Home Entertainment Bal badem (1979) Movie, videos, cast, crew, where to watch

Bal badem (1979) Movie, videos, cast, crew, where to watch

Bal badem (1979) Plot: This film the successor to Zerrin Egeliler? At the least one reviewer thinks so, however i say that either offers this movie too much credit or is simply downright insulting to meyer.

Bal badem (1979)

Directed by: Çetin Inanç.
Released: 1979.
Runtime: 62 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: Turkey.
Language: Turkish.
Movie Info: IMDb.
Actors: Nermin Özses, Turgut Özatay, Tevfik Sen, Yilmaz Kurt, Zerrin Egeliler.

Where to watch: Bal badem (1979) Online Watch Movie



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