nItnis said that brain tumor is a ‘death on diagnosis’ disease. There is no waynout. When one is diagnosed with this deadly disease, her premature departure isnfixed. There is no treatment for brain tumor. There isn’t any in sight as farnas conventional medicine is concerned.
nSurgery, Radiation Therapynand Chemotherapy (mainly Temozolomide) are the three main options available innthe conventional medicine. However, when it is Glioblastoma Multiforme (GradenIV and highly aggressive brain tumor) nothing is going to work. The prognosisnis quite poor even after spending lots of money and letting your patient goingnthrough these highly painful options. The possibility of side effects with RTnand Chemo is also quite high.
nSurgery, Radiation Therapynand Chemotherapy (mainly Temozolomide) are the three main options available innthe conventional medicine. However, when it is Glioblastoma Multiforme (GradenIV and highly aggressive brain tumor) nothing is going to work. The prognosisnis quite poor even after spending lots of money and letting your patient goingnthrough these highly painful options. The possibility of side effects with RTnand Chemo is also quite high.
nMy Personal Experience
nMy brother was diagnosednwith Glioma Grade II brain tumor in 2010. The surgery was done in June, 2010nand later he successfully completed Radiation Therapy in October, 2010.nEverything was fine after that until December, 2013. He had a sudden fall andnwas immediately advised to go for MRI. The MRI report shows recurrence. Lots ofntests followed, including PET MRI which showed that his Grade II Glioma hadnbecome highly aggressive with five satellite tumors. His neurosurgeon was quitendepressed with sudden turn of events and advised me to not look for anyntreatment options. He frankly told me that days are numbered for my brother. Thentumor had become inoperable (it had become GBM, indeed). I requested him tonsuggest RT and Temozolomide to delay the inevitable. My brother underwent allnthese two treatment options at Medanta, Gurgaon. One month later, we again wentnto see the neurosurgeon and neuro oncologist. Both of them were shocked to seenthe status of the tumor. It was still increasing. Meanwhile, my brother hadnlost complete sense. He was not able to walk independently. He couldn’tnremember anything, not even names of his daughters and wife.
nAfter looking for some possiblentreatment options and seeing lots of survival in India, I decided to fix annappointment with Dr. Pratip Banerji in Kolkata. I went there with all mynreports. He got quite infuriated after seeing that I allowed chemotherapy. Henbluntly told me to find a single patient in India with GBM who has survived fornmore than four years after going through all treatment options available in thenconventional medicine. I couldn’t reply. He further told me to have treatednlots of patients with his Ruta protocol.
nIt is actually known asnBanerji Protocol for brain tumor. This Ruta 6 medicine was discovered by Dr.nPrasanta Banerji, the father of Dr. Pratip Banerji, for brain tumor. It isnquite cheap and doesn’t lead to any side effects. Further, it can completelyncure Grade II and III brain tumors. There are no cases of complete treatment ofnGBM, but it has elongated the life of the patient with GBM (even more than fivenyears). Further, it doesn’t lead to any side effects. It is quite cheap. Onenmonth medicine cost only Rs. 35 (less than one dollar).
nI started Ruta 6 treatmentnfor my brother. This is around two years now and he is ALIVE. I have to writenhere that he is alive because doctors at Medanta had told me that the prognosisnis quite poor and he may not survive beyond three months in early 2014 (I amnwriting this in November, 2015).
nThe last two MRI have shownnshrinking tumor. He can now be safely clubbed as a long time survival of GBM.
nWe are still unable tonmanage the dexamethasone, the medicine prescribed to handle brain swelling. However,nwe are quite hopeful that he will survive for many more years.
nIf you are involved with any type of cancer – as a patient, caregiver or attendant – the one book I would highly recommend is Anti Cancer – A New Way of Life. It contains plethora of information about naturally fighting cancer. It is also highly recommended for brain tumor patients, as proper diet selection (like ketogenic diet) becomes quite crucial. Check out this book HERE.
nIf you are involved with any type of cancer – as a patient, caregiver or attendant – the one book I would highly recommend is Anti Cancer – A New Way of Life. It contains plethora of information about naturally fighting cancer. It is also highly recommended for brain tumor patients, as proper diet selection (like ketogenic diet) becomes quite crucial. Check out this book HERE.