Beauty Is More Than Just Skin Deep: Cosmetic Acupuncture Takes a Whole Body Approach to Rejuvenation
Move over, Botox and liposuction. At a time when consumers are bombarded with miracle cures that promise to restore a youthful appearance, cosmetic acupuncture is an age-old solution that really works. “The procedures used in cosmetic acupuncture are drawn from Chinese texts that have been in existence for thousands of years,” says Lorraine Harris, L.Ac., North Carolina’s only practitioner trained in the Mei Zen method of cosmetic acupuncture.
“We take a whole-body approach that produces more youthful and toned skin without the use of drugs, surgery, or electrical stimulation. It works remarkably well on the face and abdomen.” A normal course of treatment entails two one-hour sessions per week for five weeks. During treatment, tiny, hair-width needles are inserted into specific points just under the skin’s surface to stimulate elastin and collagen production and improve muscle tone.
With facial acupuncture, fine lines begin to disappear, deep lines get smoother, and broken capillaries improve, as do skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Because acupuncture is based on the idea that optimal health is achieved when the body’s systems are in balance, there are other benefits to treatment as well. For example, women who choose facial acupuncture can expect reduced depression and anxiety, better digestion and sleep cycles, and fewer hot flashes and night sweats.
Those who opt for abdominal acupuncture are likely to benefit from increased fertility and/or sex drive. The technique is gaining popularity, and there is evidence that it works. A study published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture showed that of 300 people who received facial acupuncture, 90 percent saw marked results after their first course of treatment.
From a consumer standpoint, one of the most attractive features of cosmetic acupuncture is its cost, which is a fraction of that of most other forms of cosmetic enhancement. And it is a relatively pain-free procedure that involves no swelling or recovery time. “Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture is an excellent choice for those who want to reclaim their radiance from the inside out,” says Harris. “Bringing the systems of the body back into harmony is the most effective way to rekindle the spirit of our youth.”