Friday, January 10, 2025
HomeNewsLate Former President APJ Abdul Kalam Donned Role of Teacher Well

Late Former President APJ Abdul Kalam Donned Role of Teacher Well

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a humble human being who liked to interact with children very much. Many say that he was nearer to children of all age groups. The former President was able to develop rapport with them very much. He would coerce them to listen to his views through a variety of topics that are nearer to them. Due to this reason, he was having a large fan following. In fact, he had become the Rocking Star of Youths, defeating the likes of MS Dhoni, Shiva Mani, Suresh Raina, etc.

  1. Dr Kalam Explains the Link between Righteousness and Global Peace

    Late Abdul Kalam interacted with the students by gaining their attention. During such interactions, he always tried to give some message to children. In this interaction, he explains the importance of Righteousness in Nation Building.
    kalam teacher righteousness

    Video URL:

  2. Dr Kalam Inspires Youth through Interaction

    The former President always interacted with students to give inspiration and guidance to them. During one such interactions with CMS Lucknow students, he tries to inspire them to become better citizens and explains to them how that can be done.

    Video URL:

  3. Dr Kalam’s Take on Youth and their Values

    The former President during his lifetime had traveled to different parts of the country and abroad, and met a large number of youths. As a result, he had developed the essence of the youth’s mind. He advises youth in this video grab.

    Video URL:

  4. Dr Abdul Kalam’s Motivational Speech to Students:

    Throughout his lifetime, the Missile Man reposed faith in children and the need to rightly mould them. With this in mind, he always gave free advises and motivated them to do better and dream about ideas. The video grab shows just that.

    Video URL:

  5. Dr Kalam Spoke his Mind Interacting with Students:

    A teacher in the former President always woke up while dealing with children. He would assume that he was in a classroom and puts up all questions to make them understand the points he was trying to put across. You can see that in the following video.
    interacting with youth

    Video URL: 

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