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November Events Through History

November Events

  • 11:Aviation History Month
  • 11:Child Safety and Protection Month
  • 11:Diabetes/Epilepsy Month
  • 11:Home Education Awareness Month
  • 11:International Creative Child and Adult Month
  • 11:International Doll Collectors Month
  • 11:International Drum Month
  • 11:National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month
  • 11:National Diabetes Month
  • 11:National Epilepsy Awareness Month
  • 11:”One Nation Under God” Month
  • : Events depending on weekdays
  • M(11/7) :Recreation Day (Northern Tasmania) (first Monday).
  • T(11/7) :Melbourne Cup Day (Australia) (first Tuesday).
  • F(11/7) :Arbor Day (Western Samoa) (first Friday).
  • F(11/7) :World Community Day (first Friday).
  • S(11/7) :Sadie Hawkins Day (first Saturday).
  • U(11/7) :RAC London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (England) (first Sunday).
  • T(11/8) :Election Day (first Tuesday after the first Monday).
  • S(11/14):Lord Mayor’s Show (England) (second Saturday).
  • U(11/14):La Quintane (France) (second Sunday).
  • U(11/14):Tree Festival (Tunisia) (second Sunday).
  • T(11/19):National Community Education Day (Tuesday of the week before
  • :Thanksgiving).
  • U(11/19):Volkstrauertag (Germany) (Sunday before Totensonntag).
  • R(11/21):Fast For a World Harvest (Oxfam America, third Thursday).
  • R(11/21):Great American Smokeout.
  • S(11/21):Elephant Round-Up at Surin (Thailand) (third Saturday).
  • W(11/22):Buss und Bettag (Germany) (Wednesday before Totensonntag).
  • F(11/22):Doublespeak Award announced (Friday before Thanksgiving).
  • U(11/24):Mother Goose Parade (Sunday before Thanksgiving).
  • U(11/24):National Bible Sunday (Sunday before Thanksgiving).
  • U(11/26):Totensonntag (Germany) (Sunday before Advent).
  • M(11/28):Onion Market (Zibelemarit) (Switzerland) (fourth Monday).
  • R(11/28):Thanksgiving Day. (fourth Thursday).
  • F(11/29):You’re Welcomegiving Day. (Day after Thanksgiving).
  • U(11/30):John F. Kennedy Day (Massachusetts) (last Sunday).
  • : Normal events
  • 11/1 :Liberty Day (Virgin Islands).
  • 11/1 :National Author’s Day.
  • 11/1 :National Holiday (Antigua and Barbuda).
  • 11/1 :Revolution Anniversary (Algeria).
  • 11/1 :Samhain (beginning of Celtic year).
  • 11/1/835 :All Saints Day first observed.
  • 11/1/1716 :Dark day in New England.
  • 11/1/1755 :Earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal (60,000 killed).
  • 11/1/1776 :Mission San Juan Capistrano founded.
  • 11/1/1848 :Boston Female Medical School opened (merged with Boston
  • :University – 1874).
  • 11/1/1861 :General Winfield Scott replaced as commander in chief of Federal
  • :Armies.
  • 11/1/1865 :John Lindley, botanist, died.
  • 11/1/1870 :National Weather Service founded.
  • 11/1/1879 :Postal money order system established.
  • 11/1/1895 :First magazine devoted to the motor vehicle (“The Horseless Age”)
  • :was published.
  • 11/1/1918 :Austria-Hungary became two separate nations.
  • 11/1/1922 :Republic of Turkey declared.
  • 11/1/1944 :Lucien Cayeux.
  • 11/1/1947 :Man o’ War died.
  • 11/1/1950 :Puerto Rican nationalists tried to kill Truman at Blair House.
  • 11/1/1952 :Cuyahoga River (Cleveland) caught fire.
  • 11/1/1955 :Dale Carnegie, lecturer and author, died.
  • 11/1/1968 :Movie rating system instituted.
  • 11/1/1972 :Ezra Loomis Pound, US poet, died.
  • 11/1/1979 :Mamie Doud Eisenhower, wife of Dwight David Eisenhower, died.
  • 11/1/1985 :Philip Silversmith (“Phil Silvers”), actor died.
  • 11/2 :Broadcast Journalist Day (Illinois).
  • 11/2 :Memorial Day (Ecuador).
  • 11/2/1783 :Washington issued his “Farewell Address to the Army.”
  • 11/2/1887 :Jenny Lind, Swedish opera singer, died.
  • 11/2/1889 :North and South Dakota became the 39th and 40th US states.
  • 11/2/1917 :A Jewish homeland in Palestine proposed (Arthur Balfour).
  • 11/2/1920 :First regularly scheduled broadcasting (KDKA, Pittsburgh).
  • 11/2/1926 :Annie Oakley (Phoebe Ann Moses), sharpshooter, died.
  • 11/2/1940 :Luftwaffe completed 57 consecutive nights of bombing London.
  • 11/2/1941 :Simon Guggenheim, American capitalist and philanthropist, died.
  • 11/2/1947 :Spruce Goose made its only flight.
  • 11/2/1950 :George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright, died.
  • 11/2/1961 :James Grover Thurber, author-artist, died.
  • 11/2/1962 :JFK announced that Cuban missile bases were being dismantled.
  • 11/2/1963 :First phosphorescent-impregnated postage stamp issued.
  • 11/2/1977 :Minor planet Chiron discovered.
  • 11/2/1983 :Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday established as a holiday.
  • 11/2/1988 :Internet computer virus struck.
  • 11/3 :Culture Day (Japan).
  • 11/3 :Independence of Cuenca (Ecuador).
  • 11/3 :National Holiday (Dominica).
  • 11/3 :National Holiday (Panama).
  • 11/3 :Thanksgiving Day (Liberia).
  • 11/3/1002 :Ethelred the Unready led the English in a massacre of the Danes.
  • 11/3/1623 :Dutch decided to set up a permanent colony in New Netherlands.
  • 11/3/1783 :Continental Army ordered demobilized.
  • 11/3/1837 :Beef rose to $.03 per pound (Illinois).
  • 11/3/1863 :Commercial yeast patented.
  • 11/3/1900 :First National Automobile Show (Madison Square Garden – 300 cars).
  • 11/3/1903 :Panama declared itself independent of Colombia.
  • 11/3/1930 :Detroit-Windsor auto tunnel opened.
  • 11/3/1948 :”Dewey Defeats Truman” read front page of Chicago Daily Tribune.
  • 11/3/1952 :Frozen bread first marketed.
  • 11/3/1954 :Linus Pauling won Nobel Chemistry Prize.
  • 11/3/1957 :Sputnik 2 (USSR) launched (containing spacedog Laika).
  • 11/3/1960 :Lee Iacocca made vice-president and general manager of Ford
  • :Division.
  • 11/3/1960 :Meredith Willson’s “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” opened on
  • :Broadway.
  • 11/3/1964 :Lyndon Johnson elected president.
  • 11/3/1966 :Truth-in-Packaging law signed.
  • 11/3/1972 :James Taylor married Carly Simon.
  • 11/3/1973 :Mariner 10 (US), first to flyby Mercury, launched.
  • 11/3/1975 :”Good Morning America” debuted.
  • 11/3/1984 :Indira Gandhi, Indian prime minister, cremated.
  • 11/4 :Flag Day (Panama).
  • 11/4 :Mischief Night (England, Australia, and New Zealand).
  • 11/4 :Will Rogers Day. (Oklahoma)
  • 11/4/1646 :Heresy made punishable by death in Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • 11/4/1841 :First wagon train reached California.
  • 11/4/1862 :Gatling gun patented (Richard J. Gatling).
  • 11/4/1869 :George Peabody, US philanthropist, died.
  • 11/4/1879 :Cash Register patented (James Ritty).
  • 11/4/1918 :Wilfred Owen, British poet, killed.
  • 11/4/1922 :Entrance to King Tut’s tomb discovered (Howard Carter).
  • 11/4/1927 :Winooski River, Vermont flooded (84 killed).
  • 11/4/1939 :First air-conditioned automobile exhibited (Chicago).
  • 11/4/1952 :First mother and son simultaneously elected to Congress (F.P.
  • :Bolton and O.P. Bolton).
  • 11/4/1952 :UNIVAC I program predicted Eisenhower victory based on 7% of
  • :votes.
  • 11/4/1956 :Soviet forces crushed the anti-communist revolution in Hungary.
  • 11/4/1979 :Iranian militants seized US embassy in Teheran.
  • 11/4/1980 :Ronald Reagan elected 40th US president.
  • 11/4/1990 :Mary Martin died.
  • 11/5 :Guy Fawkes Day (England).
  • 11/5/1605 :Guy Fawkes’ Plot (Gunpowder plot to kill the British King and
  • :Parliament).
  • 11/5/1733 :The New York Weekly Journal began publication (John Peter Zenger).
  • 11/5/1854 :British and French defeated Russia in the Crimean War.
  • 11/5/1862 :McLellan removed from command of Union forces.
  • 11/5/1872 :Susan B. Anthony arrested for attempting to vote.
  • 11/5/1879 :James Clerk Maxwell, British physicist, died.
  • 11/5/1911 :First US transcontinental flight completed, (49 days – New York
  • :to Pasadena, 82 hours, 4 minutes of flight time, Calbraith
  • :Rodgers).
  • 11/5/1930 :First American to win Nobel Prize for Literature (Sinclair Lewis).
  • 11/5/1930 :First commercial TV broadcast.
  • 11/5/1940 :Franklin D. Roosevelt reelected for third term.
  • 11/5/1974 :First grandmother elected to US Congress (M.H. Fenwick).
  • 11/5/1979 :Al Capp (Alfred Gerald Caplin), cartoonist (“Li’l Abner”), died.
  • 11/5/1985 :Spencer W. Kimball, president of the Mormon church, died.
  • 11/5/1989 :Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, died.
  • 11/5/1991 :Fred MacMurray, actor, died.
  • 11/6 :Green March Day (Morocco).
  • 11/6 :Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday (Malaysia).
  • 11/6/1632 :Gustavas Adolphus, Swedish King, killed.
  • 11/6/1672 :Heinrich Schutz, “father of German music,” died.
  • 11/6/1796 :Catherine the Great died.
  • 11/6/1842 :William Hone, English author and bookseller, died.
  • 11/6/1860 :Abraham Lincoln elected 16th US president.
  • 11/6/1869 :First formal intercollegiate football game (Rutgers 6, Princeton
  • :4).
  • 11/6/1894 :Tammany Hall beaten in New York.
  • 11/6/1914 :Japanese troops captured Tsing-Tau.
  • 11/6/1917 :Bolshevik revolution began.
  • 11/6/1928 :Electric shaver patented (Colonel Jacob Schick).
  • 11/6/1936 :James Naismith, basketball inventor, died.
  • 11/6/1946 :Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel, artist who inspired Hummel
  • :figurines, died.
  • 11/6/1952 :First hydrogen bomb exploded (Eniwetok Atoll). (11/18?)
  • 11/6/1957 :First “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” aired.
  • 11/6/1968 :Richard Nixon elected 37th US president.
  • 11/6/1968 :Vietnam War Peace Talks began (Paris).
  • 11/6/1973 :First day of shooting on “The Man with the Golden Gun.”
  • 11/6/1978 :Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi promised to “make up for past
  • :mistakes”.
  • 11/6/1981 :Black-footed ferret (thought extinct) captured in Wyoming.
  • 11/6/1984 :Ronald Reagan elected to a second term.
  • 11/7 :Abet and Aid Punsters Day.
  • 11/7 :Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (USSR)
  • :(11/7 and 8).
  • 11/7 :National Notary Public Day.
  • 11/7/1783 :Last person publicly burned by the Spanish Inquisition (Seville).
  • 11/7/1805 :Lewis and Clark Expedition arrived at the Pacific Coast.
  • 11/7/1811 :Battle of Tippecanoe.
  • 11/7/1817 :Jean Andre Deluc, geologist, died.
  • 11/7/1837 :Elijah P. Lovejoy, abolitionist newspaperman, murdered by mob.
  • 11/7/1841 :Slaves aboard Creole mutiny and take ship to Nassau.
  • 11/7/1861 :77 Union ships landed at Port Royal, South Carolina.
  • 11/7/1874 :Elephant first used as the Republican symbol (Harper’s Weekly).
  • 11/7/1876 :Samuel J. Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes tied in election.
  • 11/7/1885 :Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Railway completed.
  • 11/7/1910 :”Naughty Marietta” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/7/1913 :Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer (with Darwin) of the
  • :principle of natural selection, died.
  • 11/7/1916 :First woman elected to the US Congress (Jeannette Rankin,
  • :Montana).
  • 11/7/1917 :Bolsheviks overthrew Russian government.
  • 11/7/1918 :Tube launched, solid-fuel rocket demonstrated (Goddard).
  • 11/7/1940 :Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed, Tacoma, Washington.
  • 11/7/1944 :Franklin Delano Roosevelt re-elected for fourth US presidential
  • :term.
  • 11/7/1962 :Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and
  • :author, died.
  • 11/7/1962 :Nixon said “You won’t have Nixon to kick around any more …”
  • 11/7/1965 :First American won Queensland Lawn championship (Arthur Ashe).
  • 11/7/1967 :John Nance Garner, 32nd US vice president, died.
  • 11/7/1972 :Richard M. Nixon re-elected to a second term.
  • 11/7/1978 :James Joseph (Gene) Tunney, heavyweight boxing champ, died.
  • 11/7/1980 :Voyager I photographs identify 95 separate Saturn rings.
  • 11/7/1981 :Will Durant, historian, died.
  • 11/7/1991 :Magic Johnson, basketball player, announced he had AIDS.
  • 11/7/1992 :Alexander Dubcek, former Chechoslovak leader, died.
  • 11/8 :Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (USSR)
  • :(11/7 and 8).
  • 11/8 :Her Majesty, the Queen’s Birthday (Nepal).
  • 11/8/1674 :John Milton, English poet, died.
  • 11/8/1740 :”Pamela” by Samuel Richardson published.
  • 11/8/1793 :Louvre opened.
  • 11/8/1828 :Thomas Bewick, English artist, wood engraver, and author, died.
  • 11/8/1837 :First US women’s college founded (Mount Holyoke Seminary,
  • :Massachusetts).
  • 11/8/1864 :Abraham Lincoln reelected to second term.
  • 11/8/1880 :US debut for Sara Bernhardt (“La Dame aux Camelias”).
  • 11/8/1889 :Montana became 41st US state.
  • 11/8/1893 :Francis Parkman, US historian and author (“The Oregon Trail”),
  • :died.
  • 11/8/1895 :Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X-rays.
  • 11/8/1900 :”Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser published.
  • 11/8/1910 :US Congress had a Democratic majority for first time since 1894.
  • 11/8/1923 :”Beer Hall Putsch” (Munich).
  • 11/8/1926 :First ferry built exclusively for cars put in service.
  • 11/8/1929 :Museum of Modern Art opened (New York).
  • 11/8/1941 :The whaler Charles W. Morgan arrived in Mystic, Connecticut to be
  • :restored.
  • 11/8/1942 :Allied soldiers invaded North Africa (Operation Torch).
  • 11/8/1954 :American League voted to move Philadelphia Athletics to Kansas
  • :City.
  • 11/8/1966 :First black elected to US Senate by popular vote (Edward W.
  • :Brooke).
  • 11/8/1970 :Longest field goal in NFL history (Tom Dempsey, 63 yards).
  • 11/8/1978 :Norman Rockwell, US artist and illustrator, died.
  • 11/8/1979 :Discovery of 15th moon orbiting Saturn announced.
  • 11/8/1982 :Fire set by prisoner in a Biloxi, Mississippi jail (28 killed).
  • 11/8/1985 :Halley’s Comet spotted.
  • 11/8/1985 :Rubin “Hurricane” Carter’s conviction (1966 murder of three)
  • :overturned.
  • 11/8/1988 :George Bush elected US president.
  • 11/8/1988 :Kingman Brewster died.
  • 11/9 :Independence Day (Cambodia).
  • 11/9 :Remembrance Day (Bahamas).
  • 11/9/1756 :Intercity stage coach service between New York and Philadelphia
  • :began.
  • 11/9/1821 :First pharmacy college opened (Philadelphia College of
  • :Apothecaries).
  • 11/9/1872 :Boston fire became catastrophic because of the Great Epizootic
  • :(equine virus).
  • 11/9/1913 :”Freshwater Fury” storm sank eight ore-carriers (Great Lakes).
  • 11/9/1921 :American Birth Control League formed (Margaret Sanger).
  • 11/9/1927 :Giant Panda discovered (China).
  • 11/9/1928 :Margaret Mead arrived in Ta’u, Samoa.
  • 11/9/1933 :Civil Works Administration established (Franklin Roosevelt).
  • 11/9/1935 :CIO broke away from AFL.
  • 11/9/1938 :Kristallnacht.
  • 11/9/1952 :Chaim Weizmann, Israeli statesman, died.
  • 11/9/1952 :Philip Murray, US labor leader and founder of CIO, died.
  • 11/9/1953 :Dylan Marlais Thomas, Welsh poet and playwright, died.
  • 11/9/1953 :US Supreme Court ruled major league baseball isn’t covered by
  • :anti-trust laws.
  • 11/9/1955 :National Child Safety Council founded.
  • 11/9/1964 :”Herzog” topped the fiction bestseller list.
  • 11/9/1965 :Blackout of New York, New England, and Eastern Canada (5:16 pm).
  • 11/9/1967 :First issue of “Rolling Stone” published.
  • 11/9/1967 :Saturn V first launched.
  • 11/9/1984 :Vietnam Veterans Memorial (“3 Servicemen”) completed.
  • 11/9/1985 :Princess Diana made her first trip to US.
  • 11/9/1985 :Youngest world chess title won (Gary Kasparov, 22).
  • 11/9/1988 :John Mitchell died.
  • 11/9/1989 :The Berlin Wall fell.
  • 11/9/1991 :Norma Nathan, “Boston Herald” gossip columnist, died.
  • 11/9/1991 :Yves Montand, French singer and actor, died.
  • 11/10 :King’s Birthday (Bhutan).
  • 11/10/1635 :First English town in Connecticut founded (Saybrook).
  • 11/10/1766 :Queen’s College (now Rutgers University) chartered.
  • 11/10/1775 :US Marine Corps established.
  • 11/10/1779 :Joseph Hewes, signer of the US Declaration of Independence, died.
  • 11/10/1785 :William Whipple, American patriot, died.
  • 11/10/1801 :Kentucky outlawed dueling.
  • 11/10/1855 :”Song of Hiawatha” won national acclaim.
  • 11/10/1865 :Captain Henry Wirz, commandant of Andersonville (Georgia) Prison,
  • :hanged.
  • 11/10/1871 :Henry Morton Stanley found David Livingstone.
  • 11/10/1917 :41 suffragettes arrested near White House.
  • 11/10/1919 :American Legion held its first national convention (Minneapolis).
  • 11/10/1928 :Hirohito enthroned as Emperor of Japan.
  • 11/10/1939 :Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic, died.
  • 11/10/1951 :Direct-dial, US coast-to-coast telephone service began.
  • 11/10/1969 :Sesame Street first aired.
  • 11/10/1970 :Luna 17 (USSR) launched.
  • 11/10/1971 :Elvis Presley performed at the Boston Garden.
  • 11/10/1975 :Ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank (Lake Superior).
  • 11/10/1982 :Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet leader, died.
  • 11/10/1983 :Microsoft Windows introduced.
  • 11/10/1992 :Chuck Conners, actor (“The Rifleman”), died.
  • 11/11 :Bonza Bottler Day.
  • 11/11 :Concordia Day (Saint Maarten, West Indies).
  • 11/11 :Independence of Cartagena (Colombia).
  • 11/11 :Martinmas Goose (Switzerland).
  • 11/11 :National Day (Angola).
  • 11/11 :National Day (Monaco).
  • 11/11 :National Young Reader’s Day.
  • 11/11 :Remembrance Day (Canada).
  • 11/11 :Republic Day (Maldives).
  • 11/11 :Saint Martin’s Day (Sweden).
  • 11/11 :Veteran’s Day (Armistice Day).
  • 11/11/1647 :First American compulsory school law passed (Massachusetts).
  • 11/11/1831 :Nat Turner executed.
  • 11/11/1865 :Mary Edward Walker, first female surgeon in US Army, awarded
  • :Medal of Honor (only woman so honored).
  • 11/11/1880 :Lucretia (Coffin) Mott, feminist, died.
  • 11/11/1889 :Washington became 42nd US state.
  • 11/11/1918 :World War I ended.
  • 11/11/1921 :Tomb of the Unknown Soldier dedicated (Warren Harding).
  • 11/11/1925 :Discovery of Cosmic Rays reported.
  • 11/11/1925 :Louis Armstrong began recording his Hot Five recordings.
  • 11/11/1938 :”Kate” Smith introduced “God Bless America.”
  • 11/11/1939 :Norman Bethune, Canadian physician, died.
  • 11/11/1945 :Jerome Kern, Broadway composer, died.
  • 11/11/1959 :First episode of “Rocky and His Friends” aired.
  • 11/11/1966 :Gemini 12 (US) launched.
  • 11/11/1975 :Angola gained independence from Portugal.
  • 11/11/1981 :”Extinct” gardner bower bird discovered (New Guinea).
  • 11/11/1982 :STS-5 (US) (Columbia) launched (first commercial space mission).
  • 11/11/1984 :New Orleans World’s Fair closed ($100 million in debt).
  • 11/12 :Elizabeth Cady Stanton Day.
  • 11/12 :Prince Charles’ Birthday (Fiji).
  • 11/12 :Sun Yat-Sen’s birthday observed (China).
  • 11/12/1859 :First flying trapeze act performed in a circus.
  • 11/12/1861 :US first exported oil to Europe.
  • 11/12/1916 :Percival Lowell, US astronomer, died.
  • 11/12/1920 :Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis was named the first baseball
  • :commissioner.
  • 11/12/1927 :Trotsky expelled from communist party leaving Stalin USSR ruler.
  • 11/12/1936 :Oakland Bay Bridge opened.
  • 11/12/1941 :Germany’s drive to take Moscow halted.
  • 11/12/1946 :First drive-in bank (The Exchange National Bank of Chicago).
  • 11/12/1948 :Tojo Hideki, Japanese prime minister, sentenced to be hung.
  • 11/12/1951 :Lerner and Loewe’s “Paint Your Wagon” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/12/1954 :Ellis Island closed.
  • 11/12/1967 :Detriot Lions fumbled a record 11 times.
  • 11/12/1970 :Lt. William Calley’s court-martial opened.
  • 11/12/1980 :Voyager 1 (US) made closest approach to Saturn.
  • 11/12/1981 :Polio virus developed from artificial material (MIT).
  • 11/12/1981 :STS-2 (a.k.a. Columbia) (US), first flown twice, launched.
  • 11/12/1982 :Yuri Andropov became general secretary of the Soviet Communist
  • :Party.
  • 11/12/1990 :Eve Arden, actress, died.
  • 11/13/1749 :Academy formed which eventually became University of Pennsylvania.
  • 11/13/1789 :B. Franklin wrote “In this world nothing is certain but death and
  • :taxes.”.
  • 11/13/1839 :Liberty Party formed.
  • 11/13/1868 :Gioacchino Antonio Rossini, operatic composer, died.
  • 11/13/1869 :First intercollegiate football.
  • 11/13/1915 :”The Rainbow” by D.H. Lawrence judged obscene.
  • 11/13/1927 :First underwater tunnel for vehicles opened (Holland Tunnel).
  • 11/13/1933 :First “sit-down” strike staged (Hormel Packing Co., Austin,
  • :Minnesota).
  • 11/13/1940 :Willys Motor Co. tested the first Jeep.
  • 11/13/1956 :Segregation on interstate buses ruled unconstitutional.
  • 11/13/1967 :First black mayor of a US city elected (Carl Stokes, Cleveland).
  • 11/13/1971 :Mariner 9 (US) became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars.
  • 11/13/1973 :Senate approved construction of the Alaska pipeline.
  • 11/13/1974 :Karen Silkwood died in an auto crash.
  • 11/13/1981 :First trans-Pacific balloon flight completed (Double Eagle V).
  • 11/13/1982 :Vietnam War memorial dedicated in Washington, DC.
  • 11/13/1988 :Alysheba, richest racehorse ever, retired to stud.
  • 11/14 :Children’s Day (India).
  • 11/14 :King Hussein’s Birthday (Jordan).
  • 11/14 :National Moms and Dads Day.
  • 11/14 :Operating Room Nurse Day.
  • 11/14 :Re-adjustment Movement’s Day (Guinea-Bissau).
  • 11/14/1666 :First blood transfusion.
  • 11/14/1782 :John Gilpin’s Ride first published (“The Public Advertizer”).
  • 11/14/1832 :Charles Carroll, signer of US Declaration of Independence, died.
  • 11/14/1832 :First horse-drawn street car used (New York, capacity 30
  • :passenger).
  • 11/14/1851 :”Moby Dick” published.
  • 11/14/1881 :Charles J. Guiteau went on trial for assassinating US president
  • :Garfield.
  • 11/14/1887 :Research Lab invented (Thomas Edison).
  • 11/14/1910 :First airplane took off from a US naval cruiser.
  • 11/14/1915 :Booker Taliaferro Washington, educator-author, died.
  • 11/14/1935 :Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed the Philippine islands a free
  • :commonwealth.
  • 11/14/1940 :Coventry, England bombed by the Germans.
  • 11/14/1959 :Kilauea erupted (Hawaii Island).
  • 11/14/1961 :US advisors in Vietnam increased from 1000 to 1600 over next two
  • :years.
  • 11/14/1969 :Apollo 12 (US) launched.
  • 11/14/1971 :McDonald’s Quarter Pounder price was raised from $.53 to $.55 in
  • :violation of Nixon’s price controls.
  • 11/14/1972 :Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 1000.
  • 11/14/1975 :Spain abandoned the Spanish Sahara.
  • 11/14/1982 :Lech Walesa freed.
  • 11/14/1984 :Ariel Sharon began a $50 mil. libel suit against Time Inc. (he
  • :lost).
  • 11/14/1985 :Colombian volcano erupted (25,000 killed).
  • 11/14/1990 :Malcolm Muggeridge, British writer, died.
  • 11/15 :American Enterprise Day.
  • 11/15 :Dynasty Day (Belgium).
  • 11/15 :Republic Day (Brazil).
  • 11/15 :Shichi-Go-San (Japan).
  • 11/15 :Thatlouang Festival (Laos).
  • 11/15/1492 :First recorded reference to tobacco made (Christopher Columbus).
  • 11/15/1630 :Johannes Kepler, German astronomer and mathematician, died.
  • 11/15/1777 :”Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union” adopted by
  • :Continental Congress.
  • 11/15/1794 :John Witherspoon, signer of the US Declaration of Independence,
  • :died.
  • 11/15/1806 :Pike’s Peak sighted (Zebulon Pike).
  • 11/15/1864 :Sherman burned Atlanta.
  • 11/15/1881 :American Federation of Labor formed.
  • 11/15/1889 :Brazil became a republic.
  • 11/15/1896 :Niagara Falls power plant started up.
  • 11/15/1904 :Razor with disposable blades patented (King Camp Gillette).
  • 11/15/1916 :Luis Munoz-Rivera, Puerto Rican patriot, died.
  • 11/15/1920 :League of Nations met for the first time.
  • 11/15/1926 :NBC made its debut with 24 radio stations.
  • 11/15/1950 :First black professional hockey player signed (Arthur Dorrington).
  • 11/15/1952 :NBA record 13 players foul out in one game (Baltimore vs.
  • :Syracuse).
  • 11/15/1954 :Lionel Barrymore (Lionel Blythe), actor, died.
  • 11/15/1969 :250,000 marched in Washington to protest Vietnam war.
  • 11/15/1978 :Margaret Mead, anthropologist, died.
  • 11/15/1980 :First papal visit to West Germany in 200 years.
  • 11/15/1982 :1980 US draft registration law declared invalid.
  • 11/15/1983 :Equal Rights Amendment failed in US House of Representatives.
  • 11/15/1988 :Buran (USSR), first Soviet reusable space plane flight, launched.
  • 11/15/1989 :Lech Walesa addressed US Congress.
  • 11/16 :Statia and America Day (Saint Eustatius and West Indies).
  • 11/16/-2348:Noah’s flood ended.
  • 11/16/1798 :Jefferson’s Kentucky Resolutions.
  • 11/16/1821 :William Becknell proved Santa Fe Trail faster.
  • 11/16/1841 :Cork life preserver patented (N.E. Guerin).
  • 11/16/1884 :First major newspaper syndicate formed (Samuel S. McClure).
  • 11/16/1885 :Louis Riel, Canadian patriot, hanged.
  • 11/16/1907 :Oklahoma became the 46th US state.
  • 11/16/1933 :US established diplomatic relations with Russia.
  • 11/16/1957 :Bill Russel set NBA record with 49 rebounds.
  • 11/16/1959 :Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/16/1960 :William Clark Gable, actor, died.
  • 11/16/1963 :Toledo, Ohio newspaper strike began.
  • 11/16/1965 :Venera 3 (USSR), first Venus impact, launched.
  • 11/16/1973 :Skylab 4 (US) launched.
  • 11/16/1982 :National Football League players ended a 57 day strike.
  • 11/16/1984 :Space shuttle Discovery returned to Earth with the first two
  • :satellites ever plucked from space.
  • 11/17 :Army Day (Zaire).
  • 11/17 :Homemade Bread Day.
  • 11/17/1558 :Elizabeth I became English Sovereign.
  • 11/17/1734 :John Peter Zenger, colonial printer and journalist, arrested for
  • :libel.
  • 11/17/1785 :Church of England organized in New England.
  • 11/17/1800 :US Congress first convened in Washington DC.
  • 11/17/1858 :Denver founded (William Larimer).
  • 11/17/1858 :Robert Owen, founder of New Harmony, Indiana (Utopia), died.
  • 11/17/1869 :Suez Canal formally opened.
  • 11/17/1875 :American Theosophical Society founded.
  • 11/17/1881 :Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, forerunner of
  • :AFL, organized.
  • 11/17/1886 :American Newspaper Publisher Association organized.
  • 11/17/1917 :Auguste Rodin, French sculptor, died.
  • 11/17/1928 :Boston Garden officially opened.
  • 11/17/1966 :46,000 meteoroids fell over Arizona in 20 minutes.
  • 11/17/1968 :Raiders vs. Jets football game cut short by “Heidi” (Raiders
  • :score twice in the final minute to come from behind).
  • 11/17/1969 :SALT talks began in Helsinki, Finland.
  • 11/17/1970 :Lunokhod I (USSR) landed on the moon.
  • 11/17/1972 :Society of Philaticians founded.
  • 11/17/1985 :EPA named 403 chemicals potential public dangers in plant
  • :accidents.
  • 11/17/1989 :Czechoslovak velvet revolution.
  • 11/18 :Army Day (Haiti).
  • 11/18 :Independence Day (Latvia and Morocco).
  • 11/18 :National Holiday (Oman).
  • 11/18/1307 :William Tell shot apple off son’s head.
  • 11/18/1477 :”The Sayings of the Philosophers” was published (England).
  • 11/18/1626 :Saint Peter’s Basilica was dedicated (Rome).
  • 11/18/1732 :Christopher Pinchbeck, English inventor of zinc and copper alloy
  • :that looked like gold, died.
  • 11/18/1803 :Haitians defeated the French at Vertieres.
  • 11/18/1805 :Female Charitable Society organized (Wiscasset, Maine).
  • 11/18/1820 :Palmer reached Antarctica.
  • 11/18/1861 :”The Battle Hymn of the Republic” written (Julia Ward Howe).
  • 11/18/1865 :”The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” by Mark Twain
  • :published.
  • 11/18/1874 :National Women’s Christian Temperance Union organized. (11/19?)
  • 11/18/1883 :Local standard time zones established for US.
  • 11/18/1886 :Chester Alan Arthur, 21st US president, died.
  • 11/18/1903 :Panama Canal treaty signed.
  • 11/18/1913 :First airplane loop-the-loop performed (Lincoln Deachey).
  • 11/18/1916 :Amelita Galli-Curci made her US debut.
  • 11/18/1928 :First Mickey Mouse cartoon shown (drawn by Ub Iwerks).
  • 11/18/1933 :Jerome Kern’s “Roberta” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/18/1952 :First Hydrogen bomb explosion (Enewetok). (11/6?)
  • 11/18/1959 :”Ben Hur” premiered (New York).
  • 11/18/1963 :Push button telephone service began.
  • 11/18/1965 :Henry Agard Wallace, 33rd US vice president, died.
  • 11/18/1966 :Roman Catholic rule against eating meat on Fridays abandoned by
  • :US bishops.
  • 11/18/1972 :Dan Quayle, 44th US vice president, married Marilyn Tucker.
  • 11/19 :Discovery Day (Puerto Rico).
  • 11/19 :Flag Day (Brazil).
  • 11/19 :Garifuna Day (Belize).
  • 11/19 :Have a Bad Day Day.
  • 11/19 :Prince of Wales Birthday (Fiji).
  • 11/19/461 :Saint Hilarus became Pope.
  • 11/19/1828 :Franz Schubert, Austrian composer, died.
  • 11/19/1850 :Magic lantern slides patented (Frederick Langenheim).
  • 11/19/1850 :Richard Mentor Johnson, 9th US vice president, died.
  • 11/19/1863 :Gettysburg Address delivered.
  • 11/19/1874 :National Women’s Christian Temperance Union organized. (11/18?)
  • 11/19/1891 :First model train set sold (Goppinzen, Germany).
  • 11/19/1919 :Treaty of Versailles rejected by the US Senate.
  • 11/19/1922 :Marcel Proust, French novelist, died.
  • 11/19/1939 :Cornerstone for the first US presidential library laid (FDR).
  • 11/19/1945 :US Congress asked to create a program of national health
  • :insurance.
  • 11/19/1954 :First automatic toll collector (Garden State Parkway, New Jersey).
  • 11/19/1959 :Ford Motor Co. discontinued the Edsel.
  • 11/19/1969 :Second manned landing on Moon (Apollo 12, US).
  • 11/19/1977 :First Arab leader to set foot in Israel (Sadat).
  • 11/19/1978 :Jonestown Massacre.
  • 11/19/1985 :Texaco ordered to pay Pennzoil $10.5 billion.
  • 11/19/1988 :Christina Onassis died.
  • 11/20 :African Industrialization Day (UN).
  • 11/20 :Revolution Anniversary (Mexico).
  • 11/20/1272 :Edward I became English Sovereign.
  • 11/20/1780 :Britain declared war on Holland.
  • 11/20/1789 :First state ratified the Bill of Rights (New Jersey).
  • 11/20/1820 :Whaler Essex of Nantucket sunk by sperm whale (eight survived).
  • 11/20/1861 :Pony Express stopped.
  • 11/20/1866 :Bicycle with a rotary crank patented (Pierre Lallemont).
  • 11/20/1877 :First recorded human speech (“Mary Had a Little Lamb,” Edison).
  • 11/20/1894 :”Prince Ananias” opened in New York.
  • 11/20/1910 :Tolstoy died.
  • 11/20/1919 :First US municipal airport opened (Tuscon, Arizona).
  • 11/20/1945 :Nuremburg trials began.
  • 11/20/1947 :Princess Elizabeth married Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.
  • 11/20/1966 :John Kander and Fred Ebb’s “Cabaret” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/20/1969 :DDT banned in residential areas.
  • 11/20/1973 :Allan Sherman, songwriter (“Camp Granada”), died.
  • 11/20/1975 :Generalissimo Fransisco Franco died.
  • 11/20/1978 :First newspaper input communications satellite dedicated (Wall
  • :Street Journal).
  • 11/20/1980 :Apollo Computer Inc. and Domain system introduced to the public.
  • 11/20/1982 :President Reagan announced US Marines would go to Lebanon.
  • 11/21 :Day of Prayer and Repentance (Federal Republic of Germany).
  • 11/21 :World Hello Day
  • 11/21/1620 :Mayflower compact drafted and signed (Provincetown Harbor).
  • 11/21/1783 :First manned balloon flight (Jean de Rozier and the Marquis
  • :d’Arlandes).
  • 11/21/1789 :North Carolina became the 12th US state.
  • 11/21/1871 :Cigar lighter patented.
  • 11/21/1877 :Phonograph invented (“talking machine” by Thomas A. Edison).
  • 11/21/1881 :Ami Boue, geologist, died.
  • 11/21/1899 :Garret Augustus Hobart, 24th US vice president, died.
  • 11/21/1921 :First licensed educational radio station (WOI – Ames, Iowa).
  • 11/21/1922 :First female US Senator sworn in (Rebecca L. Felton, Georgia).
  • 11/21/1924 :Florence Kling Dewolfe Harding, wife of Warren Harding, died.
  • 11/21/1925 :Harold E. “Red” Grange played his last varsity game (University
  • :of Illinois).
  • 11/21/1934 :Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/21/1938 :Nazi forces occupied western Czechoslovakia.
  • 11/21/1942 :First submarine built on the Great Lakes accepted (“Peto”).
  • 11/21/1963 :Robert Stroud (a.k.a. Bird Man of Alcatraz) died.
  • 11/21/1964 :Verrazano Narrows Bridge opened.
  • 11/21/1973 :Announcement of 18.5 minute gap on Watergate tape.
  • 11/21/1974 :Freedom of Information Act passed.
  • 11/21/1980 :MGM Grand Hotel fire, Las Vegas, Nevada (87 died).
  • 11/21/1984 :National Football League resumed play after two month strike.
  • 11/21/1990 :First blind person to hike the entire Appalachian Trail (Bill
  • :Irwin).
  • 11/22 :Anniversary of Portuguese Aggression (Guinea).
  • 11/22 :Independence Day (Lebanon).
  • 11/22/1718 :Edward Teach (“Blackbeard”), killed.
  • 11/22/1875 :Henry Wilson, 18th US vice president, died.
  • 11/22/1896 :George Washington Gale Ferris, inventor of the Ferris wheel, died.
  • 11/22/1900 :Sir Arthur S. Sullivan, English composer, died.
  • 11/22/1902 :Walter Reed, US Army physician (known for yellow fever work),
  • :died.
  • 11/22/1904 :Electric motor patented (M. Pfatischer).
  • 11/22/1906 :SOS radio distress signal adopted.
  • 11/22/1916 :Jack London, novelist, died.
  • 11/22/1927 :George and Ira Gershwin’s “Funny Face” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/22/1930 :First US football game broadcast in England (Yale vs. Harvard).
  • 11/22/1935 :Commercial air service across the Pacific ocean began (China
  • :Clipper).
  • 11/22/1950 :Fort Wayne Pistons beat Minneapolis Lakers 19-18.
  • 11/22/1950 :Long Island Railroad train wreck (79 killed).
  • 11/22/1961 :Bob Pettit set an NBA record hitting 19 of 19 free throws.
  • 11/22/1963 :Aldous Huxley, English novelist (“Brave New World”), died.
  • 11/22/1963 :C.S. Lewis, British author, died.
  • 11/22/1963 :John F. Kennedy, 35th US president, killed (12:30 pm CST).
  • 11/22/1963 :New York Stock Exchange dropped $15 million.
  • 11/22/1965 :Mitch Leigh and Joe Darion’s “Man of La Mancha” opened on
  • :Broadway.
  • 11/22/1971 :Elgin Long became first man to fly over both Poles.
  • 11/22/1972 :Ban ended on travel to mainland China after 22 years.
  • 11/22/1977 :Concorde jetliner began flying to New York from London and Paris.
  • 11/22/1986 :Wayne Gretsky scored 500th National Hockey League goal.
  • 11/23 :Labor Thanksgiving Day (Japan).
  • 11/23 :Repudiation Day (Maryland).
  • 11/23/1765 :Frederick County, Maryland repudiated the British Stamp Act.
  • 11/23/1814 :Elbridge Gerry, 5th US vice president, died.
  • 11/23/1874 :”Far From the Madding Crowd” by Thomas Hardy published.
  • 11/23/1890 :Grand Duchy of Luxembourg separated from The Netherlands.
  • 11/23/1903 :US debut of Enrico Caruso (Metropolitan Opera House, New York).
  • 11/23/1919 :First play-by-play description of a football game broadcast
  • :(Texas vs. Texas A&M).
  • 11/23/1936 :Life magazine hit the newsstands.
  • 11/23/1938 :Rodgers and Hart’s “The Boys from Syracuse” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/23/1945 :World War II rationing ended on all foods except sugar.
  • 11/23/1948 :Zoom lens patented (F.G. Back).
  • 11/23/1954 :China announced 11 US airmen and two civilians convicted of
  • :espionage.
  • 11/23/1959 :Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick’s “Fiorello!” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/23/1963 :”Dr. Who” premiered (England).
  • 11/23/1980 :Earthquake hit Naples, Italy (4,800 killed).
  • 11/23/1985 :Arab gunmen seized an Egyptian jetliner (60 killed).
  • 11/23/1990 :Roald Dahl, author (“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”), died.
  • 11/24 :New Regime Anniversary (Zaire).
  • 11/24/1863 :Battle of Chattanooga (Tennessee).
  • 11/24/1863 :First national Thanksgiving celebration.
  • 11/24/1865 :Black Codes passed in Mississippi.
  • 11/24/1869 :American Women Suffrage Association organized.
  • 11/24/1871 :National Rifle Association incorporated.
  • 11/24/1874 :Barbed wire patented (Joseph Glidden).
  • 11/24/1889 :First jukebox installed (San Francisco).
  • 11/24/1904 :First gallery to exhibit photography as fine art opened (291 –
  • :New York).
  • 11/24/1950 :Frank Loesser’s “Guys and Dolls” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/24/1963 :Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby.
  • 11/24/1969 :Hershey stopped selling the nickel chocolate bar.
  • 11/24/1971 :D.B. Cooper hijacking.
  • 11/24/1979 :US government reported US troops exposed to Agent Orange.
  • 11/24/1980 :George Raft, actor, died.
  • 11/25 :Independence Day (Suriname).
  • 11/25/1611 :Orion Nebula discovered (Nicholas Peiresc).
  • 11/25/1758 :Fort Duquesne captured and renamed Pittsburgh.
  • 11/25/1783 :Treaty ending the Revolutionary War signed.
  • 11/25/1795 :Benjamin Henry Latrobe, US’s first professional architect, left
  • :England for US.
  • 11/25/1864 :Booth brothers (John Wilkes, Edwin, and Junius) appeared together
  • :on stage.
  • 11/25/1867 :Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
  • 11/25/1867 :Johann Strauss, Jr wrote “On the Beautiful Blue Danube.”
  • 11/25/1869 :”Buffalo Bill, the King of the Border Men” serialized.
  • 11/25/1884 :Evaporated milk patented (J.B. Myenberg).
  • 11/25/1885 :Thomas Andrews Hendricks, 21st US vice president, died.
  • 11/25/1895 :The first automobile race in America took place.
  • 11/25/1912 :American College of Surgeons incorporated (Springfield, Illinois).
  • 11/25/1915 :KKK revived in Atlanta.
  • 11/25/1919 :Charles Stillwell, inventor of the grocery bag, died.
  • 11/25/1949 :Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, “The King of Tap Dancers,” died.
  • 11/25/1952 :”The Mousetrap” opened (London).
  • 11/25/1957 :Diego Rivera, Mexican painter, died.
  • 11/25/1963 :John F. Kennedy buried.
  • 11/25/1968 :Upton (Beall) Sinclair, novelist (“The Jungle”), died.
  • 11/25/1969 :Germ warfare stockpiles ordered destroyed.
  • 11/25/1970 :Yukio Mishima, Japanese novelist, commited ritual suicide.
  • 11/25/1971 :D.B. Cooper parachuted from a 727 in Washington with hijacking
  • :ransom.
  • 11/25/1973 :Presidential order requiring a national 55 miles per hour speed
  • :limit.
  • 11/25/1976 :O.J. Simpson gained 273 yards for Buffalo Bills vs. Detroit Lions.
  • 11/26/1789 :First Thanksgiving Day declared (George Washington).
  • 11/26/1807 :Oliver Ellsworth, third chief justice of the US Supreme Court,
  • :died.
  • 11/26/1832 :First streetcar railway started public service (New York, 12.5
  • :cents).
  • 11/26/1865 :”Alice in Wonderland” published.
  • 11/26/1883 :Sojourner Truth, American abolitionist, died.
  • 11/26/1916 :Battle of Verdun ended. (7/11?)
  • 11/26/1925 :Ford roadsters cost $260.
  • 11/26/1940 :Nazis forced 500,000 Jews into a ghetto surrounded by an 8 foot
  • :wall.
  • 11/26/1941 :Japanese carrier force left its bases and headed for Pearl Harbor.
  • 11/26/1942 :”Casablanca” opened.
  • 11/26/1950 :China entered the Korean War.
  • 11/26/1952 :Sven Anders Hedin, Swedish explorer and scientist, died.
  • 11/26/1963 :Amelita Galli-Curci, Italian operatic soprano, died.
  • 11/26/1965 :Third country to launch its own satellite (France).
  • 11/26/1968 :Cream’s farewell concert.
  • 11/26/1969 :US Draft lottery established.
  • 11/26/1973 :Albert DeSalvo, “The Boston Strangler”, stabbed to death.
  • 11/27/1095 :First Crusade preached (Pope Urban II).
  • 11/27/1759 :Rev. Francis Gastrell indicted for cutting down a tree planted by
  • :Shakespeare.
  • 11/27/1826 :Friction match invented (England).
  • 11/27/1873 :Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed (Northwester Massachusetts).
  • 11/27/1895 :Alexandre Dumas (Dumas Fils), French novelist, died.
  • 11/27/1895 :Alfred Nobel established Nobel Prize.
  • 11/27/1898 :Portland gale, Cape Cod.
  • 11/27/1901 :First Army War College authorized.
  • 11/27/1912 :Albanian National Flag adopted.
  • 11/27/1912 :Parcel post postage-due one-cent stamp issued.
  • 11/27/1930 :Kellogg received the Nobel Prize.
  • 11/27/1943 :Lloyd Bentsen, Texas Senator, married Beryl Longino.
  • 11/27/1945 :General George Marshall named Truman’s special representative to
  • :China.
  • 11/27/1953 :Eugene Gladstone O’Neill, US playwright, died.
  • 11/27/1966 :Washington Redskins and New York Giants scored 113 points.
  • 11/27/1970 :Assassination attempt against Pope Paul VI (Manila).
  • 11/27/1971 :Mars 2 (USSR) entered Mars orbit.
  • 11/27/1980 :Soyuz T-3 (USSR) launched.
  • 11/28 :Independence Day (Albania and Mauritania).
  • 11/28 :Independence from Spain (Panama).
  • 11/28 :Proclamation of the Republic (Chad).
  • 11/28/1520 :Ferdinand Magellan entered the Pacific Ocean.
  • 11/28/1659 :Syrtis Major (on Mars) first spotted (Christiaan Huygens).
  • 11/28/1859 :Washington Irving, writer (“Rip Van Winkle”), died.
  • 11/28/1867 :Proclamation of the Republic of Chad.
  • 11/28/1895 :First US auto race (Chicago to Evanston and back) (winner average
  • :seven miles per hour).
  • 11/28/1919 :First female member of British Parliament (Lady Nancy Astor).
  • 11/28/1922 :First skywriting message (“Hello USA”).
  • 11/28/1942 :Coconut Grove Fire (Boston – 487 killed).
  • 11/28/1943 :Stalin, FDR, and Churchill met in Teheran.
  • 11/28/1958 :US fired an ICBM at full range for first time.
  • 11/28/1960 :Mauritania attained sovereignty.
  • 11/28/1963 :Cape Canaveral renamed Cape Kennedy.
  • 11/28/1964 :Mariner 4 (US) launched.
  • 11/28/1983 :STS-9 (US) launched (first person to use a ham radio from space).
  • 11/28/1988 :Picasso’s “Acrobat” sold for $38.45 million.
  • 11/28/1990 :UN passed a resolution to force Iraq from Kuwait.
  • 11/29 :Goodwill Day (Liberia).
  • 11/29 :International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (UN).
  • 11/29 :National Day (Albania and Burma).
  • 11/29 :National Holiday (Yugoslavia).
  • 11/29/1484 :Convention of Spanish Inquisitors.
  • 11/29/1775 :Committee on Secret Correspondence (became US State Department)
  • :created.
  • 11/29/1780 :First black preacher licensed by a white church (Lemuel Haynes).
  • 11/29/1864 :Sand Creek Massacre (Colorado).
  • 11/29/1877 :Thomas Edison demonstrated the hand-cranked phonograph.
  • 11/29/1890 :First Army-Navy football game (Navy 24, Army 0).
  • 11/29/1922 :King Tut’s tomb opened.
  • 11/29/1924 :Giacomo Puccini, Italian opera composer, died.
  • 11/29/1929 :Lt. Commander Richard Byrd and crew flew across South Pole.
  • 11/29/1932 :Electric bridge table patented (L. Hammond).
  • 11/29/1932 :Cole Porter’s “Gay Divorce” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/29/1947 :UN called for the partitioning of Palestine between Arabs and
  • :Jews.
  • 11/29/1951 :First underground atomic bomb explosion (Frenchman Flat, Nevada).
  • 11/29/1956 :Jule Styne’s “Bells are Ringing” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/29/1961 :Mercury 5 (US) launched (included chimpanzee).
  • 11/29/1963 :DC-8F crashed on takeoff from Montreal (118 killed).
  • 11/29/1963 :Warren Commission appointed.
  • 11/29/1975 :Kilauea Volcano erupted (Hawaii).
  • 11/29/1981 :Natalie Wood, actress, died.
  • 11/29/1986 :Cary Grant, actor, died.
  • 11/29/1989 :Czechoslovakia ended communist rule.
  • 11/29/1991 :Ralph Bellamy, actor, died.
  • 11/30 :Bonifacio Day (Philippines).
  • 11/30 :Independence Day (Barbados and Yemen Democratic Republic).
  • 11/30 :National Day (People’s Republic of Benin).
  • 11/30 :Stay Home Because You’re Well Day.
  • 11/30 :Youth Day (Upper Volta).
  • 11/30/1694 :Marcello Malpighi, father of microscopic anatomy, died.
  • 11/30/1731 :Series of earthquakes hit China (>100,000 estimated killed).
  • 11/30/1782 :Provisional peace treaty between America and Britain signed.
  • 11/30/1804 :First impeachment proceedings began against a US Supreme Court Justice (Samuel Chase).
  • 11/30/1900 :Oscar (Fingal O’Flahertie Wills) Wilde, Irish poet and playwright, died.
  • 11/30/1922 :James Robert Mann, author of the “White Slavery Act,” died.
  • 11/30/1926 :Sigmund Romberg’s “The Desert Song” opened on Broadway.
  • 11/30/1930 :Mary Harris (Mother) Jones, American Labor Leader, died.
  • 11/30/1939 :Russo-Finnish War began.
  • 11/30/1957 :Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor, died.
  • 11/30/1966 :Barbados granted independence.
  • 11/30/1977 :Prize first offered for man-powered flight across the English
  • :Channel (Henry Kremer).
  • 11/30/1987 :James Baldwin, author, died.
  • 11/30/1988 :RJR Nabisco bought for $25 billion.
  • 11/30/1990 :Larry Bird, basketball player, scored his 20,000th point.