Amid the chaos of Bharat Bandh, a two-year-old lady succumbed to death once the car carrying her to the hospital was stopped by protestors in Bihar’s Jehanabad on a weekday.
The Congress party and allies have needed a nationwide pack up on a weekday to protest rising fuel costs within the country. As per the recent reports, the state is one among the worst affected states because the protest has resulted in unrest in many a part of the State.
RJD employees, Jan Adhikar Party employees, a square measure making a disturbance and have blocked roads in varied places. as a result of this, on their thanks to the hospital from Bala Bigha village, the car carrying the two-year-old could not move past.
According to letter Media reports, girl’s folks aforementioned that if they were allowed to travel ahead, their female offspring would be alive and treated on time. however SDO Jehanabad Paritosh Kumar aforementioned that the relatives of the unhealthy had left home late and therefore the death isn’t associated with Bandh or traffic congestion.
In Bihar, the bandh that has been known as by the Congress is being supported by the RJD, NCP, Samajwadi Party, Left Front, SP and HAM(S). The bandh is going to be discovered between nine am to three pm throughout that leaders and employees from opposition parties would hit the streets requesting folks to get together and support the bandh, senior state Congress leader and MLC Prem Chandra Mishra aforementioned Sunday.
Madhya Pradesh: Congress workers vandalise a petrol pump in Ujjain during #BharatBandh protests
— ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018