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July Events Through History

July Events

  • 7:Hitchhiking Month
  • 7:National Anti-Boredom Month
  • 7:National Baked Bean Month
  • 7:National Hot Dog Month
  • 7:National Ice Cream Month
  • 7:National July Belongs to Blueberries Month
  • 7:National Peach Month
  • 7:National Picnic Month
  • 7:National Purposeful Parenting Month
  • 7:National Recreation and Park Month
  • 7:Read an “Almanac” Month
  • : Events depending on weekdays
  • M(7/7) :Caricom Day (first Monday).
  • M(7/7) :Heroes Day (Zambia) (first Monday).
  • T(7/7) :Unity Day (Zambia) (first Tuesday).
  • R(7/7) :Ommegang Pageant (Belgium) (first Thursday).
  • S(7/7) :International Cherry Pit Spitting Contest (first Saturday).
  • M(7/11) :Sempach Battle Commemoration (Switzerland) (first Monday after
  • :7/4).
  • S(7/14) :National Nude Days.
  • U(7/15) :National Nude Days.
  • S(7/19) :Kinderzeche (Germany) (Saturday before third Monday).
  • S(7/21) :Prince Lot Hula Festival (Hawaii) (third Saturday).
  • S(7/21) :South Dakota State Chili Cookoff (third Saturday).
  • U(7/21) :Beer Festival (Luxembourg) (third Sunday).
  • U(7/21) :Festa del Redentore (Italy) (third Sunday).
  • U(7/21) :National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday).
  • U(7/25) :Dornach Battle Commemoration (Switzerland) (Sunday nearest 7/22).
  • M(7/28) :Hurricane Supplication Day (Virgin Islands) (fourth Monday).
  • U(7/31) :Procession of the Penitents (Belgium) (last Sunday).
  • : Normal events
  • 7/1 :Banker’s Day (Guatemala).
  • 7/1 :Canada Day (Canada) (unless Sunday).
  • 7/1 :Freedom Day (Suriname).
  • 7/1 :Independence Day (Burundi).
  • 7/1 :National Day (Rwamda).
  • 7/1 :Republic Day (Ghana).
  • 7/1 :Union of the Somalia Republic (Somalia).
  • 7/1/1569 :Union of Lublin signed (united Poland and Lithuania).
  • 7/1/1731 :First US public library established (Boston, by Franklin).
  • 7/1/1827 :First Spanish-language newspaper published in US (New York).
  • 7/1/1847 :First adhesive postage stamps issued in US.
  • 7/1/1851 :James McNeill Whistler entered West Point.
  • 7/1/1861 :First edition of “L’Osservatore Romano,” Vatican newspaper,
  • :published.
  • 7/1/1862 :US Bureau of Internal Revenue established.
  • 7/1/1863 :Battle of Gettysburg began.
  • 7/1/1873 :Prince Edward Island joined Dominion.
  • 7/1/1874 :First US zoo opened (Philadelphia).
  • 7/1/1884 :Allan Pinkerton, founder of the private detective agency, died.
  • 7/1/1890 :Bily Sunday stole four bases for the Pirates (vs. New York).
  • 7/1/1896 :Harriett Beecher Stowe, US writer (“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”), died.
  • 7/1/1898 :Teddy Roosevelt and his “Rough Riders” took San Juan Hill.
  • 7/1/1904 :Bureau of Entomology founded.
  • 7/1/1910 :First game played at (old) Comiskey Park (St Louis 2, Chicago 0).
  • 7/1/1921 :Communist Party of China established.
  • 7/1/1931 :First flight around the world completed (8 days, 15 hours).
  • 7/1/1941 :First TV commercial (Bulova Watch Co).
  • 7/1/1946 :First post-war atomic bomb test by the US (Bikini Atoll).
  • 7/1/1950 :(Gottlieb) Eliel Saarinen, architect, died.
  • 7/1/1950 :US forces entered the Korean conflict.
  • 7/1/1960 :Ghana established its independence.
  • 7/1/1960 :Somalia established its independence.
  • 7/1/1962 :Burundi established its independence.
  • 7/1/1962 :Rwanda established its independence.
  • 7/1/1963 :US Zip codes went into effect.
  • 7/1/1966 :US Medicare first went into effect.
  • 7/1/1969 :Prince Charles became the Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester.
  • 7/1/1972 :”Bewitched” final episode.
  • 7/1/1972 :”Hair” closed on Broadway (1,729 performances).
  • 7/1/1972 :”Ms.” magazine began publication.
  • 7/1/1974 :Juan Peron, president of Argentina, died.
  • 7/1/1979 :Sony Walkman unveiled.
  • 7/1/1982 :Kosmos 1383 (USSR), first search and rescue satellite, launched.
  • 7/1/1983 :R. Buckminster Fuller died.
  • 7/1/1984 :PG-13 movie rating introduced.
  • 7/1/1986 :Tony La Russa hired by the Oakland Athletics.
  • 7/1/1990 :Andy Hawkins pitched a no-hitter for the Yankees and lost (4-0)
  • :to the White Sox.
  • 7/1/1991 :Michael Landon (Eugene Orowitz), actor, died.
  • 7/2 :National Day (Kiribati).
  • 7/2/862 :Saint Swithin died.
  • 7/2/1566 :Nostradamus (Michel de Notredame), French prophet, died.
  • 7/2/1776 :Continental Congress approved the US Declaration of Independence.
  • 7/2/1776 :New Jersey granted women’s suffrage.
  • 7/2/1777 :Vermont abolished slavery.
  • 7/2/1778 :Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher, died.
  • 7/2/1798 :John Fitch, American inventor and clockmaker, died.
  • 7/2/1850 :Sir Robert Peel, British prime minister and founder of “Bobbies,”
  • :died.
  • 7/2/1862 :Morrill Act signed (US land grant agricultural colleges).
  • 7/2/1865 :Salvation Army founded (William Booth, London).
  • 7/2/1871 :Rome became the capital of Italy.
  • 7/2/1881 :James Abram Garfield, 20th US president, shot (Charles J.
  • :Guiteau).
  • 7/2/1890 :Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed.
  • 7/2/1961 :Ernest Hemingway, author (“The Sun Also Rises”), shot himself.
  • 7/2/1962 :US Submarines Skate and Seadragon rendezvous under the North Pole.
  • 7/2/1964 :Civil rights bill passed forbidding discrimination in voting,
  • :employment, and access to public places.
  • 7/2/1968 :”Of Black America” (hosted by Bill Cosby) premiered.
  • 7/2/1971 :First US state litter legislation enacted (Oregon).
  • 7/2/1973 :Betty Grable died.
  • 7/2/1977 :Vladimir Nabokov, novelist, died.
  • 7/2/1989 :Adrei Andreyevich Gromyko, Soviet president, died.
  • 7/2/1992 :1,000,000th Chevrolet Corvette produced.
  • 7/2/1993 :Fred Gwyne, actor, died.
  • 7/3 :Caribbean Day (Barbados, Guyana, etc).
  • 7/3 :Compliment-Your-Mirror Day.
  • 7/3 :Danish West Indies Emancipation Day (Virgin Islands).
  • 7/3 :Disobedience Day.
  • 7/3 :Stay Out of the Sun Day.
  • 7/3/1608 :The City of Quebec was founded (Samuel de Champlain).
  • 7/3/1775 :George Washington took command of the Continental Army at
  • :Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 7/3/1778 :Wyoming Valley (Pennsylvania) massacre began.
  • 7/3/1819 :First US bank opened (Bank for Savings, New York).
  • 7/3/1852 :San Francisco mint approved.
  • 7/3/1863 :Confederate forces defeated by Union Army at Gettysburg,
  • :Pennsylvania.
  • 7/3/1890 :Idaho became 43rd US state.
  • 7/3/1908 :Joel Chandler Harris, American author (“Uncle Remus” stories),
  • :died.
  • 7/3/1916 :Hetty Green (Henrietta Howland Robinson Green), “richest woman in
  • :America,” died.
  • 7/3/1916 :First of three fatal shark attacks occurred off New Jersey shore
  • :(four killed).
  • 7/3/1928 :First color TV transmission (John Logie Baird, London).
  • 7/3/1930 :US Veteran’s Bureau first organized.
  • 7/3/1937 :Amelia Earhart, US aviatrix, lost over Pacific.
  • 7/3/1939 :”Blondie” first broadcast.
  • 7/3/1960 :The Von Trapp family appeared on “What’s My Line?”.
  • 7/3/1971 :Jim Morrison, vocalist for The Doors, died.
  • 7/3/1974 :Soyuz 14 (USSR) launched.
  • 7/3/1976 :Raid on Entebbe.
  • 7/3/1986 :Rudy Vallee (Hubert Prior Vallee), singer and actor, died.
  • 7/3/1988 :Iran Air Flight 655 shot down by American warship.
  • 7/3/1993 :Don Drysdale, baseball player, died.
  • 7/4 :American Redneck Day.
  • 7/4 :Caribbean Day (Guyana).
  • 7/4 :Constitution Day (Cayman Islands).
  • 7/4 :Family Day (Lesotho).
  • 7/4 :Fil-American Friendship Day (Philippines).
  • 7/4 :Heroes Day (Zambia).
  • 7/4 :Independence Day (USA).
  • 7/4 :Kadooment Day (Barbados).
  • 7/4 :National Country Music Day.
  • 7/4/1054 :Brightest known super-nova started shining for 23 days (Crab
  • :Nebula).
  • 7/4/1761 :Samuel Richardson, English novelist (“Pamela”), died.
  • 7/4/1776 :US Declaration of Independence signed (by John Hancock and
  • :Charles Thomson).
  • 7/4/1776 :Great Seal of the US adopted.
  • 7/4/1778 :Wyoming Valley (Pennsylvania) massacre ended.
  • 7/4/1789 :First tariff bill enacted by US Congress.
  • 7/4/1817 :Erie Canal, first US man-made major waterway, started.
  • 7/4/1826 :John Adams, second US president, died.
  • 7/4/1826 :Thomas Jefferson, third US president, died.
  • 7/4/1828 :Construction began on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad.
  • 7/4/1831 :”America” (the song) first introduced (S.F. Smith).
  • 7/4/1831 :James Monroe, fifth US president, died.
  • 7/4/1842 :First underwater torpedo tested (Samuel Colt).
  • 7/4/1845 :Thoreau began his two year stay at Walden Pond.
  • 7/4/1848 :Cornerstone laid for the Washington Monument.
  • 7/4/1848 :Francois Rene de Chateaubriand, French novelist and politician,
  • :died.
  • 7/4/1855 :”Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman went on sale.
  • 7/4/1862 :Dodgson first told of Alice falling down the rabbit hole.
  • 7/4/1863 :Battle of Vicksburg.
  • 7/4/1884 :Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris.
  • 7/4/1891 :Hannibal Hamlin, 15th US vice president, died.
  • 7/4/1895 :”America the Beautiful” first printed.
  • 7/4/1910 :Melville Weston Fuller, eighth US chief justice, died.
  • 7/4/1917 :First US government training field for aviators opened (Rantoul,
  • :Illinois).
  • 7/4/1934 :Delta Airlines conducted its first airmail flight.
  • 7/4/1934 :Marie Sklodowska Curie, Polish chemist and physicist, died.
  • 7/4/1939 :Lou Gehrig Day (Yankee Stadium).
  • 7/4/1952 :N. Stewart made a record 124 parachute jumps in one day.
  • 7/4/1966 :First day of shooting of “You Only Live Twice.”
  • 7/4/1976 :Israeli commandos freed 103 hostages at Entebbe airport.
  • 7/4/1976 :Viking landed on Mars.
  • 7/4/1985 :Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Unification Church leader, released from
  • :prison after serving 13 months for tax evasion.
  • 7/5 :Day of Peace and Unity (Rwanda).
  • 7/5 :Independence Day (Algeria and Venezuela).
  • 7/5 :National Day (Cape Verde).
  • 7/5 :Special Recreation Day.
  • 7/5 :Tynwald Day (England).
  • 7/5/1653 :England’s Connecticut colony seized the Dutch Fort Good Hope at
  • :Hartford.
  • 7/5/1811 :The Republic of Venezuela officially born.
  • 7/5/1826 :Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore, died.
  • 7/5/1929 :Public address system first used during a major league baseball
  • :park (Giants).
  • 7/5/1935 :National Labor Relations Act signed.
  • 7/5/1945 :Philippines liberated (WWII).
  • 7/5/1946 :First bikini modelled.
  • 7/5/1951 :Invention of the junction transistor announced (Murray Hill, New
  • :Jersey).
  • 7/5/1966 :Apollo 2 (US), first unmanned Apollo orbital test, launched.
  • 7/5/1975 :First black to win the men’s singles tennis title at Wimbledon
  • :(Arthur Ashe).
  • 7/5/1982 :Penn Square Bank of Oklahoma declared insolvent.
  • 7/5/1983 :Harry James died.
  • 7/5/1989 :Oliver North sentenced for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal.
  • 7/5/1991 :Howard Nemerov, third poet laureate of US, died.
  • 7/6 :Independence Day (Comoros).
  • 7/6 :Independence Day (Malawi).
  • 7/6 :Remembrance Day (Ettelbruck, Luxembourg).
  • 7/6/1415 :John Hus, Bohemian religious leader, burned at the stake.
  • 7/6/1535 :Sir Thomas More, English statesman and writer, beheaded.
  • 7/6/1687 :”Principia,” by Isaac Newton, published.
  • 7/6/1699 :Captain William Kidd, New York businessman turned pirate, siezed
  • :in Boston.
  • 7/6/1776 :US Declaration of Independence announced on front page of the
  • :”Pennsylvania Evening Gazette.”
  • 7/6/1785 :US monetary system ($10, $1, $.10, $.01 coins) proposed
  • :(Jefferson).
  • 7/6/1835 :John Marshall, US Supreme Court Justice, died.
  • 7/6/1854 :The Republican Party was formally established.
  • 7/6/1885 :First successful antirabies innoculation (Louis Pasteur).
  • 7/6/1917 :Lawrence of Arabia captured Aqaba.
  • 7/6/1919 :First airship crossing of the Atlantic ocean completed.
  • 7/6/1923 :USSR was formed.
  • 7/6/1928 :First all-talking movie premiere (“The Light of New York”, New
  • :York).
  • 7/6/1933 :First All-Star baseball game.
  • 7/6/1944 :Ringling Brothers Circus tent fire in Hartford, Connecticut (168
  • :killed).
  • 7/6/1954 :Elvis Presley made his first record.
  • 7/6/1961 :First black US State’s Attorney (Cecil Francis Poole).
  • 7/6/1962 :William Faulkner, American novelist, died.
  • 7/6/1964 :Malawi gained independence from Britain.
  • 7/6/1965 :Jefferson Airplane formed.
  • 7/6/1966 :Malawi became a republic.
  • 7/6/1971 :Louis Armstrong, jazz musician, died.
  • 7/6/1975 :Republic of Comoros declared its independence.
  • 7/6/1976 :Soyuz 21 (USSR) launched.
  • 7/6/1986 :Jagjivan Ram, Indian political leader, died.
  • 7/6/1993 :Olive Ann Beech, co-founder of Beech Aircraft Corporation, died.
  • 7/7 :Anniversary of the P.U.N. (Equatorial Guinea).
  • 7/7 :Bonza Bottler Day.
  • 7/7 :Fiesta de San Fermin (Spain).
  • 7/7 :National Day (Malawi).
  • 7/7 :National Holiday (Solomon Islands).
  • 7/7 :Saba Saba Day (Tanzania).
  • 7/7 :Tanabata, Weaver’s Festival (Japan).
  • 7/7 :Video Games Day.
  • 7/7/1607 :”God Save the King” first sung.
  • 7/7/1754 :King’s College (New York) opened.
  • 7/7/1816 :Richard Brinsley Sheridan, dramatist, died.
  • 7/7/1846 :Annexation of California by the US proclaimed (US Navy Commodore
  • :J.D. Sloat).
  • 7/7/1865 :Four persons convicted of complicity with John Wilkes Booth
  • :hanged.
  • 7/7/1881 :”Pinocchio” first appeared in print (“The Children’s Journal” –
  • :Rome).
  • 7/7/1891 :Travelers cheque first patented.
  • 7/7/1898 :Annexation of Hawaii by the US authorized.
  • 7/7/1906 :Industrial Workers of the World (“Wobblies”) form alternative to
  • :AFL.
  • 7/7/1930 :Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, died.
  • 7/7/1936 :Smallest baseball All-Star crowd (25,556 – Braves Field, Boston).
  • 7/7/1937 :China and Japan went to war.
  • 7/7/1941 :US occupied Iceland.
  • 7/7/1946 :First US Roman Catholic saint canonized (Saint Francis Xavier
  • :Cabrini).
  • 7/7/1946 :Jimmy Carter married (Eleanor) Rosalynn Smith.
  • 7/7/1949 :First radio broadcast of “Dragnet.”
  • 7/7/1972 :First women FBI agents sworn in.
  • 7/7/1979 :Mike Schmidt hit three home runs (vs. San Francisco).
  • 7/7/1981 :First woman nominated to the US Supreme Court (Sandra Day
  • :O’Connor).
  • 7/7/1986 :US Army imposed strict no-smoking rules.
  • 7/8 :Festa dos Tabuleiros (Portugal).
  • 7/8/1307 :Edward II became the English Sovereign.
  • 7/8/1497 :Vasco da Gama sailed from Lisbon on voyage that led to discovery
  • :of searoute to India around the southern tip of Africa.
  • 7/8/1654 :First Jew to settle in North America (Jacob Barsimson) arrived
  • :(New York).
  • 7/8/1663 :Rhode Island granted a charter by King Charles II.
  • 7/8/1775 :John Dickinson sent his “Olive Branch Petition” to King George
  • :III.
  • 7/8/1776 :First public reading of the US Declaration of Independence
  • :(Colonel John Nixon).
  • 7/8/1822 :Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet, drowned.
  • 7/8/1835 :The Liberty Bell cracked.
  • 7/8/1850 :James Jesse Strang crowned king of Mormons (an offshoot of the
  • :Church of Latter-day Saints).
  • 7/8/1853 :Comadore Matthew Perry led a naval fleet into Yedo Bay, Japan.
  • 7/8/1855 :Sir William Edward Parry, British arctic explorer, died.
  • 7/8/1877 :Bell Telephone Company formed.
  • 7/8/1889 :Last bare-knuckled championship boxing match in US (John L.
  • :Sullivan beat Jake Kilrain after 75 rounds).
  • 7/8/1896 :Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech.
  • 7/8/1907 :First “Ziegfeld Follies” opened.
  • 7/8/1911 :Solo transcontinental horseback ride completed (Nan J. Aspinwall).
  • 7/8/1918 :Ernest Hemingway, Red Cross volunteer, wounded in Italy.
  • 7/8/1950 :General Douglas MacArthur designated commander of UN forces in
  • :Korea.
  • 7/8/1957 :CDC incorporated.
  • 7/8/1957 :Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge, wife of Calvin Coolidge, died.
  • 7/8/1959 :First American fatalities of the Vietnam War (Major Dale R. Buis
  • :and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand).
  • 7/8/1965 :The flashcube introduced (New York).
  • 7/8/1969 :Withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam began.
  • 7/8/1979 :Robert Burns Woodward, Harvard University science professor, died.
  • 7/8/1981 :American premiere of Mozart’s “Lost” Symphony in F.
  • 7/8/1994 :Dick Sargent, actor (Bewitched), died.
  • 7/9 :Independence Day (Argentina).
  • 7/9/1540 :King Henry VIII had his six month marriage to his 4th wife
  • :annulled.
  • 7/9/1755 :General Braddock ambushed by French and indians near Fort
  • :Duquesne.
  • 7/9/1776 :The US Declaration of Independence was read to Washington’s
  • :troops.
  • 7/9/1797 :Edmund Burke, British orator, politician, and philosopher, died.
  • 7/9/1808 :Leather splitting machine patented (Samuel Parker – Billerica,
  • :Massachusetts).
  • 7/9/1828 :Gilbert Charles Stuart, US presidential portrait painter, died.
  • 7/9/1847 :Ten hour working day set by law, (New Hampshire).
  • 7/9/1850 :Zachary Taylor, 12th US president, died.
  • 7/9/1856 :James Jesse Strang, America’s only crowned king (Mormons, an
  • :offshoot of the Church of Latter-day Saints), died.
  • 7/9/1868 :Fourteenth Amendment to US Constitution (equal protection under
  • :law) ratified.
  • 7/9/1878 :Corncob pipe patented (Henry Tibbe).
  • 7/9/1893 :First successful surgical closure of a heart wound (Chicago by
  • :Dr. Daniel Hale Williams).
  • 7/9/1900 :Queen Victoria assented to the Commonwealth of Australia Bill.
  • 7/9/1918 :Worst train wreck in US history (101 killed, Nashville).
  • 7/9/1942 :Anne Frank went into hiding with her family.
  • 7/9/1943 :American, Canadian, and British forces invaded Sicily.
  • 7/9/1960 :Nikita Khrushchev threatened the US with rockets if an attempt
  • :was made to oust Castro from Cuba.
  • 7/9/1974 :Earl Warren, chief justice of US Supreme Court, died.
  • 7/9/1976 :Tom Yawkey, Red Sox owner, died.
  • 7/9/1979 :Voyager 2 (US) made closest approach to Jupiter.
  • 7/9/1982 :A Pan Am 727 crashed (154 killed, Kenner, Louisiana).
  • 7/9/1986 :Admiral Hyman George Rickover, “father of the nuclear navy,” died.
  • 7/9/1992 :Eric Sevareid, newsman, died.
  • 7/10 :Dia Del Bibliotecario (Chile).
  • 7/10 :Independence Day (Bahamas).
  • 7/10/1629:First non-Separatist Congregational Church in America founded
  • :(Salem, Massachusetts).
  • 7/10/1660:Ann Bradstreet’s (New England’s first published poet) home burned
  • :(Andover, Massachusetts).
  • 7/10/1775:Blacks excluded from serving in the Continental Army.
  • 7/10/1850:Millard Fillmore became president following Taylor’s death.
  • 7/10/1851:Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, French inventor of the Dagerrotype
  • :photographic process, died.
  • 7/10/1873:Clement Clarke Moore, US author (“A visit from St. Nicholas”),
  • :died.
  • 7/10/1873:Paul Verlaine, French poet, shot Arthur Rimbaud, French poet,
  • :wounding him slightly.
  • 7/10/1885:First race run at Suffolk Downs.
  • 7/10/1889:Julia Gardiner Tyler, second wife of John Gardiner, died.
  • 7/10/1890:Wyoming became the 44th US state.
  • 7/10/1925:Scopes Monkey Trial began.
  • 7/10/1938:Howard Hughes (and a crew of four) flew around the world (91
  • :hours).
  • 7/10/1941:Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton, jazz musician, died.
  • 7/10/1949:First practical rectangular TV tube announced (Toledo).
  • 7/10/1962:Telstar (US), first private telecommunications satellite,
  • :launched (4:30 am).
  • 7/10/1969:Chilean Association of Librarians created.
  • 7/10/1973:Bahamas gained independence from Britain.
  • 7/10/1977:Alice Paul, women’s rights leader, died.
  • 7/10/1981:BSD Unix 4.1 released.
  • 7/10/1981:US Navy outlawed beards on officers. (1984?)
  • 7/10/1982:First public quadruple somersault on trapeze (Miguel Vasquez).
  • 7/10/1985:Coca Cola Co. announced the reintroduction of “old” coke in
  • :”Classic Coke”.
  • 7/10/1985:Rainbow Warrior sunk.
  • 7/10/1989:Mel Blanc died.
  • 7/10/1991:Boris Yeltsin inaugurated as Russian president.
  • 7/11 :Anthony Wayne Day (Michigan).
  • 7/11 :National Cheer Up the Lonely Day.
  • 7/11 :National Holiday (Mongolian People’s Republic).
  • 7/11/1613:First Romanov Czar crowned.
  • 7/11/1781:Thomas Hutchins designated Geographer of the US.
  • 7/11/1789:US Marine Corps became a separate unit. (1798?)
  • 7/11/1804:Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton had a pistol duel (Weehawken,
  • :New Jersey)
  • 7/11/1806:James Smith, signer of the US Declaration of Independence, died.
  • 7/11/1864:Jubal Early’s raid on Washington, DC.
  • 7/11/1897:Salomon Auguste Andree and two companions left Sweden in a
  • :balloon bound for the North Pole.
  • 7/11/1916:Battle of Verdun ended. (11/26?)
  • 7/11/1916:Federal Aid Road Act signed (Woodrow Wilson).
  • 7/11/1921:Mongolian Communist government established.
  • 7/11/1934:First chief executive travelled through the Panama Canal (FDR).
  • 7/11/1937:Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet, married Caitlin McNamara.
  • 7/11/1937:George Gershwin, composer (“Porgy and Bess”), died.
  • 7/11/1941:William “Wild Bill” Donovan appointed to form OSS.
  • 7/11/1955:US Air Force Academy dedicated.
  • 7/11/1977:Medal of Freedom awarded (posthumously) to Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 7/11/1979:Skylab (US) destroyed on reentry.
  • 7/11/1985:Nolan Ryan became the first pitcher to strike out 4000 (Danny
  • :Heep).
  • 7/11/1987:5,000,000,000th person born (Matej Gaspar, 1:35 am EST).
  • 7/11/1989:Sir Laurence Olivier, actor, died.
  • 7/12 :Battle of Boyne Celebrated (Northern Ireland).
  • 7/12 :Different Colored Eyes Day.
  • 7/12 :Independence Day (Kiribati).
  • 7/12 :National Day (Sao Tome and Principe).
  • 7/12/1536:Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch author and scholar, died.
  • 7/12/1609:Hudson first saw North American continent.
  • 7/12/1804:Alexander Hamilton, American Statesman, died.
  • 7/12/1808:First newspaper west of Mississippi (St. Louis’ “Missouri
  • :Gazette”) began publication.
  • 7/12/1812:US forces invaded Canada.
  • 7/12/1817:”Era of good feeling” first used to describe Monroe’s presidency
  • :(Boston’s “Columbian Sentinel”).
  • 7/12/1849:Dolly (Dorothea) Dandridge Payne Todd Madison, wife of James
  • :Madison, died.
  • 7/12/1862:US Medal of Honor authorized.
  • 7/12/1909:16th Amendment to the US Constitution approved (power to tax
  • :incomes).
  • 7/12/1933:Minimum wage set at $.40 per hour.
  • 7/12/1949:First blacks competed in baseball All-Star game (Robinson,
  • :Campanella, Newcombe, and Doby).
  • 7/12/1979:Chicago White Sox forfeit due to “disco demolition” fiasco
  • :(staged by DJ, Steve Dahl).
  • 7/12/1979:Republic of Kiribati gained independence.
  • 7/12/1984:Mondale announced he’d chosen Geraldine Ferraro as his
  • :presidential running mate.
  • 7/12/1988:Phobos 2 (USSR) launched.
  • 7/13 :Buddhist Lent (Thailand).
  • 7/13 :La Retraite Aux Flambeaux (France).
  • 7/13/1658:Casco Bay taken by Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • 7/13/1785:Stephen Hopkins, signer of US Declaration of Independence, died.
  • 7/13/1787:Northwest Ordinance (government of territory north of Ohio river)
  • :became law.
  • 7/13/1798:Wordsworth wrote “Tintern Abbey.”
  • 7/13/1832:Source of Mississippi River discovered (Henry R. Schoolcraft).
  • 7/13/1859:Benito Juarez, Mexican revolutionary, ordered Catholic Church
  • :property confiscated.
  • 7/13/1862:Battle of Murfreesboro (Tennessee).
  • 7/13/1863:First US military draft.
  • 7/13/1865:First man conquered the Matterhorn (Edward Whymper).
  • 7/13/1865:Horace Greeley wrote “Go West, young man, and grow …”.
  • 7/13/1897:Salomon Auguste Andree sent his last message by carrier pigeon
  • :from his balloon bound for the North Pole.
  • 7/13/1898:Gugliemo Marconi awarded a patent for the radio.
  • 7/13/1908:Women first competed in Olympic games.
  • 7/13/1939:Frank Sinatra recorded his first songs.
  • 7/13/1958:Claire Straith, innovator in cosmetic surgery, died.
  • 7/13/1977:25 hour blackout in New York.
  • 7/13/1982:First baseball All-Star game played outside the US (Montreal).
  • 7/13/1985:”Live Aid” Concerts performed (Philadelphia and London).
  • 7/13/1989:Thomas L. Root was rescued with a mysterious gunshot wound after
  • :ditching his plane near the Bahamas.
  • 7/14 :Bastille Day (France).
  • 7/14 :National Holiday (Monaco).
  • 7/14/1771:Mission San Antonio de Padua founded.
  • 7/14/1779:George Ross, lawyer and signer of US Declaration of Independence,
  • :died.
  • 7/14/1789:French peasants stormed the Bastille prison in Paris.
  • 7/14/1791:Birmingham (England) Riot.
  • 7/14/1864:Gold discovered (Helena, Montana).
  • 7/14/1868:Tape measure patented.
  • 7/14/1881:William H. “Billy the Kid” Bonney Jr, outlaw, killed (Pat
  • :Garrett).
  • 7/14/1885:Moxie (the soft drink) introduced.
  • 7/14/1892:US Civil War veterans wounded in service granted $50 per month
  • :pension.
  • 7/14/1904:Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger, former president of the South
  • :African Republic, died.
  • 7/14/1914:First patent for liquid-fueled rocket design granted (Dr. R.
  • :Goddard).
  • 7/14/1921:Sacco and Vanzetti murder trial ended.
  • 7/14/1933:Nazis suppressed all other political parties.
  • 7/14/1933:Popeye’s first movie.
  • 7/14/1956:First no hitter at Fenway Park (Mel Parnell).
  • 7/14/1965:Adlai Ewing Stevenson, US statesman, died.
  • 7/14/1965:First controlled flyby of Mars (Mariner 4, US).
  • 7/14/1965:First woman climbed the Matterhorn (Vaucher).
  • 7/14/1986:Raymond Loewy, “father of streamlining,” died.
  • 7/14/1988:Plans for the Bibliotheque de France announced.
  • 7/14/1989:”License to Kill” debuted in the US.
  • 7/15 :Respect Canada Day.
  • 7/15/971 :Saint Swithin’s relics translated into Winchester Cathedral.
  • 7/15/1788:General Arthur Saint Clair appointed governor of the Ohio
  • :Territory.
  • 7/15/1870:Last Confederate state readmitted to the Union (Georgia).
  • 7/15/1883:Charles Sherwood Stratton (General Tom Thumb) died.
  • 7/15/1904:Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Russian author, died.
  • 7/15/1912:US team took more medals than any other nation at the Olympic
  • :Games in Stockholm.
  • 7/15/1915:Evidence reveals a network of spies across the US.
  • 7/15/1945:Italy declared war on Japan.
  • 7/15/1948:General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, hero of WWI, died.
  • 7/15/1965:Close-up photographs of Mars displayed (Mariner 4).
  • 7/15/1968:First commercial Soviet flight landed in US (JFK).
  • 7/15/1975:Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (US, USSR) launched.
  • 7/15/1980:Rattlesnake death plot verdict handed down.
  • 9/15/1993:John Kiley, Red Sox organist, died.
  • 7/16 :Bennington Battle Day (Vermont).
  • 7/16 :Manu’s Flag Day (American Samoa).
  • 7/16/1548:La Paz (Bolivia) founded.
  • 7/16/1769:First Franciscan mission in upper California founded (San Diego
  • :de Alcala).
  • 7/16/1790:Congress designated DC as the seat of the US government.
  • 7/16/1882:Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln, died.
  • 7/16/1915:Henry James, American novelist, became a British citizen.
  • 7/16/1918:Russian Czar Nicholas II and family executed by Bolsheviks.
  • 7/16/1935:First automatic parking meters installed (Oklahoma City).
  • 7/16/1945:First atomic bomb exploded (5:30 am, Alamogordo, New Mexico).
  • 7/16/1951:”Catcher in the Rye” first published.
  • 7/16/1953:Hilaire Belloc, English writer, died.
  • 7/16/1957:US Transcontinental speed record set (3:23.08, John Glenn).
  • 7/16/1966:Cream formed.
  • 7/16/1969:Apollo 11 (US), first manned lunar landing mission, launched.
  • 7/16/1970:Pittsburgh Pirates moved into Three River Stadium.
  • 7/16/1973:Nixon’s secret taping system revealed.
  • 7/16/1981:Harry Chapin died.
  • 7/16/1985:Heinrich Boll, German novelist, died.
  • 7/16/1985:Wayne King, orchestra leader (“the Waltz King”), died.
  • 7/16/1988:617 area code split into 617 and 508.
  • 7/16/1989:Herbert von Karajan died.
  • 7/16/1990:Philippine earthquake (1621 killed).
  • 7/17 :Constitution Day (South Korea).
  • 7/17 :Gion Matsuri (Japan).
  • 7/17 :Munoz-Rivera Day (Puerto Rico).
  • 7/17 :National Day (Iraq).
  • 7/17 :Public Holiday (Botswana).
  • 7/17/1656:First structure in what is now Syracuse, New York, built.
  • 7/17/1741:Captain Bering logged landfall at Mount Saint Elias, Alaska.
  • 7/17/1754:First class of students (eight) welcomed to King’s College (later
  • :named Columbia).
  • 7/17/1775:First US military hospital approved.
  • 7/17/1780:Ann Lee, founder of the Shaker sect, arrested for treason.
  • 7/17/1790:Adam Smith, Scottish economist, died.
  • 7/17/1821:US gained possession of Florida from Spain.
  • 7/17/1887:Dorothea Lynde Dix, US social reformer, died.
  • 7/17/1890:Cecil Rhodes elected governor of Cape Colony.
  • 7/17/1903:James Abbott McNeill Whistler, US painter, died.
  • 7/17/1936:Spanish Civil War began.
  • 7/17/1938:Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan left New York bound for California.
  • 7/17/1941:Joe DiMaggio ended his 56 game hitting streak.
  • 7/17/1948:Proclamation of the constitution of the republic Korea.
  • 7/17/1948:States Rights Party (“Dixiecrats”) formed.
  • 7/17/1950:Evangeline Cory Booth, Salvation Army general, died.
  • 7/17/1955:Disneyland opened.
  • 7/17/1955:First town to receive all light and power from atomic energy
  • :(Arco, Idaho).
  • 7/17/1959:Billie Holiday, jazz singer, died.
  • 7/17/1961:Tyrus Raymond “Ty” Cobb, baseball player, died.
  • 7/17/1968:”Yellow Submarine” premiered (London).
  • 7/17/1974:Hanna “Dizzy” Dean, major league pitcher, died.
  • 7/17/1975:Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft docked in space.
  • 7/17/1981:Two suspended walkways collapsed in the Hyatt Regency, Kansas
  • :City (114 killed, 200 injured).
  • 7/17/1984:Soyuz T-12 (USSR) (first woman to walk in space) launched.
  • 7/17/1985:Susanne K. Langer, American philosopher, died.
  • 7/17/1986:Largest bankruptcy in US history (LTV Corp. – $4 billion in debt).
  • 7/17/1989:Stealth bomber test flown.
  • 7/17/1990:Twins turned two triple plays at Red Sox (first time in major
  • :league history).
  • 7/18 :Constitution Day (Uruguay).
  • 7/18/1768:First patriotic American song (“The Liberty Song”) appeared.
  • 7/18/1792:John Paul Jones, founder of US Navy, died.
  • 7/18/1800:John Rutledge, American statesman, died.
  • 7/18/1817:Jane Austen, English novelist, died.
  • 7/18/1858:First smoking car introduced (Pensylvania railroad).
  • 7/18/1868:Emanuel Leutze, painter (“Washington Crossing the Delaware”),
  • :died.
  • 7/18/1882:Tony Mullane pitched with each hand during a baseball game.
  • 7/18/1899:Horatio Alger Jr, American clergyman and author, died.
  • 7/18/1908:Fireworks banned in Cleveland.
  • 7/18/1918:Aisne-Marne offensive began.
  • 7/18/1927:Ty Cobb got his 4000th base hit.
  • 7/18/1938:Douglas Groce “Wrong Way” Corrigan landed in Ireland instead of
  • :Los Angeles.
  • 7/18/1940:VS-300 test ‘copter (Igor Sikorsky) stayed aloft for 15 minutes.
  • 7/18/1966:Bobby Fuller, musician, found dead in his car.
  • 7/18/1977:Vietnam admitted as a member of the UN.
  • 7/18/1980:US Draft registration ruled unconstitutional for excluding women.
  • 7/18/1980:Rohini 1 (India) (first launch from India) launched.
  • 7/18/1983:$2.5 million paid for filly sired by Northern Dancer.
  • 7/18/1984:Worst one-day slaughter by a lone assailant in US history (San
  • :Ysidro, California – 21 killed).
  • 7/18/1985:Second artificial comet made.
  • 7/18/1986:Videotapes of the remains of the Titanic released.
  • 7/18/1988:First day of shooting of “License to Kill.”
  • 7/19 :Martyrs Day (Burma).
  • 7/19 :National Liberation Day (Nicaragua).
  • 7/19/1374:Petrarch, Italian poet, died.
  • 7/19/1485:Kremlin construction began.
  • 7/19/1553:Lady Jane Grey deposed as Queen of England.
  • 7/19/1692:Five Massachusetts women executed for witchcraft.
  • 7/19/1848:First Women’s Rights Convention (Seneca Falls, New York –
  • :bloomers introduced).
  • 7/19/1850:Margaret Fuller (Sarah Margaret Fuller), social reformer, died.
  • 7/19/1863:Second attempt to capture Fort Wagner.
  • 7/19/1870:Franco-Prussian war began.
  • 7/19/1915:Washington Senators stole eight bases in first inning.
  • 7/19/1918:German armies began retreating across the Marne River.
  • 7/19/1944:Tojo Hideki, Japanese prime minister, resigned.
  • 7/19/1969:John Fairfax finished rowing across the Atlantic ocean.
  • 7/19/1969:Mary Jo Kopechne drowned on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts.
  • 7/19/1977:Johnstown, Pennsylvania flooded (68 killed, 2000 homeless).
  • 7/19/1980:Moscow Summer Olympics began (minus dozens of boycotting nations).
  • 7/19/1985:NASA selected Christa McAuliffe to ride the space shuttle.
  • 7/19/1986:Caroline Kennedy married Edwin Schlossberg.
  • 7/19/1989:United DC-10 crash (111 killed).
  • 7/19/1990:Seabrook (New Hampshire) nuclear power plant first ran at full
  • :power.
  • 7/20 :Independence Day (Colombia).
  • 7/20/1715:Riot Act (England) took effect.
  • 7/20/1859:US baseball fans first charged an admission fee ($.50 – Brooklyn
  • :vs. New York).
  • 7/20/1881:Chief Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) surrendered.
  • 7/20/1890:Rochester beat Columbus in baseball (both teams arrested for
  • :violating blue laws).
  • 7/20/1903:Giocchino Vincenzo Pecci, 256th pope, died.
  • 7/20/1937:Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the wireless telegraph, died.
  • 7/20/1945:US Flag raised over Berlin.
  • 7/20/1954:Geneva Accords.
  • 7/20/1969:Apollo 11 (US) landed the first men on the moon (4:17 pm).
  • 7/20/1976:Hank Aaron hit his final career home run (755th).
  • 7/20/1976:Viking 1 (US) landed on Mars.
  • 7/20/1984:Jim Fixx, running guru and author, died.
  • 7/20/1990:William Brennan resigned from the US Supreme Court.
  • 7/21 :Liberation Day (Guam).
  • 7/21 :National Holiday (Belgium).
  • 7/21 :Schoelcher Day (French West Indies).
  • 7/21/1796:Robert Burns, Scottish poet, died.
  • 7/21/1831:Belgium became independent from Netherlands.
  • 7/21/1834:Liberty Bell muffled to toll Lafayette’s death.
  • 7/21/1861:Battle of Bull Run (Manassas, Virginia).
  • 7/21/1873:Jesse James held up the Rock Island express train at Adair, Iowa
  • :and excaped with $3000.
  • 7/21/1898:Guam ceded to US by Spain.
  • 7/21/1899:Robert Green Ingersol, American author, died.
  • 7/21/1925:Scopes Monkey Trial ended.
  • 7/21/1930:Veteran’s Administration founded.
  • 7/21/1944:US returned to Guam.
  • 7/21/1954:Vietnam divided at 17th parallel.
  • 7/21/1959:Judge Frederick van Pelt Bryan ruled that “Lady Chatterly’s
  • :Lover” could legally be sent through the US mail.
  • 7/21/1962:First hammer throw over 231 feet (Harold Connolly).
  • 7/21/1979:National Women’s Hall of Fame (Seneca Falls, New York) dedicated.
  • 7/21/1984:First reported killing of a human by a robot (Jackson, Michigan).
  • 7/22 :King’s Birthday (Swaziland).
  • 7/22 :National Liberation Day (Poland).
  • 7/22 :Rat-Catchers Day.
  • 7/22/1376:Anniversary of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, West Germany (or 1284).
  • 7/22/1587:John White led an expedition to Roanoke, Virgina.
  • 7/22/1715:US postal system established.
  • 7/22/1864:First battle of Atlanta.
  • 7/22/1916:James Whitcomb Riley, poet, died.
  • 7/22/1933:Wiley Post completed first round-the-world solo flight (7 days,
  • :18 hours, 45 minutes).
  • 7/22/1934:John Dillinger, Public Enemy Number One, killed.
  • 7/22/1967:Carl Sandberg, poet, died.
  • 7/22/1972:Venera 8 (USSR) softlanded on Venus.
  • 7/22/1979:First golfer to shoot below his age (Sam Snead).
  • 7/22/1980:Marty Mann, American social reformer and author, died.
  • 7/22/1983:Martial law in Poland lifted.
  • 7/22/1987:Soyuz TM-3 (USSR) launched.
  • 7/23 :National Day (Arab Republic of Egypt).
  • 7/23 :Remembrance Day (Papua, New Guinea).
  • 7/23/1757:Domenico Scarlatti, Italian composer, died.
  • 7/23/1766:Oldest US medical society formed (New Brunswick, New Jersey).
  • 7/23/1793:Roger Sherman, signer of US Declaration of Independence, died.
  • 7/23/1827:First US swimming school opened (Boston).
  • 7/23/1829:Typewriter patented (William Burt, Mount Vernon, Michigan for
  • :”typographer”).
  • 7/23/1846:Henry David Thoreau arrested for refusing to pay poll tax.
  • 7/23/1851:Sioux tribes of the Midwest agreed to give up most of their land
  • :in Iowa and Minnesota.
  • 7/23/1885:Ulysses Simpson Grant (Hiram Ulysses Grant), Civil War General
  • :and 18th US president, died.
  • 7/23/1886:First person to leap from the Brooklyn Bridge (Steve Brodie).
  • 7/23/1904:Ice cream cone introduced (Saint Louis).
  • 7/23/1930:Glenn Hammond Curtiss, US inventor of the hydroplane, died.
  • 7/23/1948:David (Lewelyn) Wark Griffith, film director (“Birth of a
  • :Nation”), died.
  • 7/23/1951:Robert Joseph Flaherty, “father of the documentary film,” died.
  • 7/23/1952:Revolution of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
  • 7/23/1955:Cordell Hull, US statesman, died.
  • 7/23/1965:First coins bearing dates other than date of issue authorized.
  • 7/23/1972:Satellite launched which showed the Amazon river seriously
  • :mischarted.
  • 7/23/1973:Edward V. Rickenbacker, WWI aviator, died.
  • 7/23/1980:Soyuz 37 (USSR) launched.
  • 7/23/1982:Helicopter accident on “The Twilight Zone” set.
  • 7/23/1984:Vanessa Williams, first black Miss America, relinquished her
  • :crown because of nude photos in Penthouse.
  • 7/23/1985:Kay Kyser (James King Kern Kyser), US bandleader, died.
  • 7/23/1989:Birdie May Vogt died (age 112).
  • 7/23/1992:Digital Equipment Corporation announced a $1.8 billion loss.
  • 7/24 :Pioneer Day (Utah).
  • 7/24 :Simon Bolivar’s Day (Ecuador and Venezuela).
  • 7/24/1651:Anthony Johnson, a free black and former indentured servant
  • :granted 250 acres in Northampton Co, Virginia.
  • 7/24/1679:New Hampshire became a royal colony of the British crown.
  • 7/24/1701:Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac arrived at the site of Detroit.
  • 7/24/1847:Brigham Young reached the Great Salt Lake Basin.
  • 7/24/1862:Martin Van Buren, 8th US president, died.
  • 7/24/1866:First state readmitted to the Union (Tennessee).
  • 7/24/1870:First trans US rail service.
  • 7/24 :Giuseppina “Josephine” Moriacchi, dancer (introduced the
  • :can-can), died.
  • 7/24/1915:Eastland sunk while docked at Chicago (became top-heavy with
  • :passengers, 800 died).
  • 7/24/1929:Kellogg-Briand Pact signed (Hoover).
  • 7/24/1946:First underwater atomic bomb test.
  • 7/24/1950:First rocket launched from Cape Canaveral (German V2).
  • 7/24/1956:Andrea Doria collided with S.S. Stockholm and sank. (7/25?)
  • 7/24/1980:Peter (Richard Henry) Sellers, actor, died.
  • 7/24/1983:George Brett called out for pine tar too far up his bat handle
  • :after hitting a homerun.
  • 7/25 :Constitution Day (Puerto Rico).
  • 7/25 :Republic Day (Tunisia).
  • 7/25/1775:First surgeon general of Continental Army (Dr. Benjamin Church).
  • 7/25/1814:Bloodiest battle of the War of 1812 (Lundy’s Lane near Niagara
  • :Falls).
  • 7/25/1834:Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet and essayist, died.
  • 7/25/1866:Grant named first US General of the Army.
  • 7/25/1868:Wyoming Territory created.
  • 7/25/1871:Perforated wrapping paper patented (Seth Wheeler – Albany).
  • 7/25/1909:First flight across the English Channel (Louis Bleriot, 36
  • :minutes).
  • 7/25/1940:US banned export of oil and metal products.
  • 7/25/1943:Mussolini dismissed as premier of Italy.
  • 7/25/1952:Puerto Rico granted commonwealth status.
  • 7/25/1956:Andrea Doria collided with S.S. Stockholm and sank. (7/24?)
  • 7/25/1969:Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young debuted.
  • 7/25/1984:Russian cosmonaut became the first woman to walk in space.
  • 7/25/1985:Rock Hudson acknowledged he had AIDS.
  • 7/26 :Curacao Day (Curacao).
  • 7/26 :Independence Day (Liberia).
  • 7/26 :National Day (Maldives).
  • 7/26 :National Holiday (Cuba).
  • 7/26/1499:Curacao discovered (Alonso de Ojeda).
  • 7/26/1775:US Post Office established.
  • 7/26/1788:New York became the 11th US state.
  • 7/26/1847:Liberia declared a republic.
  • 7/26/1861:Confederate victory at Fort Fillmore (New Mexico).
  • 7/26/1863:John Hunt Morgan, Confederate raider, captured.
  • 7/26/1863:Sam Houston, US soldier and politician, died.
  • 7/26/1887:First Esperanto book published.
  • 7/26/1925:William Jennings Bryan, jurist, died.
  • 7/26/1941:General Douglas MacArthur named commander of US forces in the
  • :Philippines.
  • 7/26/1943:Ezra Loomis Pound, US poet, indicted for treason.
  • 7/26/1947:US National Security Act passed.
  • 7/26/1948:Racial segregation barred in US armed forces.
  • 7/26/1953:”26th of July Movement” (revolution) in Cuba.
  • 7/26/1956:Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal.
  • 7/26/1958:Last debutantes presented to British court.
  • 7/26/1971:Apollo 15 (US) launched.
  • 7/26/1984:First network TV show broadcast in stereo (“The Tonight Show
  • :Starring Johnny Carson”).
  • 7/26/1990:Brent Mydland, Grateful Dead keyboard player, died.
  • 7/27 :Barbosa’s Birthday (Puerto Rico).
  • 7/27 :Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day.
  • 7/27/1661:Parliament confirmed the Navigation Act.
  • 7/27/1789:Department of Foreign Affairs (now US State Department)
  • :established.
  • 7/27/1844:John Dalton, English chemist and physicist, died.
  • 7/27/1861:Command of Federal Division of Union forces given to General
  • :McClellan.
  • 7/27/1866:Atlantic telegraph cable completed.
  • 7/27/1867:Charles Feltman allegedly invented the hot dog.
  • 7/27/1909:Orville Wright set a world record for staying aloft in a plane
  • :(12 minutes 40 seconds).
  • 7/27/1953:Korean war ended.
  • 7/27/1978:Benson Ford, son of Edsel Ford, died.
  • 7/27/1980:Mohammed Riza Pahlevi, the deposed shah of Iran, died.
  • 7/27/1988:Boston’s worst traffic jam in 30 years.
  • 7/27/1993:Reggie Lewis, basketball player, died.
  • 7/28 :National Independence Day (Peru).
  • 7/28/1586:Potatoes introduced to Europe (Sir Thomas Harriot).
  • 7/28/1667:Abraham Cowley, English poet, died.
  • 7/28/1750:Johann Sebastian Bach, composer, died.
  • 7/28/1866:US Congress authorized the metric system as a legal system of
  • :measurement.
  • 7/28/1868:14th Amendment to US Constitution ratified (right to vote and
  • :equal protection).
  • 7/28/1914:World War I began.
  • 7/28/1932:Veterans Bonus Army Eviction.
  • 7/28/1933:First singing telegram delivered (to Rudy Vallee).
  • 7/28/1939:William James Mayo, founder of Mayo clinic (Rochester,
  • :Minnesota), died.
  • 7/28/1943:Coffee rationing in the US ended.
  • 7/28/1945:A US Army B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire
  • :State Building (13 (14?) killed).
  • 7/28/1945:The US Senate ratified the UN charter.
  • 7/28/1964:Ranger 7 (US) launched.
  • 7/28/1973:Skylab 3 (US) launched.
  • 7/28/1976:8.2 earthquake in Tangsham Province, China (1 million killed).
  • 7/28/1988:Frank Zambonie died.
  • 7/28/1991:Dennis Martinez (Montreal) threw a perfect game (vs. Dodgers).
  • 7/29 :Mutomboko Ceremony (Zambia).
  • 7/29 :National Holiday (Peru).
  • 7/29 :National Soda Jerk Reunion (Omaha).
  • 7/29 :Olsok Eve (Norway).
  • 7/29 :Rain Day (Waynesburg, Pennsylvania).
  • 7/29/1030:Saint Olav, Viking king, killed.
  • 7/29/1733:First schoolhouse west of Alleghany mountains completed (Ohio).
  • 7/29/1856:Robert Schumann, German composer, died.
  • 7/29/1858:US citizens allowed to live anywhere in Japan.
  • 7/29/1870:First asphalt pavement laid (Newark, New Jersey).
  • 7/29/1888:Yellow fever broke out in Jacksonville, Florida.
  • 7/29/1890:Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch painter, died.
  • 7/29/1899:First motorcycle race (Manhattan Beach, New York).
  • 7/29/1914:Cape Cod Canal opened to traffic.
  • 7/29/1914:First transcontinental telephone linkup completed (San Francisco
  • :to New York).
  • 7/29/1928:Iron lung electric respirator first used (Bellevue Hospital, New
  • :York).
  • 7/29/1929:Cubs and Reds played a full nine inning baseball game using one
  • :ball.
  • 7/29/1946:Gertrude Stein, poet-novelist (“A rose is a rose …”), died.
  • 7/29/1957:Jack Paar made his debut as host of NBC’s “Tonight” show.
  • 7/29/1958:NASA founded.
  • 7/29/1968:Pope Paul VI upheld the birth control prohibition.
  • 7/29/1974:Second impeachment vote against R. Nixon by the House Judiciary
  • :Committee.
  • 7/29/1981:Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer.
  • 7/29/1988:Largest US bank failure ever (First Republic Bank Corp., Dallas).
  • 7/29/1989:Eight foot high jump (J. Sotomayor).
  • 7/29/1990:Red Sox hit 12 doubles vs. Tigers.
  • 7/29/1991:First catcher to catch two perfect baseball games (Ron Hassey).
  • 7/30 :Independence Day (Vanuatu).
  • 7/30/1619:First legislative assembly in US convened (Jamestown, Virginia).
  • 7/30/1718:William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, died.
  • 7/30/1740:First glass factory offering “common sized” windows opened
  • :(Wistar – Salem, New Jersey).
  • 7/30/1771:Thomas Gray, English poet (“Elegy Written in a Country
  • :Churchyard”), died.
  • 7/30/1864:Confederate General Early burned Chambersberg, Pennsylvania.
  • 7/30/1864:Siege of Petersburg.
  • 7/30/1898:Kellogg invented corn flakes.
  • 7/30/1909:First plane delivered to the US War Department.
  • 7/30/1918:Joyce Kilmer, American poet (“Trees”), killed in combat.
  • 7/30/1928:Chrysler bought the Dodge Brothers, Inc.
  • 7/30/1937:American Federation of Radio Artists (later American Federation
  • :of TV and Radio Artists, under the AFL-CIO) organized.
  • 7/30/1942:”Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service” (WAVES) formed.
  • 7/30/1956:”In God We Trust” officially made US motto.
  • 7/30/1965:Medicare, US government funded insurance for elderly, created.
  • 7/30/1966:England won the World Cup (defeated West Germany 4-2).
  • 7/30/1971:Apollo-15 (US), fourth manned lunar landing, landed on the moon.
  • 7/30/1975:Former Teamster union leader James Hoffa disappeared.
  • 7/30/1980:Vanuatu became an independent republic.
  • 7/30/1983:Lynn Fontanne died.
  • 7/30/1984:Last 90 US Marine combat troops left Lebanon.
  • 7/30/1990:Nolan Ryan won his 300th game (for Texas Rangers, vs. Milwaukee
  • :Brewers).
  • 7/31 :Revolution Day (Congo).
  • 7/31/1498:Trinidad discovered (Christopher Columbus).
  • 7/31/1774:Oxygen discovered.
  • 7/31/1776:First Jew to die in the American revolution (Francis Salvador).
  • 7/31/1790:First US patent (Samuel Hopkins of Vermont for a potash
  • :manufacturing process).
  • 7/31/1792:Cornerstone laid for the US Mint in Philadelphia (David
  • :Rittenhouse).
  • 7/31/1861:Ulysses Grant appointed a general of volunteers in Union Army.
  • 7/31/1874:First black to head a predominantly white university (Patrick
  • :Francis Healy, Georgetown University).
  • 7/31/1875:Andrew Johnson, 17th US president, died.
  • 7/31/1886:Franz Liszt, Hungarian composer, died.
  • 7/31/1948:Truman dedicated New York International Airport at Idlewild Field
  • :(renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport).
  • 7/31/1952:First helicopters crossed the Atlantic.
  • 7/31/1964:Jim Reeves, country music star, died.
  • 7/31/1964:Ranger 7 (US) landed on the moon.
  • 7/31/1980:Chrysler announced it lost $536.1 million from April to June,
  • :1980.
  • 7/31/1981:Baseball strike ended after seven weeks.
  • 7/31/1987:”The Living Daylights” released in the US.
  • 7/31/1993:Muwenda Mutebi II invested as the new kabaka for Baganda in
  • :Uganda.