Home » Trending » March 25 – International Waffle Day (or Vaffeldagen, in Sweden)

March 25 – International Waffle Day (or Vaffeldagen, in Sweden)

 Posted on March 25, 2021

This is an update of my post published on March 25, 2010:

Vaffeldagen started in Sweden, where there is a tradition to make and eat waffles on the 25th of March. The holiday is linked with the coming of spring.

Waffles are batter-based cakes rather like pancakes, but instead of being cooked on one flat griddle or pan, they are cooked between two metal griddles that often have patterns or fancy shapes. There are many different kinds of waffles—different batter recipes and flavors, different shapes, and especially lots of different toppings. In many countries, waffles are made by street vendors and commonly eaten hot on the street. In the United States waffles are generally eaten at breakfast. Some waffles are made into ice cream cones, and some waffles are treated like the bread of a sandwich, and some waffles are served with hearty, savory toppings.

tory of the waffle

Many different websites say that waffles date back at least to ancient Greeks, who cooked flat cakes between two metal pans. Hinged waffle irons similar to ours today (but not electric!) were invented a long time ago, probably in Holland or Germany, in the 1300s. Some of the waffle irons from that time were very decorative—with coats of arms, or religious symbols, or even landscapes. Most waffle irons had long handles so that they could be put into a fire or onto a hot stove.

Waffles were very popular in many places in Europe during the Middle Ages. Street vendors found that hot waffles would sell—well, like hotcakes! Vendors came out to the church to make waffles on feast days and other church-going occasions, but at times they would compete aggressively with each other for customers. King Charles IX of France had to regulate waffle sales, making sure no two vendors were too close to one another.

Pilgrims brought waffle irons with them to the New World, and Thomas Jefferson helped make “waffle frolics” popular in America during the late 1700s, when he brought a waffle iron from France.

Of course, nowadays, many people use electric waffle makers.

Waffles a
round the world

Early Greek waffles – topped with cheeses and herbs

American waffles – commonly topped with maple syrup

Belgian waffles – traditionally dusted with powdered sugar

Liege waffles (also from Belgium!) – with caramelized pearl sugar and either vanilla or cinnamon flavored

Hong Kong waffles – spread with butter or peanut butter, plus sweet or savory toppings, and folded like a taco to eat

Scandinavian waffles – often made in heart shapes, served with whipped cream, ice cream, or sour cream – plus jam or fruit and sugar!

Stroopwafels (Dutch) – cut into two halves, then filled with syrup, brown sugar, butter and cinnamon – the filling glues the two halves back together

Norwegian waffles – served with brown cheese, or salted and served with blue cheese

Make and eat waffles today!

Mr. Break
fast has 154 different waffle recipes, with user ratings and a handy top-15 list.

Of course, you can eat frozen waffles, too. Here‘s a way to make frozen waffles fancy, fun, and healthy, too.

You could have an entire waffle day, with waffles and syrup for breakfast, a waffle sandwich for lunch (put PB&J or egg salad between two halves of a thick waffle, or between two thin ones), and chili waffles for dinner. Here are some sweet and savory waffle ideas.

Read Everything on a Waffle, by Polly Horvath.

Enjoy waffle patterns.
Did you know that Nike made a tennis shoe that was originally designed by squeezing rubber in a waffle iron for the “tread” bottoms of the shoe?

Waffle patterns can be pretty appealing:

Do you know the waffle song?
Lots of people have made animations for it. Here‘s a pretty fun one.

Also on this date:

Old New Year’s Day  

Tolkien Reading Day

Feminist activist / journalist Gloria Steinem’s birthday

Anniversary of the cancellation of The Monkees

Independence Day in Greece

Maryland Day

Anniversary of the Arengo in San Marino

Anniversary of the discovery of Titan

Freedom Day in Belarus

Birthday of musical giant Aretha Franklin

Birthday of musician Elton John

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:

  • March holidays
  • March birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in March

And here are my Pinterest boards for:

  • April holidays
  • April birthdays
  • Historical anniversaries in April

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