The birds of paradise are without having any exaggeration jewels of our mother planet. They are greatest identified for their remarkable plumage and feathers.
Key Points
There are much more than 15 sub species of the birds of paradise in the globe most of which are endemic to New Guinea and its satellites. Higher Bird of Paradise The largest specie from the birds of paradise is
Nutrition and Diet
The Greater bird-of-paradise mainly eats fruit, seeds and small insects.
Diet Frugivore, Granivore, Insectivores
Male birds of paradise return to the same trees to perform their spectacular courtship show at specific times of the year, making observation easy. A single tree may be visited by dozens of men, some of whom return year after year.
There are 39 different kinds of birds of paradise, including crow- and starling-sized birds in vibrant greens, blues, and reds; birds from swamps and mountains; ballerinas, branch dancers, and pole dancers; and birds with head plumes, tail plumes, chest plumes, back plumes, and no plumes at all.
It is stated that the Europeans who gave this bird its name in the fifteenth century had never witnessed anything quite so stunning in the wild. They gave the bird the names “Bird of Paradise” or “Bird of the Gods” because they thought it had come directly from the Garden of God to Earth.
Even some birds of paradise have shiny, light-catching feathers.
Not all bird-of-paradise species are vividly coloured or have elaborate feather “ornaments.” After breeding, not all males separate from the females. A male prefers to mate with just one female throughout the mating season, and the parents both assist in building the nest and provide food for the chicks, while others, like the manucodes, are less flashy and colourful.