Home Trending October 16 – Dictionary Day in the U.S.A

October 16 – Dictionary Day in the U.S.A


Posted on October 16, 2021

This is an update of my post published on October 16, 2010:

This day celebrates the birthday of Noah Webster, who created a very famous American English dictionary. (He was born in Connecticut in 1758.) But more importantly, the day is supposed to highlight the importance of dictionary skills, correct spelling, and vocabulary.

Dictionary skills include looking for words in alphabetical order, scanning, using guide words (the words at the top of each dictionary page, which are the first and last words on that page), and understanding the information. Dictionaries show pronunciation, word origins, parts of speech, and definitions.

These skills are important, but not AS important these days, because we have free online dictionaries and spell and grammar checks on our computers and phones.

By the way, the best way to improve your spelling and vocabulary is to read, read, read.

But you might also like to explore some of these activities and websites:

  • Play the Dictionary Game.

This game is also called Fictionary or Balderdash. All you need to play is a rather large dictionary, paper and pencils. Here are the instructions. 


  • Here is Quia – a Guide Word Game.

  • Here is a slide show about how to use a dictionary.

  • Merriam-Webster dictionary is online here!

Also on this date:

St. Gallus Day in Switzerland 

Birthdays of biochemists Henry C. Sherman and Cyril Ponnamperuma

World Food Day

National Feral Cat Day

Anniversary of Parliament burning

Anniversary of the publication of the first Narnia book

Ether Day

World Spine Day

Sloth International Day

(Third Saturday in October)

Bridge Day (also here)

(Third Saturday of October)

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:

And here are my Pinterest boards for:

  • November holidays
  • November birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in November



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