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How to Plant and Grow Eggplant from seed

Before explaining how to plant eggplants, let’s know when to do it. It is best to carry out this work at the end of the winter in nurseries. After about three months, when they have already reached a large size, we can plant eggplants in rows. After two months, we can harvest the first fruits. Therefore, this wonderful fruit crop is maintained from summer to autumn. Generally, cultivation options are much greater if we use seeds.

Since these plants take up a lot of space in width, it is important to leave a distance of sixty centimetres between them and eighty centimetres between rows of plants. After introducing the plants into the holes we created in the ground, we need to apply compost and manure. The best part is that the land is rich in fertilizers. In addition, it is better to keep the soil moist. It should be noted that eggplants require several hours of sunlight and temperatures above ten degrees. As for irrigation, it should be abundant, especially when the first fruits begin to appear.

Although it is true that eggplants require considerable space to grow, they do not require a garden or a garden to grow them. We can also plant them in a very large pot and therefore place them in the patio, on the terrace or even on the balcony. Keeping the soil fertile and moist is important for this vegetable. In addition, this vegetable needs a lot of sunlight, as it usually comes from warm soils.

The first thing we need to do is collect the seeds from the ripe fruits. Then we wash them with water, remove them and dry them on paper for three days. After drying, we need to make a hole in the ground. It should be 1,25 inches deep. In it we put two seeds and we later cover them with soil. It remains only to place the pots in a sunny and warm place and keep the vegetables moist. Plants germinate in about ten weeks. Once they reach six inches tall, it’s time to transplant them into a deeper pot. However, we should do this only if the weather is warm enough.

Another option is to purchase seedlings from a nursery or garden. In this case we can plant them directly in the last pot. It should have a capacity of about thirty liters and a depth equal to 25 centimeters. We must also remember that each eggplant needs at least 30,5 cm of space to grow properly. It is important to have good drainage in the pot so that the roots do not become waterlogged.

How to plant eggplant step by step

how to plant eggplants step by step in a simple way. By doing it right and caring for the plant, we can grow our own eggplants.

  1. Sow: First sow the seeds as we described above.
  2. Transplantation: When they reach enough height, we transplant the plants into a suitable pot. If we choose to buy seedlings directly, we can plant them in the last pot and save ourselves the time of planting and waiting. in the pot There should be enough compost . It is best to use the following mixture: two parts of earth and one part of sand. This way we can control the humidity better. While planting we need to keep the soil moist and keep the seeds as straight as possible. It is also recommended that the pot be ceramic and not plastic as it retains heat better. In addition, they are heavy, which helps to better support the weight of the ripe eggplant.
  3. Locate the pot: Since eggplants need a lot of heat and light, it is best to place the pot in a very sunny and warm place.
  4. Harvest: After the plant flowers, we can harvest the eggplants. This work should be done before the vegetables are fully grown. As for eggplants, we know they are ready when their skin is glossy. When taking fruits, we should do it by cutting the vegetables instead of picking them.

When should eggplant plants be planted?

Eggplants grow well in various climatic conditions, but the richness of the harvest largely depends on the well-chosen date for planting seeds for seedlings. Let’s know when to sow eggplant seedlings.

however, in order for the vegetable to be rich in useful substances, it is important to take care of it properly. Care begins with the selection of the sowing date.

As a rule, in different weather conditions, the day of sowing may be different. The fact is that in different regions, seedlings are planted on the site at different times, when the temperature on the street is set to + 23 … + 25 degrees, and the soil warms up to +18 degrees. The mercury column shows this temperature in different months in different regions.

Approximate sowing dates in different regions of the country if transplanted into open ground:

  • South: late January-early February;
  • North: Second decade of February – First week of March;
  • East: end of February-beginning of March;
  • West: First 1.5 weeks of March.

Sowing dates in different regions when transplanting to greenhouse conditions:

  • South : Mid-January;
  • North: From the first weeks of February;
  • Eastern: mid-February;
  • West: From mid-February.

Different features

Also, when choosing a sowing date, it is important to pay attention to the type of eggplant, namely the duration of the growing season. The types can be categorized as follows:

In such vegetables, the fruits ripen already 105-110 days after the appearance of the first sprouts, and they are planted on the site 60-65 days. Early ripening species include, for example, “Vakula”, “Bourgeois F1”, “Lilac Fog” varieties.


The first fruits of mid-ripe varieties can be harvested in 115-125 days, seedlings are harvested on site at the age of 66-70 days. The most popular such varieties are Chinese Eggplant, Fairy Tale Eggplant, Globe/American Eggplant, Indian Eggplant, Italian Eggplant, Japanese Eggplant, Little Green Eggplant.

Late ripening

In this case, the first eggplants can be seen only on the 135-140th day after the appearance of shoots, and seedlings 70-90 days old are ready for transplantation.

Based on the above information, calculations are not difficult to make, but add another 10 days for receiving after picking and 8-10 days for the seed germination process.

Take for example a mid-season variety that is planned to be planted in the middle lane. Generally, eggplants are harvested in late May or early June here in the ground. Let it be on June 1. From this date, count 2.5 months (approximate age of finished seedlings), then subtract 10 days for picking and 10 days for pecking seedlings. It turns out that the approximate date for sowing mid-season varieties for seedlings in the middle lane is February 27.

According to lunar calendar

Many summer residents prefer to focus on the lunar calendar when choosing a date for sowing eggplants. In 2023,

The following dates are best for sowing:

February : 4, 5, 14, 17-19, 22-24;
March : 3, 4, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30, 31;
April : 13, 14, 15, 19, 28.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Is Eggplant Good For Weight Loss?

Yes, Eggplant contains a lot of indigestible fiber and is able to remove cholesterol from the body.

Is Eggplant good for pregnancy?

Eggplant is rich in nutrients that are healthy for the body and pregnant women.

Does Eggplant affect pregnancy?

If you consume too much, you run the risk of developing indigestion, having a premature baby, and going into labour early.

Is Eggplant a Vegetable?

In the same family as potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers, eggplant is a nightshade vegetable.
It was originally from Asia and India, where it still grows naturally today.

Eggplant Uses and Benefits?

Very simple to incorporate into your diet, rich in many nutrients, high in antioxidants, may lower the risk of heart disease, may encourage blood sugar control, may aid in weight loss, and may have benefits for preventing cancer.

Eggplant Side Effects?

hives, itchy or tingly lips, tongue, or throat; cough; discomfort or cramping in the stomach; vomiting; diarrhoea;
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