The (Not-So) Secret History of Saint Patrick’s Day

March 17 is the day generally believed to be the death of St. Patrick, the British-born missionary who is credited ...
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Secret Sun Picture Parade: Oscars Go to the Moon (UPDATE)

Not a promising omen. Remember that the Babylon Gate sits in the backyard of the Kodak Theater, where the Oscars ...
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Why I’m Not a Mythicist, Part III: Out of Egypt

The primary argument of the Mythicists- whether you’re talking about Jesus, Paul or any of the early Church Fathers- essentially ...
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Why I Am Not a Mythicist, Part II: The Martyred Magician

Jesus and his magic wand, raising Lazarus For a guy who an increasing number of people believe never existed, Jesus ...
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AstroGnostic: The Theater of Mysteries

Timing is everything. While going over the volumes of material I’ve collected about A., the improbable postwar tech/electronics boom and ...
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Lucifer’s Technologies: Horned and Hidden

PART 1/ PART 2/ PART 3/ PART 4/ PART 5/ PART 6/ PART 7/ PART 8/PART 9 The Lucifer archetype has been associated with knowledge and technology ...
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Lucifer’s Technologies: Ba’al Laboratories [UPDATE]

PART 1/ PART 2/ PART 3/ PART 4/ PART 5/ PART 6/ PART 7/ PART 8/PART 9 In the previous post we looked at the rather startlingly-detailed ...
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Stolen History, and the Mystery of Gold

I used to be a big fan of The History Channel, back when they used to actually show documentaries on ...
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Secret Sun Picture Parade: It’s Not What It Looks Like

You know we’re in a ride when this year when there’s an “Osiris Expo” in Paris. The Expo actually opened in ...
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