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New Mexico Ghost Story with a Hilarious Twist

Hitchhiker Helper

Imagine this: you’re stranded on a desolate New Mexico highway, drenched by a sudden desert storm, and your hitchhiking hopes are dwindling faster than daylight. Then, a glimmer of salvation appears – a pickup truck cutting through the rain. Relief washes over you as you hop in, only to discover…no driver. Panic sets in as the truck lurches forward, seemingly on its own. But wait, there’s more! A shadowy hand emerges from the rain, gripping the steering wheel and expertly navigating the truck through dangerous curves. This isn’t your typical ghost story, folks. Brace yourselves for a hilarious twist on a classic hitchhiker tale.

The legend originates from a sleepy mountain town in northern New Mexico. It follows the story of a young college student, stranded on his journey back home. Night descends, and a fierce desert downpour turns the asphalt into a river. Shivering and soaked, he barely sees two feet in front of him. Hope dwindles with every passing minute. Suddenly, a lone pickup truck emerges from the darkness, a beacon of salvation. The student flags it down, throws open the door, and dives in, desperate for any kind of shelter.

As he wipes the rain from his face, a chilling realization dawns on him – the driver’s seat is empty. His heart pounds as the truck, strangely enough, starts rolling. Panic takes hold as the vehicle picks up speed, hurtling towards a sharp curve. But just in the nick of time, a shadowy hand appears, seemingly from nowhere, grasping the steering wheel and guiding the truck through the hazardous bend. This hand, slick with rainwater, becomes the student’s unexpected travel companion, repeating its feat with each curve on the road.

Finally, the storm subsides, and the young man, nerves frayed, musters his courage. He throws open the door and sprints out of the truck, not daring to look back until he reaches a dimly lit cantina on the outskirts of a small town. Needless to say, a stiff drink is his top priority.

Trembling, he spills his wild story to the bewildered patrons. Skepticism hangs heavy in the air, fueled by the lingering effects of the tequila. However, as the details sink in, concern replaces doubt. Just then, two men enter the bar. The taller one, addressing his companion, exclaims, “Mira, Santiago! There’s the little pest who climbed in the truck while we were pushing it!”

The tension dissipates, replaced by a wave of uproarious laughter. The student, the unwitting passenger in a ghost-assisted vehicle, suddenly becomes the comedic highlight of the evening. Turns out, the “ghostly hand” belonged to Santiago, hidden from view beneath the truck as he and his friend pushed it down the hill during the downpour.

This hilarious twist on the classic hitchhiker tale has resonated across continents, with variations popping up in Africa, Australia, and even Ireland (where some believe it originated). The ghost may be absent in this story, but humor takes its place, reminding us that sometimes, the most terrifying experiences can have the most unexpected and side-splitting denouements.

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