Home News Esports to be a medal event at 2022 asian games

Esports to be a medal event at 2022 asian games

The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has announced that eSports will be a demonstration sport at next year’s Asian Games in Indonesia, with full-fledged inclusion in the official sporting programme at the Hangzhou Games in 2022.

As many on the Alt Right know, our movement has a number of followers who are more than proficient with computers. This will be a great opportunity for them to dominate “League of Legends” and rise to World Stardom. But before dreaming of the perks that accompany alpha male status in the gaming world, beware the dangers, as revealed by the fate of eSports’ game pro Matt “Dellor” Vaughn.

While playing a ranked match in ‘Overwatch,’ a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game, his opponent’s Widowmaker was making a few too many accurate shots, sending Vaughn into a N-word laced rant that was carried on his Twitch feed. Unfortunately for Vaughn, a Judas recorded the rant for wider distribution, effectively ending his eSports career.

The overreaction by gaming authorities show that they are unaware of the several layers of irony with which gamers use racial epithets in moments of deep game stress, so Alt-Righters be warned. The Eternal Normie is everywhere!



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