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MKOFTEN Redux: They Didn’t Get the Memo

Well, it looks McCarthyism and the Cold War and aren’t the only golden oldies our friends in the Spook Community have put back on the Hit Parade: MKOFTEN- style Satanist mainstreaming is back on the air as well. 


And it also looks like the new-model Satanists are not only eyeing ever-younger demographics in their normalization campaign, they’re calling on some established academics to help them in their mission to get access to America’s schoolchildren. 

Some might scoff at all of this and dismiss it all as a publicity stunt that got out of hand, but there’s a concerted, focused and highly-organized effort, by a group with money and connections, to create Satanist clubs in elementary schools in several cities across the country.

For purely atruistic reasons, you understand. I mean, a Satanist would never lie, right? It’s not like they worship the Father of Li…

Oh, wait.

The mysteriously-flush and self-admittedly CIA-connected Satanic Temple has also made some new friends, professors from Boston University and Harvard’s prestigious Kennedy School of Government.

Both recently gave talks at the Temple’s new Salem headquarters (not a cheap city to operate in, by the way), which may well be the kickoff of a new program of bringing academia into the fold, or may simply be the Temple’s Svengali cashing in some favors.

Either way, the Temple’s leader – a Harvard grad – has some impressive academic connections to draw upon, including an association with none other than Richard “Mild Touching Up” Dawkins himself.

The connections go straight downhill from there, as we’ll soon see.

The amiable professors both play along with the Temple’s carefully-crafted persecution narrative, helping to burnish its image as some kind of cutting-edge civil rights concern. Who knows, maybe they felt a charge of transgressive frisson from slumming with those zany devil dogs.

Or maybe they were just deluded enough to buy into the Temple’s palaver about being a rationalist pressure group who only fiddle around with this Satanism baloney to get a rise out of the rubes. Given what a collection of insane asylums our universities have become, anything’s possible.

 Billboards aren’t cheap

The professors may have had second thoughts if they knew how obsessed the Temple are with children, though. The Temple’s social media is almost exclusively preoccupied with getting access into elementary schools so it can dig its sulphurous talons into other people’s kids.

Seriously– what’s that about? 

Now, I don’t want to be accused of trying to kick off some kind of “satanic panic” or anything, but I can’t help but wonder what the big attraction is for the Temple, given that none of them seem like they plan on having kids of their own. When you factor in the Temple’s connection to organized pedophilia by way of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation… well, I mean, appearances being what they are and all…
But seeing how much effort is being made to push this new Satanism (which, like the old Satanism, seems to appeal to a tiny but motivated demographic), shouldn’t we try to get a handle on what they believe exactly? Let’s take a look at the Satanic Temple’s FAQ section and see if we can’t get some answers…


It is the position of The Satanic Temple that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan.

I guess these adherents– who are hailing a personal Satan and not cold, dispassionate logic here– didn’t get that memo.

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It happens.


The Satanic Temple holds to the basic premise that undue suffering is bad, and that which reduces suffering is good. We do not believe in symbolic โ€œevil.โ€

I guess the Los Angeles branch- whose Satanic Mass features “bloodletting” and “destruction” rituals didn’t get that memo either. Unless those are the non-evil bloodletting and destruction rituals, of course.

But what’s the Temple’s exact cosmology? Let’s return to the faustian FAQ:

TST does not forward supernatural theories of the universe and finds little value in LaVeyan edicts such as those that instruct one to โ€œacknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. “

Well, interoffice mail really screwed up again because the Eliphas Levi Baphomet- which they want to install in every state capitol they can finagle- couldn’t possibly be more supernatural or magic. 

It even comes from a book on magic:

Lรฉviโ€™s primary discussion of Baphomet is found in Transcendental Magic, which is divided into two parts, Doctrine and Ritual. Baphomet is connected with the Devil trump in Chapter 15 of Ritual..”

Ask yourself- if they’re really trying to promote reason and science why aren’t they trying to install statues of test tubes or telescopes? Something is a bit off here.

And I’m thinking the Temple didn’t get the memo that the public doesn’t exactly get the warm and fuzzies when it comes to the admixture of Satanism and prepubescent children.

Now what about Satanism’s infamous Social Darwinist tenets; might makes right, survival of the fittest and the rest?

We reject LaVeyan social Darwinist rhetoric that fails to agree with what is currently known regarding social evolution, specifically as it relates to research in evolutionary biology, game theory, reciprocal altruism, cognitive science, etc.

Well, someone missed the memo yet again because the Temple’s founder was balls deep in a project to republish “Ragnar Redbeard’s” notorious tract Might Is Right, or Survival of the Fittest, which has been cited for its extremist views on race and society. 

He not only worked on the book itself he co-hosted several podcasts promoting it, at least one of which you can hear online.

But the Satanic Temple is so over all that and are all about diversity and egalitarianism now. How do we know that? They say so. And if you can’t trust a Satanist, then who can you trust, right?

FMSF board member “Randy” James Randi

Before becoming a crusader to inject Satanism into America’s elementary schools, the Satanic Temple’s founder was a particularly aggressive front man for the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, which is closely linked to CSICOP, or the Center for Inquiry, as it’s now known.

He lectured on the topic of “false memory” at conventions and went on the attack against victims’ advocacy groups, attempting to drive them out of business.

Perhaps the False Memory people didn’t get the memo that an avowed Satanist probably wasn’t the best public face for a movement who often find themselves trying to debunk accusations of Satanic ritual abuse.

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A Satanist who was somehow affiliated with the extremely-controversial Process Church of the Final Judgment– linked over the years to the Manson Family, the Son of Sam shootings and the Cropsey child murders– using their brand identity on the blog (at where he did his FMSF activism.

But more likely they just didn’t give a shit.

The FMSF grew in part out of CSICOP’s work on attempting to debunk accusations of abuse that became epidemic in the 80s and 90s. But they may not have been well-positioned for such a task, given who was in charge of their “human sexuality” desk:

Vern Bullough –Dean of Natural and Social Science at State University, New York, who is a CSICOP Board member. Vern Bullough is also listed as a board member of Paidika, the Dutch paedophile magazine.


Equally so are the histories of the two main co-founders of the Foundation:

Peter Freyd: (Co-founder) Accused of childhood sexual abuse by his daughter Jennifer, who is a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon. Jennifer: “During my childhood, my father sometimes discussed his own experiences of being sexually abused as an 11 year-old boy, and called himself a ‘kept boy'” Peter Freyd graduated to male prostitution as an adolescent.

Ralph Underwager: (Co-founder) Forced to resign from the FMSF, which he helped found a year before, because of a remark in an interview which appeared in Paidika, an Amsterdam journal for pedophiles. He said that it was “God’s Will” when adults engage in sex with children. Told a group of British reporters in 1994 that “scientific evidence” proved 60% of all women molested as children believed the experience was “good for them.”

Sensing a pattern here?

Given that there actually are a number of very well-known and widely-used drugs that can actually erase the memory quite efficiently if administered by an abuser to a victim, from scopolamine to Rohypnol to benzodiazepenes to simple alcohol, one really has to wonder why the False Memory Syndrome Foundation- ostensibly an advocacy group for people accused of abuse- is packed to the rafters with mind control experts.

Here’s a small sampling:

Martin Orne:  Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the FMSF, has been at the center of the creation of a Manchurian candidate, has worked with Navy Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, the Human Ecology Foundation (a major CIA funding front for MKULTRA), and almost certainly also the NSA and Army Intelligence.

Michael Persinger: 
Clinical neurophysicist and professor of neuroscience, whose work over the years has focused on the effects of electromagnetic fields upon biological organisms and human behavior.

Harold Lief: Former major in the Army medical corps. Close colleague of the co-FMSF board member Dr. Martin Orne and consulted with him on several studies in hypnotic programming and behavioral modification experiments at the University of Pennsylvania.

Louis Jolyon West: CIA and military contractor, and an expert on multiple personality and other things… history includes controversial LSD experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct secret installations for the โ€œstudyโ€ and modification โ€” by electric shock, chemical castration and other means โ€” of the behavior of citizens, particularly minorities.

Margaret T. Singer: She began to study brainwashing in the 1950s at Walter Reed Institute of Research in Washington, D. C., where she interviewed U.S. soldiers who had been taken prisoner during the Korean War. She came to Berkeley in 1958 and found herself in a prime spot to study the cult scene of the 1960s and 1970s.

Elizabeth Loftus: (In) November 1995 two separate ethics complaints had been filled with the APA against Loftus. Jennifer Hoult and Lynn Crook had recovered memories of severe childhood sexual abuse, found corroborating evidence, sued their fathers, and won. Hoult’s father, who was defended by Loftus, appealed the case as far as possible, losing each time. Jennifer was awarded $500,000 in damages… Jennifer’s father became an active member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation after the trial.

Press darling Loftus* has also testified at the trials of convicted murderers like Ted Bundy and the Hillside Strangler, as well as serial molester Father Paul Shanley.

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On their behalf.

Think about it for a minute; what could any of these people’s interest possibly be in the topic of false memory when their speciality was in the chemical and electronic manipulation of the human brain? 

No one ever claimed that’s what these unethical therapists were up to, after all. They were accused of manipulating patients using simple hypnosis. What skin did any of these people possibly have in the game?

Maybe it’s because they were there to act as gatekeepers in case certain other types of memory manipulation happened to bubble to the surface. Abuse that wasn’t at the hands of random creepos or drunken stepfathers but at the hands of organized, well-funded and highly-organized entities involved in experiments for purposes whose objectives we can only speculate on.

But we know for a fact that such experiments took place on children, in hospitals, in orphanages, in mental institutions. For quite a long time in fact. And those are only the operations we heard about- we can only guess which ones we’ll never know about.

Or in fact which experiments or operations are taking place today. It’s not as if there aren’t tens of thousands of completely unaccountable and unwatched children roaming the United States as we speak.

Which will bring us to our next display in the atrocity exhibition, a music video from a headlining pop act that explicitly glorifies the abduction, torture and murder of young children by a Satanic cult. By last count it’s got over ten million hits on YouTube.

If you’re wondering why so many people are willing to believe in Satanic conspiracies operating behind the scenes in the music industry (or in pizzerias, for that matter), this video might help explain it.


National Geographic is but one of hundreds of mindless mainstream media outlets to run uncritical puff pieces on Loftus and her pedo-empowering False Memory ragtime:

This debate between practicing therapists and research psychologists became known as the memory wars. Over time, scientific criticisms by Loftus and others got more attention in the press, and some accusers recanted their stories. Loftusโ€™s own research helped drive the increased skepticism.  

Is it any surprise then that National Geographic’s new cover story features a prepubescent male-to-female transsexual posed like an old calendar pinup? I’d say it was inevitable. 



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