Hrithik Roshan and Rakesh Roshan seek blessings on Durga AshtamiBasking in the success of his latest release, Hrithik Roshan was seen seeking blessings along with his family at a pandal in Mumbai on account of Durga Ashtami. Right after the big success of Super 30, Hrithik’s War is charting huge numbers at the box office and the actor has been receiving love and praise for his performance in the movie. The actor’s remarkable physical transformation from Anand to Kumar is what everyone has been talking about. Hrithik Roshan is one of the most sought after actors in the industry and has delivered some of the biggest hits over the years, 2019 was no different as his biopic on mathematician Anand Kumar Super 30 was not only a super hit at the box office but also has been critically acclaimed throughout the nation. The actor’s latest movie War entered the 100 crore club in just a matter of three days and has set various records at the box office which is clearly proof of the actor’s undeniable fandom and mass appeal. Also Read: Hrithik Roshan says the success of War has encouraged him to set his benchmark higher
from Features
Hrithik Roshan and Rakesh Roshan seek blessings on Durga Ashtami