In November 1852, Captain George Yount (Yountsville, CA is named for him) accompanied Henry Horn on a hunting trip in the mountains. One night, Yount had a dream about a party of nine immigrants trapped in a snow storm through the Carson Valley Pass. So certain was he that the dream was prophetic, he told his companion he was heading back to town to gather a rescue party. For three days the men searched without success, but as they approached the pass proper they discovered deep snow everywhere, as if an avalanche had occurred. Soon they spotted a 16 year old immigrant boy who told them that his party of nine was trapped in the snow not far away. The rescue party was able to save six of the nine travelers. Yount could offer no explanations for his dream. Did someone in the party send out a psychic distress call? Or did some force on high direct his thoughts to the plight of the trapped travelers?