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HomeTrendingProject Blue Beam Exposed! Hoax that Won't Die

Project Blue Beam Exposed! Hoax that Won’t Die

Blue Beam hoax was originally composed by an intelligence agency and fed to Serge Monast, who certainly didn’t seem like the type to do the kind of research evidenced in the piece, though I’m certain he tacked on all the nonsense about “Maitreya” and the rest. The editorializing, in other words.

If not an actual agency, it was fed to him by a very canny hoaxer with access to specialized information not generally available in those caveman dial-up days.

And as I wrote in the Blue Beam piece itself, all of the major bullet points in Monast’s original essay were aired in February of 1994 in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Devil’s Due”, itself a conglomeration of plot points from earlier Trek scripts. 

In other words, “Devil’s Due” aired early the same year Serge Monast presented a remarkably similar scenario for Project Blue Beam.

The paper trail for Blue Beam’s Star Trek origins is well documented, published and dated, and dates back to the 1970s. And the winks and nods to Star Trek in the essay itself clearly indicate that Monast was being manipulated by someone who was/were clearly a Trek fan(s). Nothing in Monast’s biography leads me to believe that he’d ever bother with such trifles.


Random YouTube commenters drag the Blue Beam donkey out for nearly every UFO video these days, even for the corniest, most transparent CGI fakes. And often you’ll see scripture or some chestnut from the Founding Fathers tossed in with these obviously expert image analyses.

And here is where we get to part of the original motivation for the creation of the Blue Beam hoax: I think the purpose of Blue Beam was to try to decouple the UFO and NWO conspiracy communities, which were very closely linked for a time (see Bill Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse, the “Commander X” books, The X-Files) and in some ways still are (Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, David Icke, The X-Files).

The motivation for this was simple and compelling; in the wake of the Bob Lazar controversy you had a lot of heavily-armed militia types showing up at the outskirts of Area 51 and other military facilities every weekend, demanding to know the “truth.”

And that was a headache the government definitely did not want to deal with, Susie.

So the objective was to get the ornery militia types out of the UFO business and every paragraph of the Blue Beam essay seems hermetically engineered to do just that.

And not long after the Blue Beam hoax really circulated around the ‘Net, Bill Cooper– who had tirelessly worked the UFO convention circuit, spinning some of the most outrageous, most delusional disinformation since Adamski & Co.– pulled the old one-eighty routine and claimed that the patently-absurd UFO nonsense he’d been feeding his audiences all those years was actually fed to him by the alphabet boys in order to spread the “UFO myth” far and wide. 

His conspiracy audience overlooked the fact that his peers in the UFO community (meaning the people who actually knew him personally) thought he was a drunken, duplicitous fantasist. 

I mean, they would say that, right?


Well, Blue Beam refuses to die. It’s even morphed into a new incarnation, just in time for the elections.

With the ongoing October Surprises this year: the deluge of emails released by Wikileaks (many of which deal with UFO subject matter), the various accusations of sexual harassment against Donald Trump and the revelations by “Project Veritas” that senior Democratic operatives (and quite possibly figures higher up the food chain) are responsible for riots and gang attacks on attendees at Trump rallies, Project Blue Beam has been reborn, this time as “Project Firesign.” 

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And this time its alleged purpose is to derail the upcoming election.

Just as Project Blue Beam borrowed its name from Project Blue Book, Project Firesign lifts its name from the Air Force’s Project Sign, an early UFO working group. But Firesign is basically Blue Beam in partisan drag:

According to the weird conspiracy theory, the move to fake a massive alien UFO invasion of Earth on Election Day is part of an overall strategy by Democrats to allow President Barack Obama to suspend the general election, declare martial law, and then hand over power to “Crooked Hillary Clinton.”

Details of the bizarre plan were revealed through two email leaks, namely, WikiLeaks Podesta emails and a PDF document attributed to Benenson Strategy Group (BSG), allegedly leaked by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

According to the document, Project Firesign is a Department of Defense and NASA black project that has been under development for two decades. The purpose of Firesign is to induce mass religious hysteria by using state-of-the-art holographic laser projection technology to throw hyper-realistic 3D images on the “sodium layer” of the atmosphere at an altitude of about 100 km.

I’ll just come right out and say it: like Blue Beam, Project Firesign is a hoax. The actual document is poorly composed and almost laughable in its evaluation of the polls and the election. It was clearly written by an anti-Clinton partisan and the bias seeps through every line.

It uses the name and trade dress of the organization running the Clinton campaign but that detail in fact serves to undercut its authenticity- no public company would sign their name to such a dastardly plan like Firesign. In fact, I doubt this information would even be circulated in-house at all. 

This “holograms on the sodium layer” business is so absurd and anti-scientific one hardly knows where to begin. First of all, this is 2021, not 1994 and people only worship themselves. No one looks at anything but their phones anymore, certainly not the skies.

And there’s still no evidence that hologram technology is anywhere near ready for this kind of close-up. And even if it were, most people would assume it was indeed a hologram (thanks in large part to 22 years of Blue Beam brainwash), probably a publicity stunt for that new alien invasion movie everyone is talking about.

What’s more, this is 2021 and night vision technology, infrared vision, and sophisticated telescopes are all available to the general public. 

A hologram wouldn’t show up on infrared because it won’t leave a heat signature. So as soon as those holograms go up, so do a hundred thousand infrared videos go up on YouTube proving these spaceships or Jesus or Muhammad are just projections (and on the sodium layer? Is there any evidence of being able to do this at all?)


Now, if Hillary Clinton or anyone else were to try to stage off a false-flag alien invasion, she wouldn’t have to mess around with technology that still hasn’t shown it’s remotely capable of pulling such a stunt off.

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Not when there are all kinds of new toys to play with.

There’s an entire subculture dedicated to the secret space program and to what serious researchers like Richard Dolan and Joseph Patrick Farrell call the “Breakaway Civilization.” In fact, it was a major influence on Chris Carter’s thinking for the X-Files reboot.

Opinions and theories vary, but the main argument is that the black project world has a vast and hidden arsenal of exotic air- and spacecraft, vehicles which some believe were back-engineered from alien technology.

Sounds crazy, right? Actually, there’s a lot of evidence for this, certainly a lot more evidence than anything the Transhumanists have for uploading and the Singularity and the rest. And a entire universe of evidence more than the Blue Beamers will ever have.

Looking for evidence of Breakaway technology in the here and now? Well, one YouTuber has been filming a lot of very strange activity over the Nevada skies lately, in the vicinity of Groom Lake/S4/Dreamland/Area 51/etc etc. Test runs?

There’s a lot of controversy over the Wikileaks, um, leaks, with some claiming they’re all faked and others claiming Russia is behind it all. But investigative reporter Wayne Madsen has a different take; he believes that John Podesta’s email account was hacked by UFO hackers looking for information on government involvement in the extraterrestrial question.

If that’s true, they might have hit paydirt:

In the latest Wikileaks UFO news, a recently released email implies the U.S. government’s knowledge of so-called “Fastwalker” UFOs. “Fastwalker” is a term used by NORAD and branches of armed forces to describe unidentified aerial phenomena moving and/or changing directions at high speed far beyond what current aerospace technology is capable of.&nbsp;

The March 6, 2015 email concerning Fastwalkers was written by Bob Fish, a NASA historian and Apollo Curator for the USS Hornet Museum, and sent to John Podesta, Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and former adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.&nbsp;

In the email, Fish describes overhearing members of the U.S. government’s Defense Satellite Program (DSP) discussing recent sightings of Fastwalker UFOs. According to Fish’s email, these Fastwalkers came from unknown locations in distant space:&nbsp;

One of these times, a member of that group was really excited – said they’d just picked up Fastwalker (I assumed that same day). He described how it entered our atmosphere from “deep space” (origin actually unknown, of course, but from the backside of the satellite) and zipped by the DSP satellite pretty closely on its way to earth.

So much for the “if UFOs are real, why aren’t they reported by Wikileaks?” meme.

And one can’t help but wonder what the world would have looked like had Gary McKinnon actually bothered to keep records of the information he hacked into all those years ago. But maybe that won’t matter soon enough. 


Last year my family and I saw two orange orbs harass a private plane over Salem, NH. As it happens, there’s been a wave of orbs in the area ever since. And apparently the military has taken notice:

Military Helicopter Chases UFO Over New Hampshire Skies

A New Hampshire witness at Nashua reported watching a red-orange orb moving a few hundred feet off of the ground while apparently being pursued by a military helicopter, according to testimony in Case 79839 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

You probably didn’t hear about any of that. In fact, over the summer a report revealed that the American and Canadian governments had not only been suppressing thousands of reports of radar returns on UFOs but also reports of intercepts, as we saw in New Hampshire there.

‘Alien cover up’: Nearly 2,000 UFOs tracked by radar system but details suppressed

RADAR operatives patrolling the skies over the US and Canada track an average of 1,800 UFOS every five years it has emerged.

The figures were revealed to UFO investigators following a Canadian Access to Information Act request.

But officials refused to reveal any further data or specific details about individual UFO interceptions.

Candian UFO expert Victor Viggiani requested information on the tracking and intercepting of UFOs by NORAD after obtaining secret documents which detailed a case of jets being scramble to “three UFOs”.

A response from NORAD said that requests for “unknown track reports” are classified and cannot be released on grounds of national security and espionage.

It said: “The NORAD commander has approved the release of the following information regarding tracks of interest (TOI) and unknown tracks.
“The yearly average in the past five years has been 1,800 TOIs and 75 intercepts.”

Seventy-five intercepts. A year.

An intercept is a major military action, and a dangerous one, not only for the pilot but also for civilian aircraft in the area and in a worst-case scenario, for civilians on the ground. They are major operations that aren’t launched for giggles and grins, but in response to a potential threat. 

See also  Decoding Project Sign: U.S. Government's 1947 UFO Investigation

And you’re not hearing about it.

So here we see the motivation for the Blue Beam hoax in operation. 

UFOs are clearly a major concern to the authorities, no matter what the major media tells you. And the authorities don’t want the public sticking their nose in the subject. So they psychologically profiled the types who weren’t swayed by the government denials or the media mockery and designed a kind of ideational virus that would inoculate the targets against these kinds of stories and sightings.

It kind of works in the same way a computer virus does, rewriting code and deleting files. They understood their targets like simple, one-size-fits-all answers (and apocalyptic scenarios) so they coded this virus to pre-empt any critical thought when a sighting or report surfaces that can’t be explained as a simple hoax. 

I have to say they did a marvelous job. For a hoax, it works like gangbusters.


UFOlogy is not what it used to be for many reasons, a lot of which has to do with the unprecedented expansion of government secrecy we’ve seen in the past 15 years or so. Quite simply, the field has been starved of oxygen. I mean, how much more mileage can you really get of Roswell?

For all we know there may have been a dozen Roswells and two dozen Rendleshams since 9/11 but information has been sewn up so tightly under the veil of National Security we’ll never hear about it.

Until, of course, some enterprising hackers stumble upon the data while tiptoeing through the digital tulips. Then you’re looking at a whole new ballgame, once again.



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