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Salem Gallows Hill: Ghost on Gallows Hill?

The following photo was taken last August during a day hike to Gallows Hill in Salem, MA. At the time, a friend of mine noticed something off to the right of this field, near a tree. I noticed something as well after glancing that way, but I could not make anything out. The sun was pretty intense that day, and I was having a hard time making anything out since most objects were very bright. I took a few photos in that direction just to document the feeling, and I moved on.

Months past, and I never really noticed anything strange in my photos from Salem. I came home, ran my Salem article here on listod, and moved on to other things. One day after showing the photos to a visitor to listod, I was informed of a strange-looking object near the tree in this photo. I took my original here at home and blew it up to see what this person had been looking at. To my surprise, I was able to make out what appears to be a black skull-shaped object just right of the tree. The object appears to be floating in the air. The object also appears to have what looks similar to long hair. You can even make out what looks similar to a pair of eyes.

Ghost on Gallows Hill

To make things even more interesting, while showing this photo to a colleague of mine, he informed me of another strange object in this photo. To the left of the tree, near the base of where the white rock formation begins, you can see what appears to be the outline of a person. It appears almost in shadow form.

Although I felt no intense sensations while visiting Gallows Hill, most would think this location would be very active considering all the terrible things that once happened here. Ghost or no ghost? You decide.

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