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Exercises to achieve the ideal butt

The perfect figure, especially the perfect derriere, is as sought-after as water on a hot day.

With icons like Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, and Pippa ruling the roost with their perfectly shaped posteriors, every woman wants to shape up fast.

If you are working out at home, try out:

Single-leg squat: first learn to balance yourself, then stretch out your arms parallel to the floor. Lift one of your legs and squat; stay down for a second and rise.

Step-ups: Place your left leg on a step or a raised area for a second, and let your right leg be behind you. Then step down with your right leg, followed by your left.

Hip extensions: Place a table a little ahead of you and stand with your legs apart. With the support of the table, bend forward at a 45-degree angle, then lift your legs behind you without bending them or your body. Hold it for a second, and bring your leg back down.

If you want to try an outdoor sport to improve your derriere, try out:

Cycling: When you push down the pedal, you are exercising the gluteal maximus, which is the muscle that begins at the upper part of the buttocks at the pelvis and stretches to the thigh bone.

If you want to try yoga, she has the answer. Try it out:

Pilates, especially side leg lift series and shoulder bridges

There are other outdoor activities that will make you feel sexy from the outside and good from the inside that you can try out: running and swimming.

Remember that spot targeting does not work. Therefore, if you need to first lose weight in order to get a shapely butt, then you will need to attack that frontier with a balanced diet and an optimal workout routine. The exercises and regimes listed above will work if you are within reach of your desired weight and are including them in a well-rounded fitness program. The ultimate solution to a flabby backside is always exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts.

Killer bum and leg workout:

20 kg dumbbells- 30×3 Squats
10 kg dumbbells- 30, 25, 25 Lunges (thought 30 was a bit much)
60 Donkey Kicks/Glute Kick Backs (30 for each leg)
60 Straight Leg Kicks (same position as donkey kicks, but with a straight leg, backwards)
60 Sideways, Straight Leg Kicks (Same as above but leg going sideways)

Then we did abs.

Pilates Roll Ups: 2 min. You’ve got to try this for your abs! Do it for at least 2 minutes (it takes a while for it to start “hurting”).
Side oblique crunch: 25×2 (one set of 25 for each side)
Knee Crunches: 25×2
Bicycle crunches: 25

The ab exercises weren’t planned, so I didn’t keep track of what I did, so this is roughly what I did.

Healthy and easy to do post-dinner work out

Beef (Steak, chop, don’t know what it is lol)
Green Beans/Mango Tout looking vegetables
1 medium sizes sweet potatoe and one small normal potatoe chopped into cubes
The best part- Tzatsiki! This is so nice, I didn’t make it myself but the ingredients are: Greek yoghurt, shredded cucumber, garlic, mint, olive oil

For questions specific to your health conditions, please write them down in the comments section, and we will answer them as soon as possible. Thanks

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