Murder on the Orient Express is a 2017 American mystery film directed and co-produced by Kenneth Branagh. The film also produced by Ridley Scott, Mark Gordon, Simon Kinberg, Judy Hofflund and Michael Schaefer and screenplay by Michael Green. The film is based on the 1934 novel of the same name by Agatha Christie. It stars Kenneth Branagh, Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Johnny Depp, Josh Gad, Derek Jacobi, Leslie Odom Jr., Michelle Pfeiffer and Daisy Ridley. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States and Canada on November 10, 2017 by 20th Century Fox.
- Movie: Murder on the Orient Express
- Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Johnny Depp, Josh Gad, Derek Jacobi, Leslie Odom Jr., Michelle Pfeiffer, Daisy Ridley
- Director: Kenneth Branagh
- Producer: Ridley Scott, Mark Gordon, Simon Kinberg, Kenneth Branagh, Judy Hofflund, Michael Schaefer
- Screenplay: Michael Green
- Based on: Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
- Music: Patrick Doyle
- Cinematography: Haris Zambarloukos
- Editor: Mick Audsley
- Production Company: Kinberg Genre, The Mark Gordon Company, Scott Free Productions, The Estate of Agatha Christie
- Distributed by: 20th Century Fox
- Running time: 114 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Release date: November 2, 2017 (Royal Albert Hall), November 10, 2017 (United States)
Murder on the Orient Express movie trailer uploaded by 20th Century Fox