Illicit Dreams 2 (1998) Plot: Erotic thriller, a photographer ends a torrid, but unhealthy relationship. Unable to bear the rejection, his already unbalanced ex-girlfriend goes off the deep end and begins terrorizing him at every turn. Tane McClure stars as a seductress willing to engage in some dangerous fantasies.
Illicit Dreams 2 (1998)
Directed by: Fred Olen Ray.
Released: 1998.
Runtime: 84 min.
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Thriller.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Death & Desire, Paranoma oneira.
Movie Info: IMDb.
Actors: Tim Abell, Tane McClure, Teresa Politi.
Where to watch: Illicit Dreams 2 (1998) Online Watch Movie