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Paris, or a Calendar Other Than Your Own (UPDATED 11.20)

The deadly machinations of the spiderweb of Deep States claim more victims, again in Paris, the City of Lights.

The day before it was Beirut, not-coicidentally known as the Paris of the Middle East, which suffered atrocities at the hands of murderers who are like a never-ending replay of the parable of the frog and the scorpion. 

It was the Russians who took it in the neck not so long ago, ostensible payback for being the first country to fight a serious war on terror, not the ridiculous charade the US and its allies were engaged in as cover for their war on Syrian President Assad and his people. 

The story is murky and prone to confabulation but there’s agreement on all sides that Daesh or the Islamic Caliphate (“ISIS” is an imaginary name created by the Western media), is in part NATO’s Frankenstein monster. What version of the story you believe is up to you. What is certain is that NATO has been farming its dirty work out to some very bad actors and now the blowback is about to begin.

Of course you’ll hear the usual talk about “false flags,” but as is so often the case I doubt we’ll see anything dramatic in response to this outrage, just the usual marches and vows to heal and unite and so on. I can’t remember the last time you actually saw anything of any real significance follow in the wake of one of these alleged “false flag” incidents. 

I’m not saying false flag actions don’t exist- I most certainly believe they do. But unless you see some major mobilization or crackdown or some other kind of disproportionate action in response to a terrorist act, it’s probably a safe bet it’s not one. And even then the burden is on the individual making the accusation to present a cogent, exhaustive case, not just cobble together a handful of rumors and reporting errors. 

And funny how no one is screaming “false flag” over Beirut or any of the other horrors that take place in the Middle East, Asia and Africa on a nearly daily basis. No, terrorism is real and much, much worse than our Western media would have you believe. 

So far the meat of the false flag argument is that one of the terrorists was found with a (false) Syrian passport. This shows how ignorant most of these people are- false documents are the currency of bad actors, whether you’re talking about spies or terrorists.

A British reporter was able to buy a Syrian passport and other paperwork being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe, raising concerns about the 10,000 refugees President Barack Obama is promising to take in. 

The reporter paid $2,000 for a passport, ID card and driver’s license of a man killed in the conflict.  Former FBI agent Jim Conway of Globel Intel Strategies, says he’s not surprised ISIS fighters are able to get a hold of such paperwork. 

“Terrorist cells are always looking for explosives, they’re looking for weaponry, they’re looking for cloned telephones, they’re looking for vehicles, but their most sought after commodity is good, false documents…” 

Then we heard talk about Friday the 13th and how this must be those Luciferian (sic) Templars again, making human sacrifices to their Luciferian (sic) god, Lucifer (sic). 

I mean, that nails it, right?

Well, never mind it’s the WRONG FRIGGIN’ MONTH (the Templar suppression took place in October), did it ever occur to anyone that November 13th might have a significant meaning to a group calling itself THE ISLAMIC CALIPHATE? 

Like maybe it was the date of the FALL OF THE LAST ISLAMIC CALIPHATE? At the hands of the FRENCH, no less?

The Occupation of Constantinople (present day Istanbul) was the occupation of the capital of the Ottoman Empire, following the Armistice of Mudros by the Triple Entente of World War I. The first French troops entered the city on November 12, 1918, followed by British troops the next day. The occupation had two stages: the de facto stage from November 13, 1918 to March 20, 1920, and the de jure stage from March 20, 1920 to the days following the Treaty of Lausanne. The last Allied troops departed from the city on September 23, 1923.

Gee, you think that might be a black letter day for a radical or two?

And what about the last attack on Paris, the Charlie Hebdo massacre? That took place on January 7th. What is it about that date? There were two other recent massacres on it:

 2010– Muslim gunmen in Egypt open fire on a crowd of Coptic Christians  killing eight of them and one Muslim bystander. 

2015 – A car bomb explodes outside a police college in the Yemeni capital Sana’a with at least 38 people reported dead and more than 63 injured.

There were the usual accusations of false flag but the only reaction to the massacre of note was Charlie Hebdo giving in to the terrorists’ demands. Unless I missed something.

I don’t know what the significance of this is exactly, but January 7th was the day a major figure in Turkish history died, a major player in the Ottoman Caliphate:

Koca Mustafa Reşid Pasha (literally Great Mustafa Reşid Pasha; 13 March 1800 – 7 January 1858) was an Ottoman statesman and diplomat , known best as the chief architect behind the Ottoman government reforms known as Tanzimat. 

Why is Turkey significant? Because a bombing of a Kurdish peace rally the Turkish government blamed on Daesh but Turkish Kurds blamed on the Islamist Edrogan government took place on this past October 10. 

In this case, the government could be right since the Kurds have been at the forefront of the war on Daesh (recently liberating the Yazidi city of Sinjar) and acting in concert with Russian and NATO troops, both of whom Daesh see as “Crusaders.”

What’s the significance of October 10? 

Well, that takes us back to France again and the decisive Battle of Tours where French national hero Charles Martel defeated the Moors and turned the tide against the Islamic occupation of Europe. Tours remains an eternal wound for the pride of many Islamic extremists.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

What about the downing of the Russian airliner over the Sinai? Surely that must be the work of Zio-Luciferian (sic) witches celebrating their high holy day (sic) of Halloween, right?

Well, believe it or not other people have calendars and days of observance. October 31 was the day of the (first) Siege of Mecca, when the Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam, was burnt to the ground. This was during the Second Islamic Civil War, and many argue that the conflict in Iraq and Syria is  a continuation of that ancient struggle. 

The Siege of Mecca would replay itself in 1979, giving rise to the radicalism that some believe led to the formation of the groups that we face today.

(B)loody 1979 takeover of Islam’s holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, by hundreds of armed gunmen led by Saudi preacher Juhayman al Uteybi, who believed the Saudi royal family had become a servant of American infidels; the assault that knocked out the insurgents; and the repercussions of the event in terms of the rise of violent, extremist Islam around the world.

October 31 was also the day the UK and France (remember, a Crusader is a Crusader to Daesh) began a bombing campaign in order to force Egypt to open the Suez Canal. Russia- or the USSR, more accurately- was on Egypt’s side but are now siding with the Shi’a, surely an unforgiveable act of treachery. 

So, humor me; you think October 31st may have some significance to a group of militants based in the Sinai? Maybe just a little?

There’s a strange kind of ethnocentrism at work in this conspiracy thinking, denying emotion and agency to people not like yourself, thinking they are all just puppets of CIA fratboys. It reminds of the kind of patronizing paternalism you see among liberals when you talk about Islamic radicalism. I think at its root is a kind of dehumanizing thinking.

There is no doubt that there are all kinds of machinations at work on the part of our government and our intelligence services. But pretending that other people don’t have their own rituals and observances when it comes to these actions is not only myopic, it’s dangerous.

UPDATE 11/20: The Islamic Calendar begins on July 16, 622

The debate is over.

UPDATE: Reader MH reminds us how important September 11th is in all of this, being the date of the decisive Battle of Vienna, when the Ottomans were defeated by the Holy Roman Empire. More and more we see the shadow of the longtime grandmasters of Deep State machinations in all of this…

UPDATE: Kurdish Peshmerga discover Yazidi mass graves in Sinjar, victims of Daesh. Maybe we should ask the Yazidi what they think of these “false flag” theories. Or the Kurds.  Or the Assyrians. Or the Ethiopians. Or the…

UPDATE: Webster Tarpley analyzes the situation and sees this as a clumsy, crude desperation move on Daesh’s move, totally devoid of tactical sophistication.

UPDATE: What about the London bombings on 7/7? That too is a critical date in the calendar of conflict between Islam and the West- it’s the day the Kingdom of Tyre fell to the Crusaders.

After a first failed siege in 1111, it was captured by the Crusaders in 1124, becoming one of the most important cities of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. It was part of the royal domain, although there were also autonomous trading colonies there for the Italian merchant cities. The city was the site of the archbishop of Tyre, a suffragan of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem; its archbishops often acceded to the Patriarchate. The most notable of the Latin archbishops was the historian William of Tyre.

What about 3/11, the date of the Madrid bombings? That is yet ANOTHER crucial anniversary, that of the Fall of Baghdad in 1917 to a combined Anglo-Indian force (this ultimately led to the infamous Sykes-Picot treaty that many blame for the terrible state the Midde East is in now). The Madrid bombings did what most of these terrorist events did- gave the terrorists what they wanted. The Spanish pulled their troops out of Iraq (read: Baghdad) in response. 

Seeing the connections here?

What about the 7/13 bomb attacks in Mumbai? Those took place on July 13th, the snniversary of the infamous Siege of Jersualem. Note that one of the targets of the bombings was a Western-linked high school bus stop.

I’ve generally avoided writing about these kinds of horror shows but given the backlash-inducing nonsense I’m seeing in the alt.media I thought it was important to take a serious look at this event and its antecedents.

UPDATE: I keep seeing links to this RT interview with this “Geroid O’Colmain” agent provocateur character, an obscure blogger for what look to be astroturf sites I’d never heard of prior to this event. Nearly all the hits that come up for this guy link in some way to the RT piece. To me it just looks as if the Russians are gaslighting the French with a guy whose Twitter handle is “BradfordSoviet”. Well, that’s war for you. I recommend you stick with Webster Tarpley.

UPDATE: And what about the Boston Marathon bombings? They took place on another EXTREMELY important anniversary- the first day of the Arab Uprising in British Palestine:

The 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine was a nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine against British colonial rule, as a demand for independence. The dissent was directly influenced by the Qassamite rebellion, following the killing of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam in 1935, as well as the declaration by Hajj Mohammad Amin al-Husayni of 16 May 1930 as ‘Palestine Day’ and calling for a General Strike. The revolt was branded by many in the Jewish Yishuv as “immoral and terroristic”, often comparing it to the fascism and nazism.

UPDATE: The Fort Hood massacre on November 5, 2009 was committed by a Palestinian-born terrorist, on the very same date in 1990 when another Palestinian assassinated extreme-right Israeli politician Meir Kahane, an act that was widely celebrated in American leftist circles. 

In keeping with the eternal grievance calendar November 5 is the date that Libya was put under Italian control, taken from the Ottoman Empire (there they are, again).

How many more examples do we really need?

UPDATE: The great Paul Weston weighs in with this comment: 

A good test of this material is whether we can get predictive with it. I’ve already stated elsewhere that I believe that the centenary of the Sykes Picot agreement (whereby British and French bureaucrats with zero forethought created all of the current Middle Eastern national boundaries) next May represents a likely date for some unpleasant activity. 

Well, we’ve already seen that.  The 2003 Casablanca (in formerly French-held Morocco) bombings, in which many Western sites were targeted, took place on the anniversary of the Sykes-Picot signing. Thanks to Paul for bring that up. There was also a bombing in Nairobi in 2014 blamed on al-Shabaab.


BAMAKO (Reuters) – Malian commandos stormed a luxury hotel in Bamako on Friday after Islamist gunmen took 170 people including many foreigners hostage in the capital of the former French colony, which has been battling rebels allied to al Qaeda for several years. 

Dozens of people were reported to have escaped or been freed, but at least three were dead. A security source said the gunmen had dug in on the seventh floor of the hotel as special forces advanced on them. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. 

State television showed footage of troops in camouflage fatigues wielding AK47s in the lobby of the Radisson Blu, one of Bamako’s smartest hotels. In the background, a body lay under a brown blanket at the bottom of a flight of stairs. 

Minister of Internal Security Colonel Salif Traoré said three people had been killed and two wounded by the gunmen, who burst through security at the hotel entrance at 7 a.m (0700 GMT), spraying the area with gunfire and shouting “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” in Arabic.

What else happened on November 20? In 1979:

The Grand Mosque seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The insurgents declared that the Mahdi (the “redeemer of Islam”) had arrived in the form of one of their leaders – Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani – and called on Muslims to obey him. 

The seizure of Islam’s holiest site, the taking of hostages from among the worshipers, and the deaths of hundreds of militants, security forces and hostages caught in crossfire in the ensuing battles for control of the site, all shocked the Islamic world.

In 2003:

ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) — Powerful explosions ripped through the British Consulate and a London-based bank near a popular shopping area Thursday in Istanbul, killing at least 27 people and wounding more than 450 others, Turkish officials said. 

Seventeen people were killed at the consulate and 10 in the shopping area in the neighborhood of Levent, the Turkish Interior Ministry said.

What may have happened on November 20th that may cause such consternation? Egyptian President Anwar Sadat addressed the Israeli Knesset on that date in 1977. Sadat was later assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

NOTE: Yelling “false flag” before the bodies are even cold is one of the primary reasons alternative research communities have become so universally scorned outside their own little bubbles.  Cui bono?

The point is that we won’t know for sure until there are real investigations done. It used to be that parapolitics researchers would actually wait and study an event before they announced to the world it was a false flag or not. No longer.

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