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Benefits Of Sex

Difficulties in bed are the most common reasons couples go for counseling. Unfortunately, many fight over sex without realizing the great things it can do for their relationship. Some people believe that sex is overrated in a relationship, while for others there are many reasons why it is very important. In fact, many of the problems of couples have their origin in the importance they give to sex and in the amount that each one needs. Sex is an important part of a couple’s life, although it is not of equal importance to all people. It may seem obvious, but over time people change, evolve, and begin to value other things.

A good quality sex life, frequent sex and libido are all related to health in the middle-aged and elderly.

These Benefits can only be achieved when you are married.

1. Sex is good for the heart and circulation 

Sexual intercourse improves the cardiovascular system and consequently all body circulation, decreasing the chances of infarction. “Researchers in England found that having sex two or more times a week reduced the fatal heart attack by half in men compared to those who had sex less than once a month. Sex increases blood circulation, beneficial especially for the brain, due to increased heart rate and deep breathing. Our blood pressure also benefits from regular sexual intercourse. Waste products that cause fatigue and even illness are removed as fresh blood supply arrives, to your cells and organs are saturated with fresh oxygen and hormones aiding in an effective and functioning circulating system.

2. Sex reduces stress

Endorphins and other hormones that boost mood are raised during sexual intercourse, helping relieve stress.A study by the University of Paisley in Scotland found that sex with a partner protects against stress. This effect was more pronounced in people who had sex with penetration and non-penetrative sex. This is also due to the endorphins and the oxytocin, which is released during sex. To release them, you do not necessarily need to climax. But at orgasm, the hormone boost is more intense. The hormones are as well as dopamine for our well-being and the best remedy for nervousness and depression.

3. Good for  hormonal balance 

Research has found out that those who lead a happy sex life rarely have cravings for junk food and sweets. This is due to the happiness hormones phenylethylamine and the endorphins. Our sex hormones play an important role in our health: estrogen and testosterone have a significant impact on our psyche and body weight. Men and women with too much estrogen are prone to fat storage, lack of motivation, depression and, above all, low libido. Frequent sex helps to normalize the hormone balance.

4. Burn calories and lose weight

The body can control the stress hormone cortisol during regular sex better. This brings a plus point in terms of weight control: too much cortisol stimulates the appetite for foods high in fat or sugar. Depending on the duration and intensity of sexual intercourse, you can lose between 100 and 300 calories in 35 minutes – the equivalent of 20 minutes of running. In 32 half-hour sessions you may be burning off 3, 570 calories which is a little more than the number of calories in one pound.

5. Increases life expectancy

Having an active sex life may be an easy, pleasurable way to extend your lifespan. A survey done in England, another in the United States showed the same result. It showed that those who had the most orgasms had half the death rate of those who did not ejaculate frequently. {number of orgasms with years of life}. The greater the sexual activity, the more one lives. Due to regular sex activity the was increases immunity and lowered risk of various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, heart attack and even depression.

6. Give more desire to have sex!

Having sex actually boosts desire, believe it or not, the best antidote for a lower libido is to have sex. The more sex you have, the more sex you will want. Again the explanation is hormonal. The sexually active body gives off larger amounts of pheromones, that natural perfume that arouses horny in the partner. There is a boost in vaginal lubrication, blood flow to the vagina, and elasticity of the tissues during sex. All of which makes for better, more pleasurable sex and heightened libido. Therefore, always remember: in addition to quality, in terms of sex, quantity counts as well.

7. Sex decreases cancer risks

Research in the United States has found that men who have had sex more than three thousand times during life are 50% less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who have lower sexual frequency. Another study in France found that women who have active vaginal sex are three times less likely to get breast cancer compared to women with more infrequently sex life. What is known is that men who have more sex have a better functioning of the prostate, frequent ejaculation is said to allow the prostate gland to clear out carcinogens, and materials that may orchestrate the development of carcinogens.

8. Sex is a cure for headache

Have a headache”, having a headache” might be an age-old excuse not to have sex. Researchers in Germany have categorically stated that sex can actually help relieve headaches. Scientists closely followed patients suffering from migraine or headache. Of the 400 respondents surveyed, 132 people reported having had sex while having a headache. The result is more than encouraging: 60% of patients with migraine and 36% of those with headache were relieved. This is because having sex causes a surge in the hormone ­oxytocin, plus other feel-good ­endorphins, which can help ease pain.

9. Sex is a great form of exercise.

 Healthy sex is good for your health. During sexual intercourse, the physiological changes in your body are the same as in a physical workout. A study showed that men burned an average of 4 calories a minute during sex and women burned off 3 calories. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes, you burn about 7,500 calories in a year. That’s the equivalent of running 120 miles! Heavy breathing increases the amount of oxygen in your cells, and testosterone produced during sex keeps your bones and muscles strong. People with less active sexual live tend to exercise less frequently and they have bad dietary habits than those who are sexually active. Regular sex should not replace your time at the gym, but having an active, healthy sex life is a nice way to get some extra physical activity.

10. Rejuvenate.

According to a study those who maintain active sex life releases the hormones estrogen and testosterone, hormones that keep you young and vital looking. That making your hair soft, skin lustrous and eyes bright. This is as a result of the estrogen. Estrogen is known to promote youngness of the skin. It can rejuvenate more than a decade! The results of the survey showed that people who usually have sex four times a week look younger than 12 years. So if you are a wife and you want to look young and fresh forget of anti-aging creams and surgery regular sex will keep you young and healthy.

11. Sex brings the couple together 

Sexual satisfaction is deeply tied to happiness and stability of the couple. Sex and orgasms stimulate the release of a hormone called oxytocin that helps people bond. This “love hormone” helps build feelings of trust and love. Sex is the only thing that sets you and your spouse as more than roommates. And it’s the only thing you share exclusively with him and no one else. So sex is a unique way for you to express love, romance and passion for each other in a way that you could not express with anyone else.

12. It’s fun 

Facebooking, going on Instagram to interact with family and friends is fun. Of course, it can be fun watching one of your favorite shows before going to bed. But making love to your spouse is a lot more fun than that.

13. Helps you to grow as a person 

Sex can have a massive impact on your self-esteem. In a healthy intimate relationship besides generating a sense of happiness and enhancing the quality of life. It can increase self-wealth and self-confidence. Study has shown that men who have sex regularly with their spouse are more confident than those who do not. Regular and satisfying sex life increases levels of the hormone oxytocin in the body, the released hormones during the sexual act, makes, the individual feels desired by the other, there is an intense exchange of energy feeding sensations of empowerment and security. A regular sexual act will make you feel more wanted and connected.

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