A terrifying menace faces yet another large feline. Cats of this size have been found in a number of countries in Southeast Asia, but they are currently restricted to a few countries: China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. The ferocious and gorgeous Corbett tiger, once a symbol of deformity and terror, is now on the prowl for a way to stay alive. According to current population estimates, the last known wild Indochinesian tiger was killed and eaten by the local population in 2009.are just around 1,000 Indochinese tigers left in the world.
Panthera tigris corbetti is the scientific name for the Indochinese tiger, which may be found mostly in mountainous or hilly areas near international boundaries. Their present state is in jeopardy as a result of human poaching, habitat damage, deforestation, and hunting for oriental medicines. This unusual orange-striped fur and its bones are used to make traditional Chinese remedies by the people of Indochina.
As a result, the beautiful Indochinese tiger has a deeper skin color than the Bengal tiger and is smaller in stature. In terms of body mass, males may weigh up to 150 kg (330 lb), while females can weigh up to 110 kg (240 lb). When it comes to hunting, the Indochinese tiger prefers to go after bigger animals like wild pigs and cows. As the woods continue to decline at an alarming rate, the Indochinese tiger’s food supply is also in jeopardy. In ideal circumstances, the female Indochinese tiger may give birth to four or five pups during her three-to-four-month gestation period. For the first two months of their lives, newborns are solely dependent on their mothers for nutrition. Cubs are dependent on their mother for 18 months, after which time they begin to hunt on their own.
International conservation organisations like WWF and IUCN are searching for new habitats for the Indochinese tiger that are less impacted by human activity. Survey reporting and study of the uncommon and enormous Indochinese tiger is challenging due to limited access to the habitat. Approximately 250 tigers still live in the Dawna Tennaserim terrain on the Thailand-Myanmar border, according to WWF authorities. According to WWF, the forests of the Lower Mekong are suitable for restoring tigers due to the presence of habitat and prey. People who live in southern Laos and central Vietnam may be able to bring back the wild tigers there as well, though.
The poachers of the Indochinese tiger are selling it for more money than any other tiger subspecies on our lovely globe.
They need to stop hunting and selling the Indochinese tiger illegally. This unusual carnivorous species needs the cooperation of all governments in their separate habitats, as well as the local population, to ensure its long-term survival.