Deepika Padukone reveals what dress code Ranveer Singh follows when meeting her parentsDeepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are easily one of the most loved couples on and off-screen. The couple, who dated for six years, got married in a lavish ceremony in Italy last November. Ranveer Singh is known to have a quirky and unique style but when it comes to Deepika’s parents, he follows the Padukone wardrobe. “When he’s with my parents, that’s his look. If it’s a specific family event then there’s Padukone family wardrobe which is black pants, blue jeans white crisp shirts, round neck T-shirts”, Deepika Padukone said at The Print’s Off The Cuff chat show. She further said that while everyone knows his hyperactive side, very few get to see his vulnerable, quiet and intelligent side. “There is an extremely quiet, vulnerable and intelligent side to him that I guess people don’t get to see very often. He’s extremely expressive, a lot of directors get to see that side of him as well,” she added. Speaking of her fashion choices, she said that there’s no winning with people. “I don’t get it, I wear a white shirt and blue jeans, and they’ll be like so boring, why can’t she try something fun? And when I try something fun, it’s like oh now she is trying to be like her husband, she should just stick to doing the classic stuff she always does. What do you want?,” Deepika said. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have worked in four films together – Ram Leela, Finding Fanny, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat. They will be seen once again in Kabir Khan’s directorial ’83 which will release on April 10, 2020.
ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone opens up about having babies with Ranveer Singh
from Features
Deepika Padukone reveals what dress code Ranveer Singh follows when meeting her parentsDeepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are easily one of the most loved couples on and off-screen. The couple, who dated for six years, got married in a lavish ceremony in Italy last November. Ranveer Singh is known to have a quirky and unique style but when it comes to Deepika’s parents, he follows the Padukone wardrobe. “When he’s with my parents, that’s his look. If it’s a specific family event then there’s Padukone family wardrobe which is black pants, blue jeans white crisp shirts, round neck T-shirts”, Deepika Padukone said at The Print’s Off The Cuff chat show. She further said that while everyone knows his hyperactive side, very few get to see his vulnerable, quiet and intelligent side. “There is an extremely quiet, vulnerable and intelligent side to him that I guess people don’t get to see very often. He’s extremely expressive, a lot of directors get to see that side of him as well,” she added. Speaking of her fashion choices, she said that there’s no winning with people. “I don’t get it, I wear a white shirt and blue jeans, and they’ll be like so boring, why can’t she try something fun? And when I try something fun, it’s like oh now she is trying to be like her husband, she should just stick to doing the classic stuff she always does. What do you want?,” Deepika said. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have worked in four films together – Ram Leela, Finding Fanny, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat. They will be seen once again in Kabir Khan’s directorial ’83 which will release on April 10, 2020.