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The Haunting Hitchhiker: Ghost Stories from the Karoo

On a stormy Easter weekend in 1968, tragedy struck on the Barandas-Willowmore road. A young couple, engaged and full of hope, faced a terrible accident. Marie Charlotte Roux was sleeping in the back seat of their Volkswagen Beetle when her fiancé lost control. The car overturned, and Marie lost her life that day.

The Legend Begins

Fast forward to Easter weekend in 1976, and the legend of the ghost bride began. Witnesses reported seeing a female hitchhiker on the same road. Drivers who stopped to help her would later find that she vanished a few kilometers down the road. Many described strange occurrences, like car doors opening and closing on their own, laughter echoing in the air, and an unsettling chill.

The Motorcycle Ghost of the Karoo

The haunting doesn’t stop there. The Karoo Desert is home to another ghostly tale. A woman, who died in a motorcycle accident over a decade ago near Uniondale, has been spotted by many. One such encounter involved a young motorcyclist named Andre Coetzee. On Good Friday, he was riding near the Barandas turnoff, the site of the fatal accident, when he felt a chilling presence.

“I was riding when I felt my hair stand on end inside my helmet,” Andre recalled. “Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist from behind. There was something sitting on my bike!” Terrified, he accelerated to 80 mph, hoping to escape. But the ghostly figure struck his helmet three times, urging him to slow down. “The blows were vicious,” he said. When he finally reached 100 mph, the apparition vanished.

Seeking Help

Shaken, Andre sped to a local café for help. He could barely explain what had happened. “It took a while for him to gather his thoughts,” said Jeanetta Meyer, the café owner. “But eventually, he realized the woman ghost had appeared once more.” This encounter added to the growing list of ghostly sightings in the area.

The Hitchhiker’s Tale

Over the years, many motorcyclists have shared similar stories. They report picking up a blonde woman hitchhiker near Uniondale, only to find her gone after a few miles. These tales have become a part of local folklore, captivating both residents and visitors alike.

Why Do These Ghosts Haunt?

The reasons behind these hauntings remain a mystery. Some believe Marie is searching for her fiancé, while others think the motorcycle ghost is warning riders about the dangers of the road. Regardless of the reason, these stories serve as a reminder of the past and the lives lost on these roads.

Local Impact and Tourism

The legends of the Barandas-Willowmore road and the Karoo Desert have sparked interest in ghost tours and storytelling events. Tourists flock to the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghostly hitchhiker or the motorcycle spirit. Local businesses have embraced the legends, offering themed merchandise and experiences.

Safety on the Road

While these ghost stories are intriguing, they also highlight the importance of road safety. The Barandas-Willowmore road can be dangerous, especially in bad weather. Drivers are encouraged to stay alert and cautious, remembering the tragic events that have taken place.


The tales of Marie Charlotte Roux and the motorcycle ghost are more than just spooky stories. They remind us of love, loss, and the mysteries that linger in our world. As these spirits continue to haunt the roads, they leave behind a legacy that resonates with many. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these stories are a part of the rich tapestry of local history.

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