way to see the film. Ultimately, I think this movie was actuallynrather sweet. Basically, an old man and a little girl find a way to connect, tonbecome friends in spite of generational barriers. They learn to appreciate eachnother past  generational gaps. The oldnhave a lot to learn from the old, and vice versa, so that’s another level onnwhich the film works.






nTechnically speaking, the film is amazing, the specialneffects flawless. The giants look truly gigantic. Spielberg here once againndemonstrates his uncanny ability to work with children. Ruby Barnhill does annamazing job here playing Sophie, she comes off as an intelligent child, whonlikes to read and use her head to come up with solutions for any givennsituation. The problem with the film is that though Spielberg works great withnchildren and has made some wonderful children’s movies like Hook (1991) andnE.T. The Extraterrestrial (1982), I think The BFG is a tough pill for kids tonswallow in terms of pacing; many children will undoubtedly find it “boring”. Inwas watching it in a theater filled with about 10 people and this woman kept tellingnher boyfriend she wanted to leave because she couldn’t understand what wasnhappening on screen. That she was bored and this was a grown woman! She wasnpleading to her boyfriend to leave the theater! They did about half way through.nI guess your enjoyment of this film will depend on your attention span. If itnhas a short fuse, you’ll probably walk. If on the other hand you have patiencenand can take a shorter paced film, you’ll probably stay and enjoy it. 




nRating: 4 out of  5





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