why lot of people are still getting covid
The COVID-19 epidemic has slowed, but it is far from done. And the most common means through which the virus is being spread is
Face-to-face communication At this time, data shows that the virus transmits predominantly between persons who are in close contact with one other (such as at a conversational distance),” according to the World Health Organization.
Attending indoor gyms, superspreader activities, and travelling by air are further methods to get COVID-19.
Being unvaccinated is, of course, a major risk factor for contracting the virus.
Is COVID-19 something you’ve been able to avoid? Do you recall how or where you acquired it, if you’ve had it?
To avoid spreading COVID-19,
stay at least one metre away from anybody else, even if they don’t seem ill.
Wear a mask in public, particularly when you can’t physically separate yourself from the people you are with.
Closed places should always be avoided in favour of well-ventilated ones. Indoors, consider opening a window.
Frequently wash your hands. Hands should be washed with soap and water or an alcohol-based massage.
When it’s your time, get vaccinated. Vaccination guidelines in your area should be followed.
When coughing or sneezing, bend your elbow or use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth.
Stay in bed if you’re sick.
Seek medical assistance as soon as possible if you have a fever, cough, or trouble breathing. Make a phone call ahead of time so that your doctor or nurse can help you find the appropriate medical institution. For your own safety as well as to stop the transmission of disease, this is the best way to go.
When a person wears a mask, the infection can’t transmit to other people if it’s properly fitted. Hand cleanliness and physical separation from the source are important adjuncts to using masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It’s best to heed the advise of your local health department.