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Terrifying Encounter: Man Sees Mysterious White-Eyed Beings!

By Nick Hewett


YouTube has become a platform where many share their strange experiences. Among these stories, encounters with black-eyed kids are common. …

White-Eyed Beings

YouTube has become a platform where many share their strange experiences. Among these stories, encounters with black-eyed kids are common. However, some people report seeing beings with solid white eyes. These accounts are rarer but just as chilling. One such encounter took place in Eugene, Oregon, and it left a lasting impact on the witness.

A Night to Remember

On April 26, 2011, a man and his friend were relaxing at home, watching television. The man fell asleep on the couch while his friend went to the bedroom to sleep. Later that night, the man woke up suddenly. He felt an overwhelming sense that someone or something was watching him.

When he tried to get up, he realized he couldn’t move or speak. Panic set in as he attempted to call for help, but no sound came out. Suddenly, the room filled with a bright white light. The light seemed to pour in through the sliding glass door behind the couch.

The Terrifying Figures

In shock, the man watched as three black figures emerged from the light. They had glowing white eyes and appeared to be about 4 to 5 feet tall. Despite their solid black appearance, they reminded him of owls. The sight was horrifying. He tried to scream again, but still, no sound came out.

Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse, everything suddenly stopped. The figures vanished, and he regained the ability to move.

Lasting Effects

Even though this event happened in 2011, it has had a profound effect on him. He often feels as if he is being watched and now suffers from depersonalization disorder. This disorder distorts one’s perception of their body, making them feel robotic or as if they are in a dream.

Many who hear this story might dismiss it as mere sleep paralysis or hallucinations. However, the witness insists he was fully awake during the encounter. The long-lasting effects he experiences suggest something more significant than just a bad dream.

The Mystery of Missing Time

It’s unclear if the witness experienced any missing time during this event. The account does not indicate that he checked a clock before or after the incident. This leaves many questions unanswered.

The phenomenon of white-eyed beings is not as well-known as that of black-eyed kids, but it adds another layer to the mystery of paranormal encounters. From phantom beings wearing white masks to these strange figures, the world of the unexplained is vast and unsettling.


The encounter in Eugene, Oregon, serves as a reminder that the unknown can be frightening. Whether it’s black-eyed kids or white-eyed beings, these stories captivate and terrify us. They challenge our understanding of reality and leave us questioning what truly exists beyond our perception.

As more people share their experiences, we may uncover more about these mysterious beings. Until then, stories like this one keep the intrigue alive, reminding us that the world is full of mysteries waiting to be explored.


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