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Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter: Ex-Military’s Night of Horror!

During a hiking trip from Wright’s Lake to Enchanted Pools, an ex-military man had a shocking encounter with Bigfoot. This story unfolds in the Desolation Wilderness near Camino, California, a popular spot for camping and fishing.

Years had passed since the witness last visited this beautiful area. Excited to return, he invited a couple of friends to join him. They arrived around 1 p.m. and decided to hike upstream from White’s Lake. After a couple of hours, a ranger approached them. He informed them that they were not yet in Desolation Wilderness and needed to hike further.

While the other two friends lost interest and left for a hotel in Placerville, the witness continued hiking. He felt anxious about finding a campsite before dark. Unfortunately, he got lost. After some time, he stumbled upon a stunning granite cliff with a stream and a serene pool of water. It seemed like the perfect spot, so he set up camp and began fishing.

As night fell, he snuggled into his sleeping bag, ready for sleep. Suddenly, a low growl echoed outside his tent. Heart racing, he reached for his .45 compact handgun and peered through the tent’s screen. A dark figure, about four and a half feet tall, stood near the trees. Thinking it was a bear, he yelled to scare it away. When it didn’t move, he fired a shot at a nearby dead tree. The noise startled the figure, which retreated into the forest.

However, the creature didn’t go far. Silence fell, but soon after, he heard crashing sounds—rocks tumbling off the cliff and splashing into the pool below. The unsettling noise continued for hours. He peeked outside several times, but the bright moonlight revealed nothing. The crashing sounds persisted until around 2 a.m., when they finally stopped.

Then, rustling noises came from just outside his tent. He yelled again, but was met with a deep growl in response. Fear gripped him. He stepped outside, gun in hand, but saw nothing. He fired another shot into a tree, hoping to scare the creature away. It ran back into the forest, but he realized it was moving on two legs, not four like a bear. Panic set in as he understood he was not dealing with an ordinary animal.

Seeking safety, he grabbed his sleeping bag and moved to the center of a large granite slab, away from the forest. He prayed for dawn to arrive. At around 4:30 a.m., he awoke from a light sleep. Looking back at the trees, he saw nothing. But when he glanced at his tent, he froze in terror. The creature was standing right beside it.

In a panic, he raised his gun and fired at the creature. It didn’t flinch. Instead, it took giant steps toward him. He fired again, unsure if his .45 would even stop such a beast. After the shot rang out, the creature dashed back into the trees, leaving him trembling.

He sat there for hours, clutching his gun, waiting for the first light of dawn. When the sun finally began to rise, he quickly broke camp and hiked back to Wright’s Lake. That terrifying night marked the last time he ever visited Desolation Wilderness. The memory of that encounter with Bigfoot would haunt him forever.

This chilling tale serves as a reminder of the mysteries that lurk in the wilderness. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, the fear of the unknown can be very real. Always be prepared when exploring the great outdoors!

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