Who will win the 2024 Presidency, Trump or Biden?
Do you want Trump or Biden to run for President of the United States again? The latest poll is here.
Comprehensive report, a recent Trump survey conducted by the US Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) found that about 70% of Trump’s respondents do not want Biden to run for re-election as US president. At the same time, 61% of Biden’s supporters do not want him to run again for President Trump, who has declared his candidature for the presidential election in 2024.
According to reports, 57% of American polls believe Democrats, 66% of Trump’s centrist voters, and 86% of Republicans do not want Biden to run for re-election.
The poll found that 47% of Biden respondents who also believe Biden should not run cited age as the latest main reason for re-presidentialism, including 61% of those running for Democrats. Biden, who turned 80 last month, is expected to be the oldest incumbent president in U.S. history, according to U.S. polls. If Biden is re-elected, he will be 86 by the time he completes his second term.
Additionally, Biden’s approval rating fell from 46% in October to 41% this month, while his disapproval rating rose from 50% to 54%. Approval for his economy fell from 40 percent to 38 percent. Just 14% of respondents said they thought the economy was doing well or very well, the lowest level in the survey since 2013.
Meanwhile, the poll found that a majority of respondents (61%) also don’t want Trump, who has declared a candidature for the 2024 presidential election, including 37% of Republicans, 61% of centrist voters, and 88% of Democrats. Only 8 percent of respondents who don’t want Trump, 76, to run again cite his age as the main reason they shouldn’t run.
The US Network pointed out that in the mid-term elections, the Democratic Party’s election results exceeded outside expectations. Democrats were able to slightly expand their Senate majority while narrowly losing control of the House of Representatives. Biden is therefore in a better position to launch a reelection campaign.
On December 5, local time, White House chief of staff Ron Klein said that shortly after the Christmas and New Year holidays, Biden will decide whether to seek re-election as president in 2024.