Home Entertainment Blood Beach (1980) Movie Review, Cast & Crew, Film Summary

Blood Beach (1980) Movie Review, Cast & Crew, Film Summary

Beware the huge asparagus lurking under a southern California beach, sucking in unlucky bathers – and one unlucky rapist’s balls. Director Jeffrey Bloom must be admired for his ability to create possibilities for large-breasted ladies to walk out onto the beach in the middle of the night.

The romantic protagonists, Bruce Heffernan and Marianna Hill, give it their all in their parts, as if they were in a lovely and serious romantic comedy about childhood sweethearts reuniting – and the film leaves them to it since they’re completely unimportant to the plot.

Burt Young’s portrayal should be considered for the title of Least Amusing Comic Supporting Character in Film History. Fortunately, John Saxon is nearby. Crap from the 1980s.



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