Home » Trending » November 8 – Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day

November 8 – Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day

Posted on November 8, 2020

Hmmm…a day devoted to urging us not to stick to boring and bland food? How novel…


Of course we all want flavorful, maybe even spicy (some of us, some of the time, at least!)! Of course we all want the delight of trying something new – as long as it is also delicious!

Today is the day to take chances, to reinvent, to break out that spice jar you’ve never used (Google to find a recipe that uses that spice!), and to cook and eat and eat and cook!

Check out some recipes here and here.

If you’re vegetarian, try these or this one!

Also on this date:

Inkblot test creator Hermann Rorschach’s birthday 

Domino Day

Parents as Teachers Day

Anniversary of the Louvre opening

Constitution Day in Pohnpei, Micronesia

Anniversary of Montana becoming a state

World Town Planning Day

National Abet and Aid Punsters Day

Anniversary of the discovery of x-rays

(Some sources say November 5 is the anniversary)

National S.T.E.M. / S.T.E.A.M. Day

Mitrovdan in Serbia

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
  • November holidays
  • November birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in November

And here are my Pinterest boards for:

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