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Christmas: Celebration? Worshiping? What the Bible says?

Light of the World

A child was born in the year 1451 in Genoa, Italy. At the time of birth, perhaps no one could have imagined that the boy would become a blessing to the world. His name was Christopher Columbus. A world-renowned sea explorer. As part of his quest he crossed the Azores Islands with his team. There is no land in sight. The sailor who thought it was difficult in the rough blue sea asked what should be done. Columbus’s reply was ‘let’s go ahead’. According to Columbus, the sailor set sail.

After a while he came back and said this. Tonight the sea will swallow us. Just tell me, nothing can be done until all hopes are gone. The only word that came out of Columbus’s mouth was ‘let’s go ahead’. After a few hours in the ship moving forward through the waters of the sea, the cry was heard among the mutinous tendencies of the workers, ‘What shall we do if we do not see land even tomorrow morning?’ The only answer of the brave Columbus was to move forward even then. Columbus was victorious as he marched forward with a determination not to turn back. He found a wonderful land and led the world on the path of progress. No matter how many obstacles are faced, the motto ‘Go ahead’ will definitely lead to success.

Exactly Two Thousand Years Ago.

A similar event happened when the Lord Jesus Christ was born. Jesus Christ was born in a manger in Bethlehem, a village in the country of Israel. Originally from Nazareth, Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem to register their names in the census. A few hundred years ago, a prophet named Micah prophesied about the place where Christ would be born.

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times.”
(Micah 5:2).

Joseph and Mary reached Bethlehem while traveling in a difficult situation to fulfill the prophecy that the true ruler who will rule the people will be born in Bethlehem.

If you read the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke in the holy book, many historical facts will come to light. Caesar Augustus, mentioned in that chapter, appears in the history of Curene. Recently, some parchments found by an archaeologist named Russell revealed the population details of that period. The fact that Jesus Christ was born in a manger proves that God is accessible to all. After his birth, the first people who visited him were ordinary shepherds. If Christ had been born in a harem somewhere, the common people would not have been able to see him. It seems that despite all the troubles, Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem with the idea of ‘go ahead’. Difficulty of travel and isolation could not stop them. Their willingness to fulfill God’s will is a guide for everyone in today’s generation.

The Star of Bethlehem

A strange star appeared in the sky for some people who have been researching the stars since time immemorial. They realized that it was a special star and started chasing it. The prophecy of Jacob’s rising star was made thousands of years ago. In the vast blue sky created by God, there are amazing miracles. At night the beautiful dots are visible in the sky. The human eye can count three thousand stars in the sky. It would be a mistake to think that there are only three thousand stars in the sky. After the invention of the telescope by the Italian scientist Galileo, space exploration broke new ground. If the constellation is called the Milky Way, scientists have estimated that there are approximately ten billion stars in each Milky Way. It is no exaggeration to say that there are billions of such stunning Milky Ways in the universe. All of them show the glory of God Almighty.

Three wise men who were star explorers set out to worship Jesus Christ. They may face a lot of problems when they leave their families and places for a long journey. Here too the slogan ‘Move ahead’ worked very well. They set out to see the boy Jesus. The journey they started by saying that worshiping God is our goal and our destination is commendable. A strange star appeared in the sky and started guiding them. In the holy book that star is named as ‘The Star of Bethlehem’. Many things have been mentioned about that star born in the sky. Arguments such as supernova, Halley’s comet, planetary merger are in circulation. Most importantly, God’s children who believe that ‘God is the Creator, nothing is impossible for Him’ will believe that this is indeed a miracle.

That divine star that shone in the streets of heaven showed the way to the sages. History tells us that one of the sages who followed that star was from India. The man gave the gold as a gift to Jesus Christ. The other two sages offered frankincense and myrrh as gifts. The three gifts they gave describe three important attributes of Jesus Christ. gold is His divinity, frankincense is His adoration, myrrh is analogous to His sufferings for men. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:10,11).

Once a mother was walking in the village at dusk holding her son’s hand. The son was stepping on the dirt road as a cool breeze blew from the surrounding trees. The son noticed that there was a star on many houses in that village and asked his mother why there was a star on every house? What makes it special? he asked. Many people in this village went to war to protect the country and lost their lives. It is a habit of the people of this village to put a star on every house to remember the sacrifice of the heroes who lost their lives in defense of the country.

After going some distance, a bright star was seen even over a church. Mom! He asked why they put a star on the church in the month of December. To that the mother said, “God loved us and brought us to this world as human two thousand years ago. He was born on a mountain with nothing to save all men. When he was born, a divine star shone in the sky. The mother replied that the star was placed as a symbol of God’s divine love, sacrifice, and the fact that he came to this world.

Christ The Reason For Christmas, Worshiping Christ is Christmas

Lord Jesus Christ came to this world to save all mankind by giving his life. We celebrate the occasion of his incarnation as Christmas. The word Christmas means to worship Christ. Christmas is not a festival of rituals. It is an indescribable experience of spiritual growth. Everyone who has Christ in their hearts will be raptured. Many festivals in the world are limited to certain regions, castes, religions and cultures. Christmas is a universally celebrated festival. Christmas is not about one religion or one community. A festival that brings auspiciousness to all human beings. Because the all-pervasive, all-knowing God who created all creation through the word of his mouth is the auspicious hour lent to the world in the form of a body. Christmas is a festival of joy, a festival of answers.

Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is God and Man

Every man in this world can tell his details, characteristics, behavior etc. after his birth. The way a person grows can explain his lifestyle. Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus Christ, many prophets inspired by the Spirit of God prophesied. Jesus Christ is an extract of the prophets. The places where He will be born, to whom He will be born, what His ministry will be like, His death, and His glorious resurrection are prophesied in earlier passages. Seven hundred years before his birth, the prophet Isaiah prophesied,

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

– (Isaiah 9:6).

The Holy God came down to the world as a son and emptied himself in flesh and blood to avoid eternal hell. He will carry the burden of his people as the prophet prophesied, ‘On his shoulders is the burden of the kingdom’. He frees them from hardships. In fulfillment of that prophecy, Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden! I will give you rest’ he invited all mankind. Just as Isaiah prophesied that a star has five points, five great things are said about the Lord Jesus. Every word spoken about the Lord Jesus was fulfilled in His life.

He is an astonisher – An astonisher means one who performs astonishing deeds. Everything that God does is amazing. His creation is amazing. If you look at it, God’s great creation and its maintenance is still a mystery to humans. World famous scientist Stephen Hawking says this. ‘After all these extensive researches, man knows only one percent of the universe’. Human birth is amazing. David explained the peculiarity of human birth in his psalm, ‘When I saw the way I was born, I felt fear and wonder.’

The Glory of Turning Water Into Wine

During the time that Jesus Christ lived in this world in the flesh, he traveled to many places and did indescribable good to the people. He proved himself to be a wonder by performing miracles in front of many. At the beginning of Christ’s ministry, Jesus, his disciples, and his mother Mary were invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. At that time it was a Jewish custom to honorably and politely give wine to all who came to the wedding. After a while the wine they had prepared ran out.

This can understand the situation of the family where the marriage is taking place. As the confusion, anxiety, and shame they were facing was mounting, the wondering Jesus performed a miracle. He called the attendants there and told them to fill the buckets with water to the brim. As they did so, the plain water turned into sweet wine. It was in Cana of Galilee that Jesus performed this symbolic act and revealed his glory. Therefore, John informs in his gospel that his disciples believed in him.

The glory shown by the Lord Jesus at the feast of Cana will never be forgotten in the life of that family. The shame that came upon the people of that house that day was removed by him. He was in that area so the family could be brave. When we invite God into our lives, shame is removed. An unimaginable courage will arise. Lord Jesus turned ordinary water into precious wine. A loving God who gives value to the worthless. Humans care only for things of worldly value. They only make friends with such people. Lord Jesus targets the lowly. If they humble themselves before Him, He will exalt them. He gave taste to tasteless water. Gave a sweet experience.

God Who Illuminates Hearts

Many years ago, an older sister and younger brother were sitting in a park reading the Holy Scriptures. An atheist who was passing by saw them and approached them and said, ‘I don’t understand why you are reading the Bible. The Bible is not a holy book. There is no real God. All this creation came of itself. God was created by man in his fears. This bad book will never do you any good,’ he said sarcastically. After hearing his words, the elder sister got up and said this. “Once upon a time my younger brother used to live as a drunkard and a vagrant. He spends all his time in gambling. He does not count his parents. Love affection has no place in his life. One who behaves cruelly. No one thought that such a person would change. One day he accepted the truth about God by reading the Bible and invited Jesus Christ into his heart.

All the darkness was removed as the God of Light invited him into his heart. Life is blessed. We could observe innovative changes in his life. A man who was once idle is now working hard and bringing home the reward of his hard work. He greets his parents warmly. peace lives with answers. He cares for everyone with love. If this book is as bad as you think, how can it bring about such a good change in a terribly depraved person?’ The atheist bowed his head and went away, bewildered by the real life experiences from within. The change God brings about in the hearts of men is very high. The poet T.S. Eliot wrote.. ‘There is no water in this despondent, empty land, only rock. Our soul wanders in wastelands. Until the fountain of living water Jesus touches that heart!’

It Is The Thought Of God That Leads To Higher Heights.

Thinker: Every country has thinkers. There are people who think that what kind of help should be given to the government in order to provide good governance to the people, how to govern well, what kind of help should be given to the people in case of calamities. It is very important to have people who speak their mind in real life as well. Some people think they know everything without listening to anyone else’s thoughts. Such people first fall into misery and suffer immense loss. Good people’s thoughts are much needed. We all know the saying that if you don’t have a big head, you have to get a bull’s head.

People’s thoughts can do some good in the world. But God’s idea is even better. Healthy. If you walk according to God’s thoughts, you will never stumble or lose. The Lord is speaking, ‘I will tell you a thought and I will lead you in the path you should walk’. A pious thought helps to do pious deeds. Some are ruining their lives by listening to their corrupt thoughts and following their words. God wants to guide us through his word forever. If we follow His thoughts, our lives will be blessed.

Many people rush and make wrong decisions when they have to make some important decisions in life. Immature decisions are made not by the right people. Do you run to everyone when you are in a quandary? The Lord will lead you to a higher position by telling you the right idea.

When the Lord Jesus was born, the wise men came to King Herod. They asked him where he was who was born king of the Jews according to the prophecy. King Herod called the scribes and asked them about the place of Christ’s birth. They showed the accurate prophecy that he would be born in Bethlehem. Then Herod secretly summoned the wise men and, knowing the time of the appearance of the star, had been solved by them. He sent them to Bethlehem to tell me to come and worship him.

Many of Herod’s evil intentions are seen in this. Herod was actually a terrible tyrant. He is hell-bent on killing anyone who stands in the way of his throne. Why does such a person worship Christ? Why does he submit to dominance? But when the wise men followed the king’s word, God’s star again showed the way. After they had found Christ and worshiped Him, they were instructed by God not to go to Herod and returned to their country by another route. If they followed Herod’s words and thoughts, they would have faced many negative situations! God’s thought led them safely to their country. God’s guidance never misses the tune of life. The song in the soul does not stop. When all illusions burst forth and cover the path, the thought of God shines forth and leads to higher peaks.

A God Who Strengthens The Weak

Mighty God: God who is the giver of all blessings gives strength to the weak. This strength is not physical strength. God must be strong enough to conquer sin, to free those who are in sin and to make them holy. Many today are strong enough to look up, but their minds are very weak. Many years ago, Mike Tyson, who was known as the lion, defeated many people in the field of boxing. They were afraid to fight him. He was the undisputed champion in the field of boxing for many years. Mike Tyson, who is so strong, is mentally very weak. A weak person who could not conquer the desires of the flesh and committed many crimes and was punished and lost his earned money and name. God’s desire is for everyone to be strong. A strong God strengthens the weak. Weaknesses are of three types: One is physical weakness.

Diseases, illnesses and infirmities afflicting their bodies are draining their happiness. They spend everything they have on many medicines and doctors. In the Bible text a woman suffers from a disease from the age of twelve. She heard about Jesus and thought that if she touched the hem of his garment, she would be healed. Ailment from all the years is cured. ‘If you come to the Lord in faith, he will heal you.’ The second is mental weakness. Some people appear to be physically strong but their mind is very weak.

They are crushed and crushed by every little problem that comes in their life. They may not be as strong mentally as they appear. Mentally depressed people often think about death. In the Bible book, when the prophet named Elijah was threatened by the ungodly queen Jezebel, he went under a solitary broom tree and prayed to God to take his life with sorrow. God did not hear that prayer but strengthened Elijah and gave him the strength to travel farther. Are you also mentally weak and wish to die? Seek the power of God. May God strengthen you and lead you further.’

The third is spiritual weakness. Those who are weak in spirit often fall into sin. Whatever they think and decide not to do, they are filled with guilt by doing the same sin again and again. Sin never gives man peace of mind. Sin is always attractive, there is pleasure in sinning and agony in sinning. If you do not have the power of God in your soul, you cannot carry out the decision you make. If we come to the Merciful God and tell him that we want to be freed from any weakness, God will surely hear the prayer. The scriptures say that God is a helper in times of trouble. Any weakness can be removed if the Almighty God strengthens. Those who wait for him will gain new strength. The more you look after yourself, the weaker you become. If you persevere for the sake of a mighty God, for His grace, you will be strong in God.’

God the Savior is the Everlasting Father

Can God the Creator be called Father? There is a doubt among many. Do we deserve to be called that? In Christ’s way God is entitled to be called Father. Belief in Him, the begotten One who made all creation, is freely given the right to become children of God. Christ taught his disciples to pray and address them as ‘Our Father who art in heaven’.

God the Savior is the Everlasting Father. He will never leave you. forsake you God’s grace will not leave us even if the mountains are removed and the hills are shaken. Some people live in despair because they have lost their physical father in this world. Even if the earthly fathers do not care for us, the heavenly Father will always care for us. He is God who is with us forever. If any child asks their father for anything, he will surely give it. They try hard to give their children beyond their means and ability. Heavenly Father loves his children so much. He gives more than what is asked or imagined. In the Christian way God wants to have a relationship with people not just as a devotee but as a Father.

A man wrapped in his father’s embrace and enveloped in divine experiences says this. If you see the storm clouds, you will not believe if the solemn voice is muted. He hears all your prayers because He is your Father. Even if sorrows and sufferings are near, but the closest souls are far away, praise Him, He is with us. Even if the path is hard for life or our eyes are dim with fear, our Father is with us, so put your hands in our hands. Even if all the roads are closed and all the beauty is oppressed, he will be with us and we will not rest.’

Throughout the history of the Bible, those who were outcasts and considered untouchables came to the Lord and were welcomed. Some people live without a proper identity in the society, or at least people who recognize them as human beings. Such people experienced the Father’s love and affection with Christ. When they came to the Lord in sorrow, Christ looked at them with great compassion, took pity on them and called them ‘son, daughter’. He does not look down on anyone. Differences are made by men but there is no difference in God. He takes all who come to Him in faith as His children, cherishes them and is responsible for them as a Father. In today’s society untouchability, religious discrimination and discrimination are still seen. Honor killings continue to be disturbing. It should be noted that all human beings are God’s creation if the society is to be built. The divine saying ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’ should touch the hearts of all people.

Mother Teresa showed God’s love for the unfortunate and downtrodden masses when she established a monastery in Calcutta. She spread love as a mother to those who were living in miserable conditions. The reporter who wanted to suffocate Mother Teresa with his questions peered through the window to see what was going on inside. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw the situation inside. A foul-smelling leper vomits into the vessel. Realizing that such a person is like no one else, the person asks Mother.. ‘How can you do such things? Don’t you ever hate them?’ Wiping her hands, Mother Teresa said, ‘I see my God in the wretched. Serving them is like serving my God. All I do is to show God’s love in practice.’

The psalmist wrote in his psalm that the Lord has compassion on his children as a father has compassion on his children. God, the Eternal Father, came to us in the flesh to show His Father’s love by showing His love to those who feel that I am alone, that I am alone, that no one will support me, and that no one cares about me. He inquires about you. God has better thoughts than you have for yourself. He will accept you as you are, change your circumstances and guide you with his eternal love.

The story of a father and son living in a forest area will move many to tears. A son who is accustomed to the vagrants will go astray in every way. Although the father scolded him many times, there was no change in his son. Ranura’s life took a turn for the worse. The son who wanted to enjoy himself drunkenly falls from the tree. His old father goes in search of that son who is suffering from severe injuries and is languishing alone in the forest. He takes his son, who is lying with severe injuries, to a small hospital with great difficulty. Besides, he tells his elder son what the doctor said that if the blood is not transfused, he may not survive. I have a lot of responsibilities with my wife and children. Anna makes a face that it is not because of me to give blood. A father fulfills his love and duty towards his son by giving his blood to save his son’s life. The depressed father dies a few days later.

Christ is the Mediator

No one was richer than him during his lifetime. Many companies, handfuls of money, famous people, workers are around him. There is a street named after him in New York City. The famous billionaire said one day.. ‘I have earned a lot of money. They did not give me real happiness. The man’s name was Rockefeller. Ernest Hemingway, who wrote many unique books on life, dies by suicide. The reason is that there are no peace answers in life. Today many people are earning money, reputation, status and fame.

They are getting recognized in the society. Those who feel that what about them.. that’s life… that’s how they should live… are committing suicide today. They end their lives halfway and go to the worlds of no return. The reason they die that way is because there is no answer of peace in their hearts. No matter how many things a person has in the world, if the heart is heavy, something unknown will haunt the life. In the family, many families are broken up if there is no answer to the husband and wife.

Everyone knows how Hitler, who wanted to keep the world in secret and shed blood, died in the end. Many kings and emperors came in the world. They wanted to make wars, run bloodlines, plunder kingdoms and consolidate their positions. The first intention of the kings of this world was to kill the enemy. The Lord Jesus did not come to this world to fight wars or to drive out blood feuds and establish his kingdom on this earth. If we look at the fact, Christ came to this world to give peace and peace in the hearts of people.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27). The scriptures tell us that God the peacemaker will crush Satan under your feet. The Lord defeated the devil by dying and rising again on the cross of Calvary. God’s people will have victory through Christ because he crushed Satan’s head. Egyptian kings used to carve images of all their enemies on pedestals and place them under their beds. When they woke up, they trampled the forms of their enemies on that footstool and enjoyed victory.

But God, the peacemaker, also crushes our enemies under our feet. An enemy is someone we don’t like, not a neighbor. God’s intention is for you to be victorious over the conflicts, worries, anti-God motivations, etc. that you are facing. The Bible says that the enemy that destroys is death. Death came to man because man sinned against God. Sin separates man from God. It made them too distant to receive the glory of God. Sin is abhorrent to God. Death became man’s enemy when such sin entered man. He died on the cross and rose again and broke the fangs of death to defeat this death and trample it under our feet. Death! Where is your hometown? Death! Where is your victory? He rang the drum of victory. Those who believe in Jesus will overcome the death caused by sin and receive God’s peace and become citizens of God’s kingdom. Being justified freely by faith.

When you pray for everything without worrying about anything, the heart will want God’s answer beyond all knowledge. He hears your prayer from the heart and gives you an answer at the right time. Sweet characters from the pen of Charles Cowman, who felt the peace of Christ in his heart when everyone was far away and the situation was miserable when his husband was on his deathbed.

‘My beloved is a beam of light on the white throne, the head of glory is luxurious, the brightness is blessed, the eternal heaven is there, there is my glory, there is my life… If I live sweetening the worldly life, if I die good, I ask for profit, asking for forgiveness, beautifying the heaven with his throne, beautifying the heaven with his power, love, valor, peace, my strange request should go to my God. .. there is my mind… there are my wealth.” Merry Christmas/New Year to all the Gsnsp readers, wishing the all-merciful God to bless you all with peace, happiness, long life and all wealth.

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