Home Lifestyle Most Effective Diet for Hair Thickness and Length

Most Effective Diet for Hair Thickness and Length

When you have a healthy physique and a good food, you will have beautiful, healthy hair. A lack of essential nutrients may cause dryness, brittleness, dandruff, and eventually hair loss.

Foods that promote healthy and strong hair, on the other hand, include: Protein is the primary building block of hair and other tissues. Hair development is aided by a healthy diet, regular exercise, a reduced level of stress, and enough of sleep. Hair will look different if you include nutritious items in your diet on a regular basis.

It’s critical for your hair’s general health that you get the correct vitamins for hair development. If any of the following vitamins and minerals are deficient in your diet, your hair growth may suffer. We’ve compiled a list of the most important vitamins for healthy hair and rapid hair growth.


Carbohydrates should account for 55% to 60% of your daily calorie intake. As a source of energy, carbohydrates also aid in the development of bodily tissues and hair. So, complex carbs like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and brown rice, rather than simple sugars and white flours, should be consumed more often in order to avoid obesity. A strong amount of B-complex vitamins is found in carbohydrate-rich meals.

Protein for Hair Thickness and Length

Hair is made up of protein, hence a diet high in protein should account for at least 20% of daily calories. Protein strengthens the hair shaft, reducing the risk of hair breakage by snapping or splitting. Over a long period of time, a lack of protein consumption may cause a significant amount of hair to fall out, affecting its texture and quality.

Soy, tofu, milk, curd, paneer, cheese, almonds, oilseeds, beans, and pulses are all high-protein foods.

Fats that are essential to the human body

Essential fatty acids, which help dry and brittle hair and enhance the texture, are also necessary for healthy hair. Spirulina, safflower oil, flaxseed, and pumpkin seed oils are all sources of essential fatty acids. Approximately 15% to 20% of your daily calorie intake should come from these sources.


In order to maintain a healthy scalp, you need to supplement your diet with Vitamin A. Sweet potatoes, broccoli, and apricots are just a few examples of foods high in beta-carotene.

A good source of vitamin E

Hair health and growth are aided by vitamin E’s ability to boost oxygen intake and circulation. Incorporate E into your diet by eating foods such as rice bran and avocados as well as almonds, dark green vegetables, legumes, and whole grain products.

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient.

It’s a little-known fact that this vitamin aids in the maintenance of good hair. Some examples of Vitamin K-rich foods include: figs; asparagus; broccoli; lettuce; cabbage; dark green leafy vegetables; oats; rye; wheat and yoghurt; and fig nectar.

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin B)

Include foods rich in the various B vitamins in your diet to keep your hair healthy and free of split ends. Whole grains, legumes, lentils, fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits and tomatoes, are all part of a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of foods. Hair loss has been related to a deficit in biotin. Brown rice, broken wheat, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and walnuts are just a few of the foods rich in biotin. Hair loss, dandruff, slow hair growth, and greying may all be symptoms of a B complex vitamin deficiency.

Supplementation with Ascorbic Acid

Hair development, hair colour, and circulation all benefit from vitamin C intake. Your hair will not split if you have adequate vitamin C in your diet. Cell and tissue healing are aided by Vitamin C, which also boosts the immune system. Fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C include citrus fruits such as oranges and limes, as well as berries, brussel sprouts and tomatoes. Green leafy vegetables and red peppers are also good sources of vitamin C.



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