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Logger’s Terrifying Encounter with Bigfoot!

Tonight, I want to share a chilling bedtime story about a logger’s encounter with Bigfoot in Northern California. This sighting happened a while ago, and I haven’t told many people about it. I worked as a logger for 15 years, spending a lot of time in remote areas. For five of those years, I was a timber faller, which meant I often ventured deep into the woods.

Beginning of the Encounter

One day, I started working in a thick forest. My plan was to reach the back of the area and then cut my way back to the logging road. On my first day, I felt like I was being watched. At first, I thought it was just my boss keeping an eye on us, so I didn’t think much of it.

The next morning, I found large tracks in the muddy ground. It had rained heavily the night before, so the tracks were not very clear. However, they were definitely not from a bear. As I moved deeper into the woods, I came across a flat area that smelled terrible. The odor was like a filthy, wet dog. It was so strong that I almost gagged.

Just past this spot, I noticed something strange: large droppings. I’m not an expert on animal droppings, but these were huge. The largest piece was about 18 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. This discovery really freaked me out because I was alone in the area. My partner was working on the other slope, and the cruisers had left the area about two months earlier. The droppings looked fresh, maybe only a day or two old.

Hunting Season

After finishing the logging sale, I made a mental note of the area. It was secluded and had plenty of deer signs. I often mapped out good spots for hunting and prospecting during the winter. However, this particular area was off-limits after logging. The fruit grower company that owned the land locked the roads, and it was illegal to enter.

When hunting season arrived, I decided to breach the locked gate and sneak in for a day of hunting. I took my loyal hunting dog, Papy, with me. He was fearless and would even confront a grizzly bear if I didn’t keep him in check. Papy had a great nose and helped me track many deer.

As we entered the area where I had found the droppings, Papy suddenly went on high alert. His fur stood on end, and he refused to move further down the trail. I had never seen him act this way before. Just 100 yards up the hill, I spotted movement. Something was crouched behind a bush, staring at us.

Unnerving Discovery

At that moment, I felt a wave of unease wash over me. I realized I was illegally in that area, and I worried it might be another hunter or a game warden ready to catch me. Hunters often got busted for hunting near the California-Oregon border, and I didn’t want to be one of them.

I had my Remington rifle with a scope, but I didn’t want to aim it at another hunter. Instead, I swept the area as if I were looking for deer. What I saw chilled me to the bone. It was not human, and that’s all I can say. It looked like a giant, hairy creature, but it didn’t resemble an ape.

The eyes were what really terrified me. They were deep-set and seemed to pierce right through me. I wasted no time getting back to my truck. My heart raced as I drove away from that spot, eager to put as much distance between me and that creature as possible.


To this day, I can’t explain what I saw in those woods. The experience left me shaken, and I’ve never returned to that area. Bigfoot sightings have been reported in Northern California for years, and my encounter only adds to the mystery.

If you’ve ever had a strange experience in the woods or believe in Bigfoot, I’d love to hear your stories. Remember, the woods can hold many secrets, and sometimes, it’s best to leave them undisturbed.

So, as you settle in for the night, think about what might be lurking in the shadows of the forest. Sweet dreams!

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