nRicha Chadha isnwidely regarded as one of the most promising and talented actresses of thencontemporary Indian film industry. Unfortunately, she is not getting thenrecognition she deserves. It is not easy to find a comparable actress in thenBollywood who can handle highly versatile and intense characters at ease like Richa. Ifnyou take a look on her filmography, you can guess that she might be quite toughnin her real life. But, that isn’t the truth. She is down to earth, highlynsensitive and a progressive girl.
nThe firstnboyfriend of Richa Chadha was Ritesh Bhavalkar. She is said to have onenrelationship during her school days, but nothing is known publicly about thatnguy. In fact, very little information is available in the public domain aboutnthe identity and profession of Ritesh.
nIn the filmnindustry, Richa is said to be quite close to Randeep Hooda. She has done fewnfilms with Randeep, including critically acclaimed Masaan. There is no denyingnthat the chemistry between Richa and Randeep is quite intense and they looknquite comfortable with each other. Richa says that Randeep is quite a toughnperson from outside but he has a heart of gold. This statement was more thannenough to say that something is cooking between them. However, they are yet tonpublicly accept about this relationship.
nLike her reelnlife, Richa is currently engaged in a very interesting relationship. She hasnpublicly accepted of dating French actor Franck. There is no problem as far asndating a foreigner is concerned. But, the real problem is the language.
nYou will bensurprised to know that Franck, the current boyfriend of Richa Chadha, doesn’tnknow English (or very little English, not enough to communicate). He can onlyncommunicate frequently in French. Further, Richa is comfortable in English andnHindi. She doesn’t know anything about French. In fact, she is unaware of basicnvocabulary of French. Now, you can imagine how tough this relationship mightnbe. Franck is living in Paris and because of tight schedule Richa can’t gonthere.
nYet, both ofnthem are in a relationship. This is more than just a long distancenrelationship. Apart from geography, they have to cross another barrier –nlinguistic hurdle.
nRicha says thatnshe and Franck have installed many translation apps on their smart phones whichnmake it possible for them to understand each other. However, as you might havenguessed, this isn’t going to work for long. One of them needs to learn a commonnlanguage.
nIn allnprobability, Richa and Franck are going to choose different ways in future. Innmy opinion, Richa will become a life partner of Randeep Hooda, the ex-boyfriendnof Sushmita Sen.
nIn allnprobability, Richa and Franck are going to choose different ways in future. Innmy opinion, Richa will become a life partner of Randeep Hooda, the ex-boyfriendnof Sushmita Sen.